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Lets say there was this girl that you went on a date with 4-5 times. Had a great time. Good connection. Definate chemistry. But then she got busy with work and put you on the back burner. Didn't retutn you last phone call and didn't go out of her way to contact you at all. Friends tell you she is going through a I hate guys phase and is immature when dealing with men.


Then you invite her to your bday party to be nice, not expecting her to come. She never responds.


So you move on, put her out of your mind and have a great time meeting other women.


But then almost two weeks after your bday you get a message from her saying Hi, happy late bday. I am sorry I missed it. I have just been working too hard. Hope you had a great time.


What would you make of this? Why did she even go out of her way now? (1.5 months since I have spoken to her) She didn't care to save face earlier when she pretty much stopped talking to me. Oh you girls sure are confusing.

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Well, I would send her a response that made fun of her and teased her. Something, "Glad to hear the reports I heard about your demise were all wrong. I knew there was no way you had beena ttacked by a flock of killer chipmunks. Well, you missed a good time, so you should be sorry. It was fun, I'm ok just older. Yourself?"

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It's one thing to get suddenly extra busy for a little bit, and temporarily not able to be in contact as often.


It's a completely different thing to not even have the gracious manners to acknowledge a birthday of someone you recently went out with on four or five dates.


Maybe she's playing games, maybe she's not, but either way, she sounds like a....well, I won't go there. I hope you won't bother to answer her email back. She flat out was rude to blow off your birthday like that. I mean, that is harsh.


You know the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me..." well, if you respond to her email, you're being a chump.

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I've had this issue with friends as well as in dating - flakiness, not keeping in touch consistently, not being reliable. At some point you just balance for yourself whether it is worth it to keep in touch at all. I also think with e-mail it is too easy for someone to dash off an e-mail or a group e-mail after weeks or months of no contact and that does not show sufficient effort to keep in touch.

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Thanks friends for your comments. I guess no response is the best response to hold my dignity and respect.


I didn't have interest in her anymore until I got this message. I really don't want to have interest in her after her flakiness and disrespect. I wish I could say what you said Beec but I would feel awkward next time I see her after saying that.



Yes it is complete b.s. that she was too busy for a simple bday wish or any explanation as to why we stopped seeing eachother.


It was games from the start. One of those I am a lot of work, you don't want to date me, yes I do, I chase after her, she warns me that work will be getting extremely busy, I say fine no problem lets go our separate ways, boom then she wants me, we go out, I invite her something formal and nice and she cancels the day before. I never get a make up date and don't hear back from her.


I plan to get some dinner and drinks with her roomate (we are friends) soon so maybe that is what prompted her note. Anyhow, she has made things awkward for herself knowing that I would certainly run into in the future.

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