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ways to turn him on??


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lately, my bf (of 5 months) never seems to be in the mood anymore. it sucks!! i always find myself being so flirty and borderline slutty just to get my man in the mood! (and no, he's def. not cheating on me. just trust me on this one). do yall have any pointers or anything for me? i just need to try new things to get him turned on because nothing seems to be working anymore...


thanks!! xoxo

anna elizabeth

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well we have kind of talked about it, but let's face it--he's a guy. most guys suck at sharing their feelings lol. but basically what he said is that he's just always really tired from work and stuff. he does work in construction all day long, but still, i thought guys were never too tired for sex

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put on some sexy lingerie and just throw him on the bed...


or try playing hard to get. put on something sexy... not lingerie... but maybe just a tank top/ short skirt etc. and then avoid any sex... maybe he doesnt go for the slutty/ pushy act... maybe the reverse will work.


IF not find a man who isnt living on mars... sheesh you shouldnt need to work so hard for some booty!

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well we have kind of talked about it, but let's face it--he's a guy.




No doubt, tiredness, stress etc has a huge impact on a guys sex drive. Despite the common perception that guys are just ready and waiting for sex 24 hrs a day, the reality is, guys sex drive can be quite a fickle thing. In that regard I have found women to be far more consistent.


Rabican has some good suggestions. Try some sexy outfits, change your routine, do the massage thing, try different times of the day, try having sex outside or somewhere daring or different from the bedroom.


Sex is like most things. Variety is important.

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omg i know, i always thought guys were horny like 24/7....but now i feel like the horny pervert and he's the shy prude lol jkjk. i'll def try different things like you suggested. i tried the massage thing the other day, but he ended up napping (surprise surprise...i thought it was sexy, he thought it was meant to put him to sleep lol) but i'll try something a little more forward like a sexy outfit or something. thanks for the tips!!

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well we have kind of talked about it, but let's face it--he's a guy. most guys suck at sharing their feelings lol. but basically what he said is that he's just always really tired from work and stuff. he does work in construction all day long, but still, i thought guys were never too tired for sex


My BF is exactly the same. Unfortunately it comes down to the fact that he just doesn't have the energy. My Bf works in construction and is happy with twice to three times a week. Me? I'd have it for breakfast lunch and dinner and still want more. I gues it varies from person to person, sex drives do vary especially when you've been together for w hile.

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Without getting too graphic... give him a massage... while you are topless... and rub your boobs lightly against his back. My girl did that to me a while back... sheesh couldnt get to it fast enough.


There wont be any mistaking that for a 'sleepy' massage after that.

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one point that goes to all women pretty much.


you always seem to forget we are men and most of us are seriously dense ](*,)

we don't get the tiny hints. men take things at face value. a lot of the signals women use can be understood as just physical niceness or a sexual hint, and often times we will miss understand one for the other.


notice how guys generally initiate sex, its very hard to misunderstand what we want


how does he initiate usually? that might give you a good clue to what he expects.

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