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DAY 60


Bet you all would have never expected me to make it this far. Me either. This is the magical "She-Tox" day, so hopefully tomorrow I will feel like $100.


I've been in a relationship with a new girl now for over a month. It is long distance, intense, and amazing. She's the cutest, sweetest, most incredible person I have ever met. More than I could ever dream of. She treats me better than my ex ever did, and "gets" me.


I still miss my ex at times, but its more about missing someone to love, and do things with. She did me wrong, and when I really see her for what she was, she was a cute girl with not a lot of substance. She was a like a can of soda; fun, makes you feel good, but not a lot to it really. I am kinda expecting to hear from her in the next month or so. The honeymoon will be over, and the excitement ending. I treated her like gold, and at some point so will see that too. This means nothing to me and if anything I am dreading the prospect of talking to her, because I do not want to feel for her. I don't like pain, and that is all she is to me right now.


I want to thank you all for your help when I was a regular here. Time does heal, and NC is the best answer. It helps you think more clearly, and see things for how they are. Your ex will come down off the pedestal, and soon you will replace them as the most important thing in your life.


Take Care, and if anyone has any questions; Shoot.

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Well, beginning of the 14th Day. Played terrible at football last night, but took my mind of things for a bit.


Thought about her alot last night and this morning, so that incoming wave has hit me and i need to push it back out. I am sure it will at some point. Still no interest to contact her, but this morning I feel a little bit more eager for her to contact me!


Got to get that out of my head!


Seeing friends to watch football tonight so another night with distractions.


Boy is this a roller coaster of a ride and emotions!

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Day 7


Been in a rough patch since I found out she removed all contact of me(facebook& msn), but besides that have been keeping myself busy a hell with work & with friends.


Still I gotta say, that little action on her part just has me on the verge of actually contacting her for the first time in six weeks.

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OMG i cant believe i am on day 26 of NC!!! and I FEELLLL SOOOO GOOD thank you all for your support. its still hard but it gets sooo much easier with NC! i cant wait for the next 4 days to get over so i can actually complete this challenge !!! FINALLY! I almost made it. Thanks SD. to all those who dont think NC is the answer, well, ITS IS. trust me. as hard as it maybe for the first few days, it gets A LOT easier as the weeks roll by. just keep yourself busy and meet new people. time will fly by.

good luck everyone!!!!

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Day 22


Had to look back to work out the days and geez is it 22 already! Woohoo


So well on the way to the big 30... Will then continue NC and will post here and there but in terms of the challenge it will be complete and that will be good to know.


So keep it up folks you can get there..



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Day 17


Feeling really good today - just building on what has happened in the last week or so. Keeping really busy which helps a lot, and my social life is picking up (not dates, but just hanging out with friends). One guy even asked me to go skiing with him (and a group of mutual friends) in NZ! Had to turn him down - we are just friends but I think he wants more and I don't. Nice that he thought of me though.


Good work everyone else who is in the middle of the challenge - everyone is doing well - if you are early on, take heart when you read the messages from those who are near the end and hang in there!

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Havent posted in here in a while, I suppose I was just doing that to "forget" how long it's been, because in the past when I was aware of the time, thats' when I slipped up and contacted her, but now that I'm feeling good, I can safely say it has been:


TWO WEEKS of NC, and man I feel great. I'm starting to reconnect with old friends and my ex is now the furthest thing from my mind

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Day 15 and didnt really think about the ex last night. Was with a good group of friends and a lovely bar maid to smile too


Bit tired this morning. Seems when I am tired I am more likely to think and look back rather than look forward.


Going to have a nice night on the couch tonight and an early night!

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Over 3 months since I saw her.


Over 3 weeks since the last little flurry of texts.


No matter. Dating someone else. And mighty fine she is to.


Would not go back if she begged me. Not that she will. Even if this new lass dont work out its proved 2 things.


A) There is life after your ex. (well I know that after the ex wife but anyway)


B) Dont put up with any crap. This new lass has been nicer to me in three weeks than she was in the last 3 months.

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Thanks Lonely Doll, Hope you are ok


Busy at work which is helping. Still keeping an eye on the emails to see if any contact from her is made. don't know why really.


Got only half day tomorrow and then off to see some friends and have a shandy or two. Always a bit nervy when I go out into town just incase I see her. If i could just have a couple more months without seeing her then maybe when it does happen I will be a lot stronger and will handle it a lot better!

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And it's getting more and more difficult as time passes not to pick up the phone.


No hard feelings in this case. I love him, he still loves me but the armed forces are sending him abroad and he needs to go, I can't go with him so we have said our goodbyes.


No contact is really for the best for now but I care more about how he is feeling than I do about myself.. is that normal?


Right person, wrong time, life can really test us at times eh..

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Day 2


The true pain of healing hasnt kicked in yet. Im taking this really well, surprisingly. Donno why. Probably because I got out of an abusive relationship and I realize all the things he did to hurt me? And perhaps because its the summer...and I dont have to see the fool for the next 3 months. It may be due to the fact that I'm the dumper so socially speaking, I'm probably adopting the society's bountiful role of the dumper, because subconsciously, it may help suppress the pain.


I have been socializing lately. Best-friend and I had a reunion yesterday and then went to a "dance party" which was a blast. Tomorrow, I have my best-friend's going-away party and then a friend and I are gonna go hit up some places afterwards. Then another party on Sunday. Not sure about all of next week...perhaps the gym. Saturday though...I'm going on a road-trip with a guy I dated back in the day and some of his friends....that should be mucho fun.


Any ideas as to why I'm not feeling the sudden pain of the breakup?

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Busy at work which is helping. Still keeping an eye on the emails to see if any contact from her is made. don't know why really.


You shouldn't.


A broken heart is analogous to any other wound. Why would you want to cause it excessive amounts of pain? I'm sure that checking your email and finding nothing from her stimulates the rush of disappointment that you feel ever-so-often.


Would you ever go rub salt on a fresh wound? Of course not. Then I suggest that you stop doing it to your heart and block her off of your email so that you are already expecting no emails and thus, feeling less disappointment. This is not about her. Its about you.

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LOL I lost count


Day 5 or 6


Does it matter anymore. I met this awsome girl in one of my classes and I am totally crushing on her. I catch her looking at me all the time and I almost completely forgot about my ex when I was with this other girl. Feeling great.

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Quite new on this but love the idea? Ok, if I join in??


Day 3


Well its day 14 since we last had contact but I did see him on an online dating site 3 days ago when I was having a nosey around. (And no, I didn't join lol. would not be fair to go on any dates when I am so new into NC). so I suppose that means I broke NC???


Been at friends tonight and making plans to get back to the "happy" me that everyone used to comment on. I will get there lol????

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Okay I've figured it out. It's been about 23 days since I started NC. Can't believe how quickly it went by!

Keeping busy and venting on ENA has helped a lot. Eliminating all traces of her has helped as well.


I still find myself thinking about her sporatically throughout the day, but I no longer think about her to the point where it interferes with my daily routine.


Still kicking myself for sending that infamous email while my feelings were raw, but it seemed like a good idea at the time!


ah well.



Her birthday is looming in 2 weeks so I guess that will be the ultimate test, fortunately I've scheduled attending an event that day that's deep in the woods with no cell towers or laptop terminals in sight, so no bday texts or emails from me!

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