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First Time's A Coming!


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Hey ya'll. For those who frequent the boards, you may remember a post I made a couple of months ago as the 26 Year Old Virgin.


Our relationship is still going strong. We are exclusive, and I am falling hard for her. We have been sexually active, but have not gone the distance yet (we're both virgins). This Saturday, she's spending the night with me for the first time. I want to make love to her, and I think she does, too. I'm ready; I've got condoms, lube if necessary. I've also read a lot of advice on first time sexual intercourse for virgins. So it's all good. Obviously, if the moment isn't right (like she comes down with bronchitis on Friday, or something) I'm not going to get all hung up about it. But for those who like to give advice:


Girls: How would you want me to broach the subject on Saturday night?

Guys: How would you bring it up?

Both: Relate positive or negative experiences you've had in this situation.


I already have an idea of what I want to say to her. Communication is the way to go. In other words, this isn't going to be a "You ready?" "Uh-huh" moment. But I wanted some thoughts. I'm not really worried about it, but reassurance is still welcome


3 Days Till Blast-Off,


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sweep her off her feet, get her some flowers, take her out to a special place walks along docks work really well if you have any of those, activities near water in general have a soothing effect and usually come out romantic even if you didn't do much to make it romantic


surprise her with something she has told you in the past she likes and you remember even though she might have forgotten saying it. use the knowledge of her to create a situation that will be special for both you.


good luck

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Don't say anything to address it. When you're making out, slowly undress her over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. Once you're both naked, she's wet and you're hard, lay on your sides and let yours touch hers while you're making out but don't go in... Let the anticipation build. If she doesn't complain, roll her on her back and climb on top, continue making out for a couple more minutes and then let yourself go in. Talking about it at the time will take away from romance. If she changes her mind she'll let you know and if you do then obviously don't proceed. It'll be great but talking about it could take way from the romance. Good luck

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Don't say anything to address it. When you're making out, slowly undress her over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. Once you're both naked, she's wet and you're hard, lay on your sides and let yours touch hers while you're making out but don't go in... Let the anticipation build. If she doesn't complain, roll her on her back and climb on top, continue making out for a couple more minutes and then let yourself go in. Talking about it at the time will take away from romance. If she changes her mind she'll let you know and if you do then obviously don't proceed. It'll be great but talking about it could take way from the romance. Good luck


For starters, it's hard to just "let myself go in" while trying to put on a condom.


Secondly, this isn't a one-night stand. Her and I talk all the time about what we want to do to each other, before we get in bed and even during our relations. I'm not worried about talking ruining the moment, and in fact our frankness with one another tends to make things more romantic.



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YEAHHH HA!!! Nothing like celebrating sex by having a bottle of champagne with your parents for the occaision. Your parents most be so proud How exactly are you pulling that one off? And why?


We're going out to dinner and playing games with my family. Afterwards, we're going shopping to get food for breakfast and champagne and heading back to my place. It's not like family knows what we're doing afterwards. LOL

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Don't say anything to address it. When you're making out, slowly undress her over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. Once you're both naked, she's wet and you're hard, lay on your sides and let yours touch hers while you're making out but don't go in... Let the anticipation build. If she doesn't complain, roll her on her back and climb on top, continue making out for a couple more minutes and then let yourself go in. Talking about it at the time will take away from romance. If she changes her mind she'll let you know and if you do then obviously don't proceed. It'll be great but talking about it could take way from the romance. Good luck


And THAT, gentlemen, is how it should be done... LMAO.

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For starters, it's hard to just "let myself go in" while trying to put on a condom.


Secondly, her and I talk all the time about what we want to do to each other, before we get in bed and even during our relations. I'm not worried about talking ruining the moment. This isn't a one-night stand.


I understand it's not a one-night stand but that doesn't mean you shouldn't concern yourself with making it as pleasurable as possible for her. It's good to talk about things but you're looking for advice on how to make it as special as possible. I'm telling you ANTICIPATION. If you're talking about it and what you're about to do, you take that away. As a guy, anticipation isn't going to be that important to you, you don't need it to be really arroused. If you want to know how to really please your girl and turn making love into a truly amazing experience both emotionally and physically for her... ANTICIPATION!!! Stop for a few seconds before you climb on top to put the condom on and don't go in right away.


I'm not telling you to do something dirty here so don't get upset. I'm telling you how to completely connect physically with her and not seem like a little boy.

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Sorry if I sounded upset. I agree with you wholeheartedly about the anticipation, bit. Heck, when we have time, foreplay usually lasts about one to two hours. I drive her crazy. She even said once, "You have more self-control than anyone I've met!"


But, here's what seems weird to me. By your suggestion, pulling the condom out would be the first way she found out that I wanted to make love to her. That seems like the least romantic way possible to me to let someone know I'm ready.


I'm not suggesting that I want to tell her four hours before hand, or even before we're hot and heavy. But I can only imagine if she let me know she wanted to make love to me by putting in a diaphragm, rather than telling me.



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Ohhh... Yeah, that changes alot. I was under the impression that she was spending the night because you both wanted to and had talked about it. Still, my way, once you're both naked and you brush against her down there, that will be the first way she finds out and she will be incredibly turned on by it. She'll be a little nervous too but she'll be more turned on than nervous. My best advice is once you are both set on doing it, don't rush into it, still take your time and keep her guessing.

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Ohhh... Yeah, that changes alot. I was under the impression that she was spending the night because you both wanted to and had talked about it. Still, my way, once you're both naked and you brush against her down there, that will be the first way she finds out and she will be incredibly turned on by it. She'll be a little nervous too but she'll be more turned on than nervous. My best advice is once you are both set on doing it, don't rush into it, still take your time and keep her guessing.


Ha ha. I have "brushed against her down there" plenty of times before, but never with the intention of taking it further, so I'm not sure it would be much of a clue for her. lol


I agree about taking our time, though. Heck, it's our first time, and we have to see how our bodies respond, how deep she can take me, how fast, etc. Neither of us are really focused on orgasming, and we both get way more out of everything else we do. She even gave me a book on Kama Sutra so she's definitely into being creative



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It is our first night, and that in addition to some other hints tell me that she's probably hoping I want to make love to her. But there have been times where we've been together and just wanted to cuddle in each other's arms and fall asleep, but we couldn't because of logistical reasons. In other words, it's not a sure thing, but I have enough hints that I do feel comfortable asking her.


I was hoping to take a shower with her, do the candles/ambience thing as you mentioned, and give her a full body massage (with scented oils). I'm still not sure at what point I'll tell her, but I think I will know when it feels like the right time.

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It is our first night, and that in addition to some other hints tell me that she's probably hoping I want to make love to her. But there have been times where we've been together and just wanted to cuddle in each other's arms and fall asleep, but we couldn't because of logistical reasons. In other words, it's not a sure thing, but I have enough hints that I do feel comfortable asking her.


I was hoping to take a shower with her, do the candles/ambience thing as you mentioned, and give her a full body massage (with scented oils). I'm still not sure at what point I'll tell her, but I think I will know when it feels like the right time.


And that's the best advice in the thread. See? You totally didn't need us. Try not to stress about it, and just let things happen.


Good luck, I hope it's really special for both of you!

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