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Frequent Nasty Incestuous Dreams

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Title says it all, really.


I must first make it clear that NO member of my family has ever abused me, either in a sexual, physical or emotional sense.


For more background - I have never really been close to my father. When I was younger, I barely ever saw him - he'd be in Japan/Europe on weeks-and-weeks-long business trips.


When I was about...well, 9 or so I guess, he must have been promoted as he was around more. Yet he still worked long hours, and still does. He deserves the enviable dosh they pay him (even though I barely see any of it). We get on alright, never argue etc - we just don't talk much/don't do anything together.


I don't really know what he is like. I have a vague idea, but I don't know him well.


Anyhow - for the past year or so, I have regularly had dreams featuring us dating, or us having sex, or making out or whatever. In these dreams, no-one else really features. I always feel uncomfortable in these dreams; but never realise consciously in them that he is my father - it becomes VERY disarming when I awake, however, with the obvious and nasty realisation that I've had graphic dreams about..etc.


As this now tends to happen about once a fortnight and gets quite surreal as well (sex in a supermarket checkout line...etc), any way I can kick the..subconscious imagery?!


Not a nice topic but I really cannot imagine where else I could discuss this.

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In the first place dreams of sex with a parent are not at all unusual and is not at all weird. It does not mean that you really want to have sex with them even subconsciously.


Sex is a way of getting emotionally closer to people - and you are not emotionally close to your father. So your brain is probably acting that out in dreams.


Maybe it's time you started hanging out with him more as father/daughter. You might be pleasantly surprised and find he misses an emotional connection with you. Priorities change as we get older and often move from career ambition to family.

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I agree with DN. I've had similar dreams as those, so I know how creepy it feels when you wake up! ewwww! But I agree, it probably means something else, not that you want to have sex with your dad, or that you are repressing memories. That may be one way to interpret the dream, that you are wanting to connect with your father.


But of course, it is your dream. So what do you think it means to you? Why do you think you are having this dream?

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Yep...he never really related as a father, but was still a part of your life. Your mind did the only thing it could do to relate to him. Your not going to jump his bones or anything, its just your unconscious playing with itself while your asleep. There are dream techniques that can allow you to choose your dream content to a certain extent. Its called lucid dreaming. You can find out about it online or in books.

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