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Ugliness is a Sin


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Wow, that was different... Different is good


But I don't agree with you and don't deny what you're saying...


Any ways, none of what you said above helps you with your situation!


Start respecting your self, like I do. I think I'm the best guy out there, and any person that meets me is one hellava lucky person to even meet me


Am I the Best looking guy out there? NO, far from it.

Am I the Ugliest guy out there? NO, far from it.

Do I have a unique look? YES

Am I the only one out there like me? YES

(You should be happy with your self, cause you're the only one out there like you )


I'm the best, and with the help of a dear friend who is a member here, I realized that I'm capable of alot more than I thought I was, but I needed to meet a confident person like her. I talked to her 'bout my problems, and she guided me in the right direction


Hopefully you're getting my point.


Good luck to you

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It doesn't take much to be pretty, some of us are and some of us aren't.


There are more things to life than being popular with women, forget about them it is all bull crap. Concentrate on who you are and what you want to do with you life.


When the time comes the right woman will come to you if you let her.

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It doesn't take much to be pretty, some of us are and some of us aren't.


There are more things to life than being popular with women, forget about them it is all bull crap. Concentrate on who you are and what you want to do with you life.


When the time comes the right woman will come to you if you let her.


I agree, a lot of people told me this to and it's good advice. Basically confidence is the key.

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I feel ugly most of the time too It comes to confidence in the end i think. Try and pick yourself up and love yourself more. Read you can heal your life by Lousie Haye. Really good book i think, it talks about the mind and thought patterns. Good luck darling xxx

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Hay is thats you in the Pic they your not ugly your life me a funny face put a smale on that face and you will be amased what will happon,

Funny guys get good looking girls. You kiddo have a head start on the funny coin,

I joke a smile and make em laugh and you can get a girl of your dreams.

but it all starts with a happy hart, takes a real man to face the harsh world and joke no matter what.


Happy harts comes not not carring what others think by standing for some thing.


Truth, Strenght and Honor comes from standing when all thows around you fall away,

by standing for whats right, Its whats in a mans hart that makes a man a man, its what he dos! not what he says!

Actions not looks, A good man a strong man of body and soul will shine out in a room of the beautiful and glamures.

There is not Plastic surgery for the hart, not designer outfits to make it look good.

Only what you do can show others just what kind of man you are.


A man protects thows he loves, he stands in the way of any danger, He cares and looks after them.

when they are down he picks them up some times even with a smile and joke and when the

need comes he stands to show others what is right.


In this world I see to meny children in mens bodys, more conserned with how the look than what they are.

I would much more spend my time with a men who, life some would say has made ugly than an Apple of a mind

who at his core is rotten with vanity, greed and selfishness.


Your pride in who you are, it comes from what you do, not how you look and when you walk around others

never for get that, At any moment if put to the test you will stand for whats right.


That is beauti


a beauti not meny have

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