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responses to cliche' break-up reasons.

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i apologize if this has been covered before, but i wanted to know what are some of the best responses to break up cliche's. i don't have any answers myself, and that's why i am posting this.


what are the best ways to respond to these break up lines:


1. it's not you, it's me

2. i don't want to be with anyone right now

3. i love you but i am not in love with you

4. i just want to be friends

5. i need some time/space


i know the best way to REACT is to not show any emotion (if at all possible) and to not beg and plead. but i would like some good responses to these lines, or others, if you can think of any more.


thanks in advance!

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Hey there,


Since we all know those are cop-out break-up lines and really mean he/she is not into the relationship anymore, I would say,


"Okay, fine. If that is what you want. Good luck. Don't bother to contact me when your other prospect does not work out."


I fell for a few of those lines years ago, when I did not know any better, now I do. So with that in mind, there is nothing I can say or do to make the person want to be with me. It is apparent he does not want to be with me anymore. Plus, I am WAY TOO stubborn and proud to beg or plead. I would be upset but I have never begged an ex to explain or stay.

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Hey there,


Since we all know those are cop-out break-up lines and really mean he/she is not into the relationship anymore, I would say,


"Okay, fine. If that is what you want. Good luck."


I fell for a few of those lines years ago, when I did not know any better, now I do. So with that in mind, there is nothing I can say or do to make the person want to be with me. It is apparent he does not want to be with me anymore. Plus, I am WAY TOO stubborn and proud to beg or plead. I would be upset but I have never begged an ex to explain or stay.


right on, that's a good one.


i am also interested in responses that the dumper would never expect and that would completely throw them off.


yours might be one to say, though!

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One time a guy used one of those lines on me...it's hard not to get pissed. So I told him he was an {mod edit} for doing it - he thought it was sexy and he tried to take it back.


I say a self-empowering response is best. Like:


"Ya know I think your right...maybe it IS you".

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"i am also interested in responses that the dumper would never expect and that would completely throw them off."


"Don't bother to contact me when your other prospect does not work out."


I would not say that, it would make a person sound resentful and angry.

A simple "Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for" is best.

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What difference does a reaction make if it's over?

Once someone opts out, it's over and life goes on.


In my case, my wife said, "I'm not happy anymore."

My response was "Is there anything I can do?"



To this day, that's the only reason I got, and it's plenty for me.

I have no further curiosity.

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What difference does a reaction make if it's over?

Once someone opts out, it's over and life goes on.


In my case, my wife said, "I'm not happy anymore."

My response was "Is there anything I can do?"



To this day, that's the only reason I got, and it's plenty for me.

I have no further curiosity.


because you can go on in dignity and feel more empowered.


from my experience, i don't handle being dumped very well and then i feel stupid for the way i reacted.


i think that if i, or anyone else, can walk away and say something that has some power behind it, it may help us to cut the ex out completely.


i don't mean to respond to these lines in hopes of getting the ex back. they have some "power" because they are initiating the break up.


i also only wanted responses to these cliches. as kellbell said, if the dumper gave other, heart-felt reasons for breaking up then your reaction is going to be completely different.


these are cowardly break up reasons that mask the dumpers' true reasons for breaking up and i take offense to that. be honest!

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Best response is to let them be totally emotionally responsible for whatever reason they are breaking up with you, so my healthiest, self empowering response would be:


Well, it sounds like you've made a choice, and I'm sorry you feel that way. Naturally I'm hurt and disappointed because I love and care about you. And as much as it hurts, after hearing what YOU clearly have decided, then it's best for me to take some time on my own as well too, I'm sure you understand that this is my self respecting response to what YOU want. So please allow me the same respect and only contact me IF you discover that you are willing to make an intentional loving effort to work on this relationship again. Otherwise it's best that we no have no contact for now.. I wish you happiness.

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One time a guy used one of those lines on me...it's hard not to get pissed. So I told him he was an {mod edit} for doing it - he thought it was sexy and he tried to take it back.


I say a self-empowering response is best. Like:


"Ya know I think your right...maybe it IS you".


Ha ha. I wouldn't say this, but it cracked me up.

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well, i had a guy use a variant of the 'it's not you, it's me' line... he said something like, 'I don't think i ever love any woman the way that i should, so don't take it personally...'


...to which my response was... to burst out laughing, really couldn't even stop laughing for like 2 minutes!


he was so shocked, i think he expected pleading or something, but it was so ridiculous... while i was laughing, i was thinking, so let's see, i've been in love with this guy, giving him all my time and love, and now he's saying he's a ROBOT with no feelings?? it was such an absurd statement on his part i just couldn't help laughing..


the real reason was i was catching onto him, that he was chasing MANY other woman and lying about it... all of whom he would never be able to love the way he should either, of course!!!

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Anyone who uses any of these lines is a jerk anyway and doesn't really deserve an answer. It usually IS them, they don't know how to be with anyone, they don't know how to love anyone, and they are not your friend...so give 'em all the space they want. Just say, goodbye, good luck...and walk away. You don't need them and after that, you really don't want them. You don't deserve to be treated like yesterday's dirty socks.

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Nice post blender - I really like that.


There is nothing wrong with asking some questions or what not, but the main thing is to stay calm, keep your composure, and do not agree to any post-break up ideas that s/he may have:


1. This is a choice that you made

2. When it's over, it's over - no shades of gray, no friendship, no contact

3. Thanks, and good luck to you


I had a girl who dumped me that was raging with these responses that I gave her. She even argued with me about it. I can't say for sure, but I think someone new and exciting came along, and she was making sure to not burn any bridges between us so she can come back down the road. I made sure to destroy the bridges. I'm worth more than that, and I will do whatever it takes to protect myself and look out for what's best for me if someone wants to walk away.

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  • 1 month later...

1. This is a choice that you made

2. When it's over, it's over - no shades of gray, no friendship, no contact

3. Thanks, and good luck to you

I wish I had enough strength to usse those lines. Ive had no conact with my ex for 1 month and she text me in valentines day wishing me happy vday but i didnt respond to it. I know she will most likely contact me again and I will remember the lines you just posted.

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Blender I love your response, too bad I already cried and begged like a little bi*** haha.


Scary how I got all 5 of these reasons and nothing else!!!!

1. it's not you, it's me

2. i don't want to be with anyone right now

3. i love you but i am not in love with you

4. i just want to be friends

5. i need some time/space


I was hurt, shocked, stunned and amazed..

I deserve better than a person who can't even break up honestly with me after loving and caring for them so much.

Dumpee Power! keep saying that to yourself, it will be a new movement.

Everyone stay strong. We deserve better.

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HE: I love you and I already miss you, but I want to be alone for a while.

ME: ???? OK, its alright with me. But over is over, no calls, no emails, nothing.


HE: Can we be friends? I need you in my life.

ME: Well..., I have enough friends already. They are people I can trust, balanced and caring. Everything that you are not.

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