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Ugliness is a Sin


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I hate being ugly. It's got me no where in life. I'm 26...never been in a relationship because of it.

I have a seriously sloped forehead...My nose is pararrel to it!!!...

I'm so ugly my parents have wanted me to get plastic surgery.

I didn't realize this, until about 4 years ago, My orthodontist did my crap for FREE because he wanted to publish me. Make a book on how crappy my teeth looked.

I really hate myself. I have nothing to give...honestly, If I believed in some type of after life I would already be dead. I'm scared to kill myself...but I feel like I'm dying every day I live.

If I ONE person in this world that give me a COMPLIMENT and MEAN IT...I will be happy. I want a GIRL to tell me THAT I'M CUTE. ...People pity me...My "friends" tell me that they feel sorry for me.

I HATE MYSELF With A Passion! I slap myself in the face a lot and cry alone. Why does this society have to base everything on looks and personality?!!! I want to live in a world where I can be happy for once...

I'm so screwed up..I need to take drugs. I spend too much on alcohol...It get's me nowhere.

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What you need is confidence dude. You only make yourself as ugly as you are. It's all in your head. Everyone has their own beauty, no one really "ugly" Low self esteem can be ugly to a lot of people though. I'm not model, I'm just your average guy..do I have problems with the way I look, of course I do,but I don't make it affect my living and breathing. There is no perfect person and there is no perfect world. Everyone has good and bad points about themselves. Society has always been based on looks and personality. We, like animals, want to be with someone who is physically attractive, it's just how it is, BUT physical apperance isn't all that counts. Personality and inner beauty is what really counts in the end

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Honey, don't be so down on yourself I believe that there is a person for everyone. You just need a little confidence boost, I know it's easier said than done. I mean talking about confidence I've hardly ever felt pretty. Actually for the longest time I thought I was disgusting just because I wasn't as skinny as other girls. I'm sure you're a great guy, and I'm also sure you look fine. I hope this helped, God Bless.

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i don't know what you look like so i wont give you euphemisms.

however, there are two issues here:


1. what you really like like

2. your psychological issues with yourself


1. there are AMAZING plastic surgeons out there if you are really as awful as you say. unfortunately we have no say in how we look and well, some parents shouldnt have kids. honest to go i believe that.


2. you may have developed issues that warp your image of how you look like and how you feel based upon the unacceptable manner other people have treated you. these issues may be internal and are very painful. therapy will help with unravelling this.


otherwise, i can see that you are on a very very painful path.

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Eny one ever tell you of the "Coin Game"


What's the "Coin Game" you well you need to start with

ask your self this, Why dos that fat ugly old politistion, ugly rich bussness man, ugly leed singer of a rock band, ugly writer, ugly pilot, ugly joker, have such a Grate Looking, wife, missterss, gf.


You know what I mean just look on the TV every night theres some really Ugly old guy who's been cout out with some stunning girl half his age.




A: Coins.


See we all have coins, some big some small and all with difarent values.


Persinality is one coin

Wealth is another coin

Fame is another coin

Power is anoter coin

Looks is another coin

Haelth is another coin


and there are more but thows are the basics.


Now coins = prizes, stuff we need in your case a gf.


The rich ugly old guy on the tv has one coin that's got a very big value, The RICH coin, and his sweet young wife has a coin of high value "LOOKS" So we have our selfs an even mach an a deal. Love comes later but for now in the coin game there a mach.


Compearing each others Coins is the "COIN GAME" but here's the kicker, you can work on uping the values of you coins, the ugly old rich guy was ugly young poor guy once he was just where you are now, as was ugly young music guy, ugly young comic guy, ugly young artist guy.


Do you see where I'm coming from, see I was ugly young art guy, now am a sucsessfull old art guy, and have a grate looking persinality girl.


Of all the coins "looks" is the hardest to change by a grate amout, what your doing is working on one coin only and missing the rest, me I work on films been all over the world and had a grate life and a few gfs the last of which is now my wife.


So you up for playing the coin game, other than looks which coin you going to go for.

