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calling vs. texting


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I've spoken with alot of friends about this and most say that calling on the phone is vital part of getting together, as opposed to texting. Im not sure I see the difference. I guess it's more personal since there are voice patterns and such that can be picked up on but is it REALLY that vital? I mean can stuff work if you only text each other.


Now when I say this I mean in the early stages (when you aren't yet sure) of the whole relationship thing.


I guess the reason I ask is because the girl I am trying to "get with" and I are texting each other right now, haven't really called each other. Of course, I could be saying this too early because during the semesters we would hang out and call each other and summer just started and we don't call, we just text. But it would be nice to know so I know how to approach my communication methods.

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I think text (and you see it here on eNotalone so often) is so easy to miscomprehend. There is no tone in text. To me it is the communication mode of last resort....when there are no other options or the message is black and white...like "Get milk on way home."

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Can't stand texting, it should be no substitute for physical or even vocal (phone) contact. Half the time texts are misunderstood anyway, especially when dealing with an "interest". On the phone you can hear that persons voice, interperut their reactions based on what you say, a laugh, a sigh, or even silence.

Besides, who wants to sit around pressing buttons all day, it's only convenient when at work. But either way, I try to avoid as much as possible.

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I don't think there are set rules about it. Some people really dislike the phone and texting is the best way to get in touch with them. My close friend and my sister are the same. I'll call and call and never get a response. But when I send a text, seconds later I get a response.


But I think with dating you should try to call her. It's more direct and there's no mistaking what your intentions are.

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I would not go on a date with a man who did not call me on the phone, have a conversation with me (even for a few minutes) and then ask me out on a date. If I know someone well, texting is fine but more in the terms of what Melrich wrote. Otherwise - maybe it's a generational thing - I would find it too casual and I would feel like I was nothing special to the other person. When I was involved with on line dating some of the men wanted to instant message only before speaking by phone. that was an instant "next" . . .

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It is going to depend on how well you know the person and the person themself. I have asked girls out on informal dates, lunch or just getting together by text but it could work for a date as well. It is going to depend on the situation. For the confrontational aspect I would rather talk to her if i was going to ask her out that way I could get the subtle nuiances of how she responds rather than words which are hard to interpret.

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  • 2 months later...

my boyfriend pisses me off because he never calls me, 95% of our phonecalls are initiated by me. We had plans last night and his friend had an accident so he cancelled to go see his mate (which is absolutely fine by me) but what pissed me off is that he cancelled by text!! is it soooo hard to ring someone?


I want a REAL boyfriend not a text relationship so next time i see him im pulling him up on it.

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