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I can't post too often anymore because I have limited internet access. So I thought I would update you all on how things are going.


Moving into my third trimester now! I have gained a total of 15 lbs. Its low but I still feel like a whale. I am stuggling with body image issues, especially with the new stretch marks on my bum.


My nausea is still present but managed by the medication (diclectin). I still have the odd vomitting morning but only maybe once a week. I hope my other pregnancies don't make me this sick. Blah.


On a positive note, I got my ultrasound last week and everything looks great! The due date stands, there are two arms, two legs, one head, and a healthy spine inside the body (I had fears of spina bifida and other deformities). The babies heart rate is 150 bpm which is supposedly fantastic. We got some cute profile pictures of the baby, I'll post them when I remember to! Me and my hubby decided to wait to find out the sex. My intuition says boy, but he says girl.


If some of you have been following my pregnancy, you know I have been struggling with depression. The medication I am on is definetly helping. I would say my bad days have gone down by 80-90% and I have only been on it for 6 weeks. In fact, the baby seems happier too.


Little dude moves SO MUCH! Its always in the same position though. Head is down towards the left of my tum tum (which is crazy because my cervix has always been kind of left sided) and his feet are stretched right up to the top of my right ribs. Its crazy how high up on my belly I can feel him kicking! He is basically kicking the bottom of my right breast! Which, by the way is massive and SOOOO painful. Sometimes I can't even move because my breasts hurt so much! They're droopier than they used to be already, and my areoli (sp? nipple cookie) are way bigger than before. Oh well, my husband doesn't seem to mind. Sex is better than ever.


Thats about it! I have less than 14 weeks to go and am getting pretty nervous


I was so happy to hear everything was healthy though. We moms get so paranoid don't we?

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Aw! I haven't been following your posts, just seen them about, but just from this I'm excited for you!


My sister has sickness throughout her pregnancy, but has a very healthy little boy now which makes up for it! Hope it's not too horrible for you *hug*


The thing that always makes me the most jealous of expectant mothers is feeling the baby kick. I'm not planning on getting pregnant anytime soon (chance would be a fine thing - cuh) but I do want kids in the future...and I think that next to the actually baby - that's what I'd look forward to most!




Good Luck!



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Oh my goodness,


I love the name Brooke. That is my top 3 choices if I ever have a girl, someday I will have little ones. LOL My boyfriend and I cannot agree at all on girl names. He likes Tiffany. UGH! The only name we can agree on is Julie. But I REALLY love the name Brooke.

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I like Vaughn and Jorja the best.


Don't worry about the stretch marks and weight gain. I've seen pics of you pregnant and you look absolutely fabulous. You have the body every pregnant woman dreams of.


Glad to hear the depression isn't causing you so much misery and the sex is good!

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WOW!! CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you!!!


You are entirely fotunate to have only gained fifteen pounds - You have one of the most amazing tummies I've ever seen preggo so worry not!!! You are beautiful - I'm sure hubby tells you so, too!!!


That heart rate is amazing. I read somewhere that a high HR could correlate to a girl and a low one, a boy ... but as the pregnancy progresses, the HR tends to merge between sexes. Mine is usually 160-170. Not terrible, normal I'm told.


As for the woman's intuition, my ultrasound specialist told me there was a study in which women predicted the sex of their unborn at a 90% success rate. I wish I knew the source because I find that fascinating. I new I was having a girl, I just knew.


How in this world did you know the position of your cervix, through a pelvic exam? That's interesting. Also, it's interesting baby is head down right now... mine is too, but she routinely keeps her feet either above teh belly button or under my right rib cage. She's not as active as she was early, but I feel her much more. I don't get organ kicks that make me stop in my tracks, but I get some that make me feel sorta gross.



Mine too - I don't understand that. I actually like them better a bit smaller, but hey, maybe they'll go back... yes, for me also, the bedroom festivities were better until recently. I just feel too big to enjoy it.

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Aww....I'm SO happy to hear your progress and that everything is going well for you!!


I can't believe how far along you are. It really goes by in the blink of an eye, doesn't it? The third trimester seemed to be my shortest, but unfortunately was the most uncomfortable. I bet you'll be fine though because you seem to have been taking awesome care of yourself.


I was also petrified that something was going to be wrong with my baby. My doctor also scared me about spinal bifida and cleft lips and all of that. The second he came out I was asking a million questions...my mom got to see him while they cleaned the both of us up and I kept shouting out at her "how many fingers? How many toes? Are his ears okay, etc..."


Anyways he's crying...I'll write you more later!

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Vaughn and Jorja are my faves too. No stealies!!!!!


Thanks Dilly you are very flattering Sigh, changing bodies...

My cousins baby (due any day) has a heart rate of about 170 and you're right, thats totally normal. You have a healthy baby too! YAY!


I know where my cervix is because as a curious adolecent I could feel it. I wondered what the heck it was on the left side that wasn't on the right side! My doc told me that its just a little left sided. Plus, I have become very aware of its location with the braxton-higgs (? those fakey contractions) and just the feeling of my body changing and preparing for labour.

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