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ok, so i have alot and alot of female friends. i make friends and talk to girls really easily. recently one of my good friends told me she thought i liked her when we were still new friends and tried to avoid me early on.


its happened alot, like 5% of girls i talk to get shy, or try to avoid me or about me being a "playboy" or watever. The truth is i'm gay but only my friends know.


So why some females automatically assume the worst in a guy who is genuinely being nice! i'm a nice person, just today i offered to help a lost girl around university, and she declined. later i saw her with her friends and they were looking and me and giggling -_-


i asked my girlfriends this, and most of them told me at some point in our friendship they thought i wanted to bang them, i wasnt sure if they were joiking or not...


so can i get a P.O.V from females who i dont know, about this? why do you do it?


(sorry if i sound angst, but i'm just abit ticked off that i finally found out why i get snobbed for no reason sometimes)

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If it's only 5% of the females you meet that have this issue it really doesn't sound like an issue at all. There are always going to be people you meet who jump to some wrong conclusion or another about us. Having that fairly low like 1 in 20 I'd have to think is something relatively easy to deal with. I'd say those are pretty decent stats.


Happens the other way around too. If girls are nice then there are definitely guys who are going to jump to the wrong conclusions. That's just the way it is.


Heavens, if I thought 95% of the people I met thought I was halfway decent I'd be happy!! The 5% who didn't would never bother me.

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Its a really hard situation, as being gay will give you a lot of what you don't want.


Even while females deny it, gays really get their attention. A gay is usually that guy that takes good care of himself, his appearance and has some femaleish ways that they just love. What makes it worse, is that the gay does not gives that attention back, because he is not interested, but they usually think of it as if you were being a jerk, however, in the meantime, that just peaks their interest.


The interesting part is that a "player" also does the same thing, does not give them that attention back, he is not the guy that is kissing the ground where they walked. A player is the guy that makes them go for him.


So it is perfectly understandable that you are coming as a player to most of them.


Give it time, if they just can't get over the "rejection" (because it was all in their minds) and be your friends, maybe it just wasn't meant for you to be their friend.

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How do you act around them?


If they think you are trying it on with them, it's possible that you are sending out signals, that to you mean nothing but might be interpreted in a different way by a female who assumes you are heterosexual.


And to be fair, why is assuming you are trying to make a move "assuming the worst" of someone. At least they're trying to let you down without having to outright reject you

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95% of the time, when a guy is being nice to us, it's because he wants to get in our pants. These girls aren't trying to be arrogant, they're just reacting to what they've experienced from the last 500 guys who tried to be nice to them.

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It is a form of arrogant, egotism and believing their really special - but a very natural one. I've observed this with so many women, espeically ones who are very attractive, they believe every guy is making a move on them and they are probably right.


I met one really stunning girl who wasn't like and it really took me back. I used to ask myself 'why isn't she stuck up like so many other women with her attractiveness.' it took me a back for a while and i never found out, why. It wasn't just me, she was nice and respectful to everyone. Not an ounce of self-importance which was a very nice personality trait. I see many women who have their heads up in the clouds and its all rather amusing. They believe the whole world centres around them, like they are a gnat flying at the centre of the universe, with everything centring around them.


Actually it must be quite nice ahhah. We have this quite attractive girl in work atm and if we say 'hello' she just ignores us, so we do it all the more. Its just really funny to us. "Hey, how are you doing" and she makes out that we don't even exist - well we do it really sarcastically now. btw were usually friendly to most people, she just takes it the wrong way, because she believes she is so gorgeous and we all fancy her.

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hmm, well i treat them as i do with everyone when i meet new people. I try to find out what they are interested in, and then talk about it and get to know them. I did a small course in socialism so i apply it to making new friends... silly eh, haha.


yea i just, i dont know, i've never noticed how i treat people, i just be myself, make jokes, and talk lots and lots. and it hurts when you get reject or made a fool of.


i tried to put myself in their shoes, but it doesn't work. if a Guy was being nice to me like that, i would be all over them... lol. well maybe not all over them, but just be really interested a guy thinks something of me


; )

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  • 3 weeks later...
95% of the time, when a guy is being nice to us, it's because he wants to get in our pants.


Yikes, hazey! Where are you meeting these people?? Because honestly...I'd have to say I couldn't disagree more with your statement.

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just today i offered to help a lost girl around university, and she declined. later i saw her with her friends and they were looking and me and giggling -_-


That was a very kind gesture on your part, and she's just a silly twit then to have giggled at you with her friends.


I remember once I was walking to my car, and the parking lot was incredibly icy. I kept slipping every two feet. Suddenly, I felt a hand under my elbow and heard, "Here, let me give you a hand." It was a guy, and he led me all the way to my car, lol. And then he left! He had no other motive other than to help a person experiencing difficulties. And that's just one example of many I could give.

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Being attractive... is a nice additive. That is, it defiantly helps how the world will perceive you, how people will treat you and what not. But, it can be a down-fall if you become to self-obsessed with your own magnetism.


I find, that it's a medium when it comes to being attractive. Those who know they are use it. Though, sometimes your own worst enemy is yourself. You get to hyped up, wrapped in the beauty on the surface... you start to loose that inner beauty and become your own celebrity. Believe yourself to be ultimately, VIP... a very important/Irresistible person.


Then you have the ones who are attractive, yet it isn't of importance to them and their personality shines through, not their ego.


Sometimes vision can get obscured. You may be pretty, but you just 'look' that way. You have to learn to balance the latter; let both come through, than you truly glow... and people will love that.


You can still keep that VIP pass, but don't expect everyone to give you special treatment just because you have it. That's not reality, that's just selfish.

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Never assume anything about a person before you get to know them. Don't assume everyones just wants sex but you can't just assume a guy who seems like a good guy is a good guy. Alot (not most) of guys put on this good guy act and it turns out their really not.

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