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i'm considered "pretty" and i am a guy!

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i know i could be called much worse things than "pretty" and while i appreciate the compliment, it somewhat bothers me.


today was the first day of classes and one of my female professors said i was "pretty".


this is not the first time i have been called this. i have been called pretty many times before, even in childhood. i feel it somewhat makes me less "manly".


i don't think i have ever been called "hot" or a "hottie", which would be nice. i've been told that i am "cute" and/or "adorable" and while this is great and i do like getting those compliments, i feel average looking people are often considered cute.


i don't dress in a "feminine" way, i am very casual. mostly jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt. i also don't think i am a "metro-sexual" either.


i honestly feel i am average looking, nothing too special. however being called "pretty" bothers me somewhat.


again, i appreciate the compliment when someone does say i am pretty. it sure beats being called ugly.


but i am wondering if there is a way i can go from pretty to hot or to "handsome".

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When I think of a guy as being "pretty", I think long eyelashes, clear skin and nice hair.... but I usually find that person sexy too. Perhaps it's easier and less risky/offensive for someone to call you pretty vs. sexy.


For example I think Ashton Kutcher is pretty- he has clear skin, slighty ruddy cheeks, long eyelashes and nice eyes. But I think he's sexy too.


Does that help? Or just make it worse?

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"Pretty" may have a lot to do with your facial features, skin, and hair. If you have nice skin/hair & a symmetrical face it can be considered "pretty" but not always in the feminine sense of the word per se.


I think in many ways semantics limits the words we can use to describe beauty in a man.


If I were you, I would take it as a compliment.



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If I were you, I would take it as a compliment.




oh, i did and do. (see my post above)


but again, it makes me feel like i look like a girl.


when i was in my pre-teens, and before my voice changed, i had been mistaken for a girl several times, even though i didn't dress in a feminine way (i was a skateboarder back then!).


i am half-asian so i am not very hairy, i cannot grow a beard if my life depended on it! so maybe that has something to do with it??


hope75, what you said did help, thanks for the example!

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Here's what I think, when I call a boy 'Hottie', 'Hot', 'Sexy' it's because I think he's sexually attractive and I just want to get into his pants & when I call a boy 'pretty' is because I think he's adorable and cute and probably I see him in a more serious way not in a way, which in my opinion it's better to be called pretty than hot.

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Here's what I think, when I call a boy 'Hottie', 'Hot', 'Sexy' it's because I think he's sexually attractive and I just want to get into his pants & when I call a boy 'pretty' is because I think he's adorable and cute and probably I see him in a more serious way not in a way, which in my opinion it's better to be called pretty than hot.


very interesting insight! thanks!!

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Exactly! When i think a guy is pretty it means to me so cute and tender like a guy you can endly LOVE. Although if you find a guy pretty and Hottie...OMG That`s perfect!


Dont worry for being called pretty, Its no bad at all...besides....

If you want to be called hottie...then show up more that side of you!

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thanks everyone, i do appreciate your perspectives and what it means to you if you consider a guy to be "pretty".


i would also like to add that, coming from a male, being called pretty can sometimes be taken the wrong way.


i am sure many of you would agree, if you call a guy a "pretty boy" it's almost an insult to that guy.


i know that's not what my professor meant but you can see where being called "pretty" can be a little confusing and/or insulting.


on the flipside, how would you ladies feel if you were considered "handsome"?

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Hey deej, good to ENA-hear from you. Hope your monkey butt is doing well.


This caught my eye:


when i was in my pre-teens, and before my voice changed, i had been mistaken for a girl several times, even though i didn't dress in a feminine way (i was a skateboarder back then!)


FLASHBACK! I was boarding down Bellflower Boulevard back in the day, thinking that all the girlies driving by were checking out my awesome 18-inch golden surfer hair and glam rock quarter-length jean jacket with only the bottom snap closed, when a car slowed down next to me and some Neanderturd yelled out, "Hey! Are you a chick, or what?"







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I think it's a compliment!!! I see what you mean, but men I have called 'pretty' in the past:


Brad Pitt

Johnny Depp

Orlando Bloom

David Beckham


All drop dead gorgeous men! I think it means that they have clear skin, long eyelashes, big eyes, and are easy on the eye! Less rugged than say, Clint Eastwood or Daniel Craig, but no less fanciable.

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