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I don't want to do this anymore

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I feel like quitting school. I don't like the third graders and I just don't see where school is taking me anymore. Yeah, having a MAT degree would be great. I have one more semester left, but I have been doing this for so long, that it just feels like one thing after another.


Just got done with class today. Same old, same old. Nobody seems to like to want to work in projects with me. People here already have their own cliques and friends that they had when they first started the program. I transferred into the program last Fall and still feel like an outsider.


I also wish I had someone in my life right now, someone who could make me feel secure with myself. I feel alone. I do have a few friends, one of whom is very dear to me, but friends don't always cut it.


I want someone to share time with, to do things with, to be with. I just want to NOT feel so alone. I feel so alone when I go out for walks by the beach, out on the town, etc. Just dowdy old me, puttering around, watching life go by.

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How long is a semester? It doesn't SOUND too long, to be honest. I know it's horrible when people are all in gangs and so on, but that's their loss. They sound pretty young and silly, to be honest.


It's good that you have friends - that's so important, and shows what a lovely person you are. I know it's hard, but this last semester will pass, and pretty soon you will be back out in the working world, and really making a go of it, meeting new people, doing new things, and being so glad that you have your MAT degree. And you have us! Things will get better, honest

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When things suck just remember everything is temporary. It can feel like forever but you'll be happy to have your masters when all is said and done and it's only a few months of feeling like the outsider. There's bound to be at least one other person you can befriend. Look around, who else has that outsider look/feel. Start talking with them. I take it you didn't meet any guys in class that were prospects? Do you have friends who know someone and could set you up? If those areas aren't working try on-line. You'll meet someone there. I never feel ready to meet someone then I want to have someone to do things with so it's a catch 22 for me. Really I could use more friends. Wish on-line had a meet and greet to make friends with similar interests.

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Hey girl,


I think you will regret quitting forever. It's just one semester! Then you will have a degree and thereby a bigger chance to start the career that you want. When things are hard, try to remember why you started them. Why did you start this studies, and why are you fed up so close to the end? How do you think quitting will make you feel?



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Hey Ren!


I know what you mean. I can relate to losing momentum. But DUDE!!!


Think about next year at this time! You'll have a degree and you can say, "MAN! That got hard, but I did it anyway!" AND you'll have the degree! Forever.


It gets hard, no doubts about it. But seriously.....KEEP AT IT!!

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I'll keep at it. I just get frustrated and keep venting on here like a broken record.


I am going to try to study this afternoon instead of working with the third graders. I have a midterm on Wed which I have to study for.


It's a combination of a lot of things. Yeah, by next year I will have a MAT degree, which will be great. I do have a good friend out here which makes life ok, but I wish I had a SO. That's part of what is also bothering me.


At least on Wed after my midterm, I have water aerobics and that is always a workout.

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hey renwoman,


I think it's good to separate the issues. I know it's hard to when you feel down. Then, everything just feels wrong. Try to see it like this: you will get an immense sense of satisfaction from getting your degree. You're a smart woman, so you are worth this degree. It will really be an accomplishment, esp. since you did so in the midst of people who are 10 years your junior at least. It's not easy to blend with people who are in a different phase of life.


About not having a SO, I think that with confidence and independence also comes a certain way you will attract people. Stay open for opportunities, maybe start dating online if you have not met anyone interesting by the time you graduate? That way you can just focus on your studies now (and of course, if someone comes along in the meantime, that's great too ).


Take care,



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