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looks are nothing, we all get old and wrinkly and saggy. Do you think paris hilton is naturally pretty, no.. look at her pictures close and you'l see see isnt perfect, why do you think people air bursh everything or pile make up on or change their hair colour, go on diets, wear fashion? Beauty isnt what the media tells us it is, its what makes us unique.


We are so used to having this image of what beauty is tattooed in our heads by media, that we become blind to what really is beautiful. Think about it, everything in nature has its own beauty, its the same with us humans.


I dont believe someone should get plastic surgury, why do you want to be cut, jabed and be put back together by someone who themselves arnt too crash hot.


I think you should focus on your positives, I know you have them, everyone has positives. Once you focus on the positives the negatives will slip away.

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Lucky for you my man, women, mature women, the kind every guy would love to have, for the most part worry a LOT more about personality than looks.


I have a good friend, and not to bag on him, but he's not the best looking guy. His face is always scruffy, he shaves everyday, but has a 5 oclock shadow 5 minutes after he shaves. He's over weight, has pretty bad teeth, dresses like a bum...but guess what, his gf is easily a 9 on a scale of 1-10. Because my buddy, has a GREAT personality. He's extremely funny, witty, caring, and has self confidence. I can't even tell you how many people I know have been like "Wow, how did HE get HER?". And I laugh at them, because they DONT KNOW HIM!


You could be the best looking guy in the world. But if YOU dont believe it, and have a crappy personality, constantly talk down on yourself, you will get NO love from the ladies, I can promise you that.


It's all about how confidence my man. Hold your head high, tell your parents THEY made you, and to screw off.

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Dougie_D I hope you don't hate me for saying this, but a relationship with a woman from a womans point of view is rarely focused on looks. What one woman may think is ugly, another may think 'woaw he's beautiful'. You sound desperately unhappy and understandably so, other people have commented on your loks, but looks don't define you as a person and you shouldn't let other people make it that way, it is your life!!. Any man i have been attracted too has had nothing to do with their looks, it comes down to something else, their spirit!! If a guy say is 'ugly', i would understand that to mean he was selfish, arrogant, rude, egotistical, vain, cruel etc. Society, especially todays society does emphasize the fact that beauty is the be all and end all, but decent loving, caring people know that THAT is complete bull * * * *. I have met, men of all varieties, all varying degrees of looks and everyone of them are equally special in their own unique way, because they are beautiful on the inside and that makes them all beautiful on the outside too, and there will be a woman out there who will think that of you too, you just got to believe that you are special, because everyone is in their own unique way.

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Darl confidence mean everything, seriously... When you sit down and cry and wonder why you have to look so bad girls see a depressed man who is no fun to be around. But when you have a shave put on some nice clothes and walk the streets with your head held high you look completely different and you have the best trait ever, confidence.


Believe in yourself because sometimes you will be the only person who will. So get out there and meet some women who will love you for you, not just your outer appearance

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I don't really know why... but a lot of people think I'm a "smartass," "rude", "jerk.." My physical appearance doesn't help this.

The other night (Tuesday) I went to a bar with some friends...I had never bought a girl a drink before and they convinced me.

So I buy her a drink, but not the other girl she was with. When I went over there to talk to them the other girl mentioned..."why did you not get me a drink?" I said "well, I can't afford it," she replied "then you don't need to buy a girl drinks," and then I said ",Yeah, so are you like HIGH MAINTAINCE?"

That was when it got pretty bad....and then I tried to give the girl a compliment but she took it as an insult. I think girls with vampire teeth are sexy...and all I said was "you have vampire teeth!"

I just say whatever I think....I really believe this is my big,big, problem.

I don't realize that I shouldn't have said it until it has already happened.

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O boy...


You told a girl that she has vampire teeth????


Best thing you can do is to think before you talk, especially when you talk to girls.


You think you're ugly, but you need to stop thinking that way cause that's just waste of time. Be happy with the way you are, and everyone will be happy with you. As soon as you accept your self and stop disrespecting your self, girls will start noticing you, cause once you're happy, you're more approachable


Good luck dum* as* (I just disrespected you, cause U disrespect yourself and I feel free to disrespect you )

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Hello Dougie !

A quick reply.

