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Knowing they like other people


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How much should knowing that someone likes other people affect asking out that particular person?


A girl I have very strong feelings for likes a couple of other guys. There's signs she likes me, and signs she wants to stay friends. She didn't mention these guys in front of me, it was always her friends that brought them up. Obviously, this puts me off. Validly so? Not sure. That's why I'm posting here. Haha.

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You should definitely give it a try, especially if you think there are signs that she likes you in addition to the other guys. Yes, it's possible that when you ask her out, she'll tell you that she's sorry, but she likes someone else...But it's also possible that she'll be excited that you're showing interest and will agree to the date. Heck, people not only LIKE more than one person at a time, they also casually DATE more than one person at a time, so as long as one of those guys isn't her boyfriend, it's perfectly okay to ask!

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I agree with the others. It's easy to find more than one person attractive. But if she likes you and you start giving her attention she won't be thinking about these other guys for long!


It's worth a try. Try talking to her more. Try hanging out with her. If she doesn't like you, she won't give you much of a chance. What do you have to lose?


Of course, if you and her start hanging out and she talks about other guys, or flirts with other guys in front of you then that might be a sign that she's a huge flirt and not ready for one guy.

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My boyfriend has a crush on one of his professors. I have a crush on an executive who works in my office. We laugh about it together. It's all good.


If jealousy is going to prevent you from having a healthy relationship with her, however, you might not want to pursue it.

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who cares about the other guys she likes. make her like you. at least try before one of these other guys realizes it and snatches her up.



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