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when is the safest time?

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You'll get some symptoms just a few days before your period, along with the pre menstrual syndrome.


Couple of days after you ovulated? How can you be sure when you ovulated?


Start of by writing down each period on the calendar, and calculate the average time for each period (from first day of the bleeding to the first day of the next bleeding). Ovulation usually happens 14 days before the first day of bleeding.


If your period is more accurate than a swiss watch, then you'll know that you should avoid unprotected sex at least 5 days before or after the ovulation. (+/- 3 days the sperm may live in your uterus, +/- 2 days for the egg to be released).


In the case of the period, the egg release date is not always constant, but the time after the egg was released to the date when the bleeding starts is 14 days, so...


If your period is not as accurate as a switch watch, forget about relying on the calendar, the only time it would be relatively safe for you, would be once you have all the symptoms that precede the bleeding. That is because, your body won't bleed until there is no way the egg could have survived.




Obviously, nothing is 100% safe, so before the birth control advocates jump on my throat, you must understand that sexual intercourse will always involve a pregnancy risk. Even if you are on birth control, and your lover uses a condom, there is a chance for you getting pregnant. It is all about being safe and trying to keep risk at a minimum.


If you are unable to use birthcontrol pills because of a cancer history on your family, you are on a stable relationship and both of you have been tested STD free, and you want to experience sex without the hassle of a condom, then try to be safe, for example, rythm plus pulling out methods. Quite effective, if done right.

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