Most of people think I'm beautifull. But that doesn't meen for me that I "feel" beautifull. Beauty is a feeling to me ... Even if the all world tell you your cute, if you don't feel it, it won't mean nothing for you ...

All that things have to do with selfconfidence ... I know, you will say if you don't "look" cute, you won't be selfonfident, but that's false !!!

And I think your not "ugly" really, I think it !! I've seen / dealed with ugly people ... "outside" AND "outside" in the same time ... you are really FAR from them !!

Take care.

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"Love me for love's sake"


Not every one is meant to be with someone. Paul tells us that it is better to not marry if you are strong enough. However, that is not true for most of us, and I do not know if it is true for you.


The ultimate expression of love is to die for what you love. Try living your life in such a way. I am not saying go be a Superhero and litterally put your life on the line, but live your life in a way were you love everyone you come in contact with with that kind of love. Love like that can not be over looked. I sometimes hesitate to call my self a Christian because I know what comes to mind when one hears this word. I get sick when I see the ritualistic worship in church. Jesus made it real easy for us. He told us the first and second commands, both of which include love: (1) Love God with all your heart soul and mind, (2) love your nieghbors as yourself.


Finally, if I have not scared you off yet, you said you felt like you are dying a little each day. Jesus was asked the same question that you are asking. His response was "to find life you must first lose it."


I am not beginning to suggest that I have gone through what you are going through, but I want to share how life changing this can be. I have an unexplainable joy after losing my life. I presented this at my graduation party:


For me it started the summer before my junior year. I put countless hours into basketball, and work. There were two things that I really wanted that I thought would make me happy—a car, and to be the star of a state championship basketball team. I knew I was chasing the wrong things in life, but I was content to leave God in my back pocket. This began to change when I received a basic brochure from the Air Force Academy. I don’t know why I received the brochure. I had never expressed consideration of the military before (the academy usually looks for great student athletes, I was average). I was just like many people I know, looking for a job were I made as much money as possible for as little work as possible.

I read the brochure, and threw it on my dresser when I was done. I wasn’t into the whole military thing. Sure it would be cool to fly the fastest jets in the world, but I was not about to join the armed forces… I read the brochure every night that weak.

So, I wanted that for my life now, but my grades were not very good. I held no leadership positions. I got a 22 on my ACT. Who would write me a recommendation? Against my better judgment, I replied and asked for more information.

I had a peace about things, however, and I started to work towards that goal. When school started I was told that I began too late. They told me to look into ROTC if I really wanted to join the Air Force. Before the first quarter was over everyone saw that I was serious, and I soon gained their support. I was soon flooded with so many great opportunities, including Buckeye Boys State, that I could not keep up with them. Within two years I have managed to put together a resume, competitive to students who started in Junior High School. I have received a full ride ROTC scholarship, and I am still waiting to hear from the Academy.

I became a whole new person since that summer. I look in the mirror, and can hardly recognize myself. However, I was not the one responsible for the change. Too many “one in a thousand” events happened for me to claim responsibility. God opened so many doors, one at a time, in the perfect way and order. My resume says that I would make a good leader, but I just learned to follow. God did the work in my life.


You can replace my two things with yours, maybe a girlfriend. You can look at this and say that it is not very humble, but you would miss the point. I am braging in Christ. I can not take credit for the way my life has turned out, and have a clean conscience.

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But I not sure if I can believe in the Jesus thing yet. I believe that their is a GOD...something that created us.... chemicals, dude with 5 arms, aliens, dude with badass hair, girl with big breasts....It doesn't matter. I just can't understand it though...

GOD gave us free will! Then why would we be punished if we didn't believe in him? That's like saying our parents would say " Hey, you can hang out with any of this friends you have".... but when we hang out with the "bad friend or the friend that is not like them." we get Punished!!!!!

I hate religion...FREE WILL is what we percieve it.

I really believe when we die we will see or go wherever we forcefully want.

Everyone's GOD will look different to us.

I would really like for someone to make some experiment....This will really figure out if GOD exists.

Take a new born baby and put it in a room with out anybody. Give it food but...very little human contract....Show them how to draw....Crayon....paper. If they draw something of a "higher being" or someone with "angels"..then we can totally believe it.

I hate religious crap...

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