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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Is Wasting My Time Worth the Risk?

    I have a complex problem that I have been struggling with for a long time, and even though I feel like I'm close to the solution I can't seem to make any progress. I am involved in a relationship that is quite complicated and when I think about ending it I become filled with a mixture of sadness and guilt. It's hard for me to explain the feelings at this point because I don't fully understand the dynamics between us.

    The person I am involved with seems to lack an emotional connection with me, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain intimacy or meaningful conversations. I have started to feel really down and hurt, and frustrated that I am unable to be as close to them as I want to be. This has also made me start to feel that I am wasting my time, and due to this I have decided to try and become emotionally detached from them so that I can move on with my life without feeling so guilty.

    I just don't know if taking this risk is the right decision though. Will removing myself from this person really help me or will it just make things worse? I have tried talking to them about my feelings but there always seems to be a lack of response and so I am in a place of uncertainty, not sure which course of action I should take.

    It's a tough situation as I don't want to get into something new until I have completely broken away from the angst of this situation. But it's also hard to try and figure out how to break away without causing any hurt or pain in the process. It's like a Catch-22 where I am caught between trying to move on while simultaneously trying not to cause any harm. As I continue to deal with this, days turn into weeks and I still remain stuck in this rotating cycle.

    Should I take the risk of wasting my time in order to become emotionally detached from someone and move on with my life? How do I make sure that I am not kept in this loop of uncertainty and indecision anymore? If it's best for me to sever these ties, then how can I do this in the most effective and least painful way possible?

    * * *

    There are a few steps you can take when you're balancing a need to end something that has become too toxic and stressful but simultaneously trying to preserve your well-being. The ideal process is slow and gradual, allowing enough time for you to come to terms with the changes you're making and to learn how to cope with the ensuing ripple effects. It is important to be both realistic and mindful of the potential cost and consequences of your decisions.

    Start by reflecting on why you feel like you need to take a step back in the first place. Are you worried that your emotional and/or physical safety are at risk? Are you growing increasingly uncomfortable and unhappy in the relationship? Brainstorm some ways you can look after yourself better, such as by setting boundaries, protecting your energy and honing in on your needs for support and guidance.

    Now you need to consider what kind of space you need in order to make changes. Assess whether it's best for you to physically and/or emotionally distance yourself from the other person so that you can take stock of the situation and provide yourself with more emotional safety, security and emotional closure.

    If it's necessary to take a break from communicating with each other, then plan ahead in terms of setting rules for yourself. Reiterate why this is challenging for you to do and enforce a timeline for yourself that works, based on your own needs and comfort.

    Next, work to get in touch with your own emotions. Lean into the negativity and heartache that you're feeling, instead of resisting it. Even though it feels unpleasant, it's incredibly important to acknowledge, honor and process what feels true to you in the form of writing, journaling or talking with a trusted friend.

    Focus on building up a strong, supportive personal infrastructure. Reach out to family, friends, and counselors for support and resources. Taking time for self-care and self-compassion activities like baths, walks, yoga, and mindfulness practices can greatly improve your well-being. Doing things that are energizing and nourishing will help restore your confidence and provide you with the strength you need to make any necessary changes.

    Making the step towards emotional detachment is a brave move, and requires great courage and willpower. Taking a risk of hurting somebody else while avoiding hurting yourself is a very tall order, but with patience and creativity, you can eventually find a balance. While it might feel like you're stuck in limbo, the peace that awaits you when you finally arrive to your destination will be well worth it.

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