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Whats the secret on getting dates from online dating?

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How about finding a profile you like, post it here and we'll try to think of something smart. Say to us what you like about that profile, what are similar interests you have with this girl and we'll try to give usefull advice.


Saying to girl would you like to chat is bad idea. it is passive. Like you want her to make all the effort.

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How about finding a profile you like, post it here and we'll try to think of something smart. Say to us what you like about that profile, what are similar interests you have with this girl and we'll try to give usefull advice.


Saying to girl would you like to chat is bad idea. it is passive. Like you want her to make all the effort.


Here are some profiles of several girls who I find interesting and I emailed them and got no response back..Majority of them have the same interests as me like rollerblading, sports, baseball, hockey, music, movies, running, cars, working out etc...I get not response..They just read and delete..."What does it really take for a guy like me to get responses" I don't get it at all..I am nice, caring sweet same interests as many of the profiles and nothing...Since my teen years and still today I really truly know deep deep down in my heart why I never get any responses back..Its really tough getting a date these days...Its not easy at all.

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O.k. this was more than one profile....

I choosed Soxgril52 - she's cute and looks normal! She's a capricorn and I like earth signs! Wow, I feel like I am dating her.

What you wrote to her?


I wrote by saying "Hi, I read your profile and I see we have alot in common"..I also said where I am from, my age, hobbys, interests.

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Try make it a conversation starter. If she's curious, she can peek at YOUR profile, so its a bit redundant to restate everything. I like Annie's suggestion. It shows interest, shows that you read her profile (instead of sending a generic email to a pretty face), and gives her an ice-breaker or something to reply to if she's curious/interested.

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I really truly know deep deep down in my heart why I never get any responses back.


So why do they not respond to you?



I honestly think the reason why I get no responses is becuase of my looks, appearace, my height and size..I find attraction in many of them but they don't find attraction in me..I not handsome or attractive at all, Just about average...I try not to think of it that way but its true and has been like that since I was a teen.

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Maybe you should get a second or third opinion before declaring yourself DOA. Few of us have a clue what we really look like, and even then, we don't see our behavior as others do.


I've spent much of my life feeling like Quasimodo, but gradually got past it.

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I met a guy online who was 5ft5....an inch shorter than me and we went out for six months. He was pretty sexy.


Do you read all of the women's profiles that you like? Because a lot of women put their height preferences down.....there's no point in messaging someone who's ideals you don't fit into.


I hate profiles that seem too showy, lame humour, arrogance, too many photos, photos of a guys car, no photo, too much emphasis on their job/how much money they make, phrases like "I know how to treat a lday".....it just all seems fake and superficial.


I kept my profile simple and to the point.....basically I just said "Some things about me" and then listed words to describe myself such as genuine, loyal, bossy, sarcastic, funny, caring and so on.....putting both my good and bad points. Then gave a brief description of the type of guy I'm looking for. I don't like profiles that try too hard.

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