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I myself have a feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop kinda thingy..... my ex is moving into a place accross the road... strange choice, not only that he dropped in to say hi to my kid the other day when I was at work, have a feeling that he is kinda slithering around (yep ... like a snake)....

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Yup one day at a time Eventually one day we'll look back at this and think "Wow, I can't imagine being that down before...look at me now!" and we'll chuckle and then guffaw and end up rolling around on the floor because life is just SO good.


You got it sister, I know that will be true

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I'm gonna go sleep, cause it's officially tomorrow and I'm ill


Hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day for everyone, regardless of whether today was good or bad.


Thank you everyone who helped me today. It's been a really painful day and I just wasn't expecting it, so it went quite deep. But you managed to turn it around as usual!



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Alright, so day one of " official NC " is almost over. Kept myself pretty busy today with class/hw/reading/CSS. However, each time I would go on a break something in the back of my mind kept bringing up the fact that my ex has contacted me twice during the week.


I told her not to contact me unless it is very important and to tell me so since I want to give her all the space she wants. Yet I get messages as if she just wants to talk like we used to as if nothing happened.


Ugh... right when I was starting to do a lot better from all of this she just has to try and talk to me. Now I have that stupid sickening feeling all over again.


O well... gotta hang in there


O and sandy, tom. is short for tomorrow.

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Your situation happened to me too. I broke NC a couple of times but its been six weeks now since I last talked to my ex and I'm feeling better then before. Don't worry, things will definitely feel better after a few days

During that time I recommend hitting the gym hard. Sore muscles and the boost in adrenaline lifting all those weights goes a long way in making you feel better about yourself, and of course the massive support group of ENA is always there

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hey everyone, a little update: Day 8 of NC for me today! I've been missing her a lot ever since I went to sleep last night; there's something about the night time where everything starts to creep up in my mind... I'm trying to get it through my mind still that NC is for me and not used as a method to get an ex back... I feel like I'm making progress, yet some of the motivation for doing the NC thing is to get her back... I 'm really trying to change this mindset, because it hurts when you don't know if they're coming back or not... I'm trying not to wait by the phone.... a watched pot never boils right SD?

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Update on Day-8


So day has been an emotional limbo. so i try to do whatever it takes to get my mind of my ex. let me tell you its hard. but what can you do. so i tried to shoot around my house and for some reason im having a hard time making them in the basket. i guess im thinking hard again. i don't know. i even tried playing one on one with my brother and i wasn't it to it completely. where after about 25 mins i just stopped and went straight to my room. but yeah today wasn't as productive unlike the last couple of days. then i go online and i get a couple of instant messages from people asking me, whose the guy on her myspace... ERRR!!! and they're telling me, "if thats her new man, she must be trippin, cause the dude looks like ehh..." you know i try to ignore every bit of it, but i guess once you starts, it doesn't stop..i don't know...im feelling a little bit down right now.i think i need to go out and just chill at a starbucks or something..i hope tomorrow day9 will treat me better!

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rsxguy, i kno wut u mean man, same thing happened to me yesterday, i felt like crap after... saw a certain pic and it made me feel like NC hadn't even started like it just opened up the wound again.... im really trying to avoid some of her friends... hearing that stuff makes me feel ...... u kno.

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hey everyone, a little update: Day 8 of NC for me today! I've been missing her a lot ever since I went to sleep last night; there's something about the night time where everything starts to creep up in my mind... I'm trying to get it through my mind still that NC is for me and not used as a method to get an ex back... I feel like I'm making progress, yet some of the motivation for doing the NC thing is to get her back...


I totally relate ahhh2jz... but hang in there! After 16 days NC i got a text msg from her... friendly, just sharing her new cell ph number, but at least I know she is thinking about me... I guess the same is going to happen to you!

Wanna know what I did? Nothing. Its either calling me to get back with me or nothing at all... I know I may be wrong, but her breaking silence and exposing herself empowers you and makes you regain control. Dont give in, mantain NC, it will be worth it. I too harbor some hope NC will bring her back, but at the same time im trying to focus on my life. I think its posible to have both hope and the realization that your life can continue without her....

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but yeah today wasn't as productive unlike the last couple of days. then i go online and i get a couple of instant messages from people asking me, whose the guy on her myspace... ERRR!!! and they're telling me, "if thats her new man, she must be trippin, cause the dude looks like ehh..."


You could tell your friends the subject is off-limits, and you dont need to know details of your ex.

My friends were more supportive. They told me: "We'll give you a month to recover, but after that if you mention her again, we'll kick your behind"


hehehe TJ


"F*** you, I have enough friends"

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Day 3 - again with the instinct to sign on to myspace but will not do it!


Staying in tonight may go to a movie later with my mommy! lol.


Dont do it! Myspace, Hi5, friendster, they are all off-limits! Your social life doesn't depend on any of those web pages, so no need to check them out! It will only cause you more pain and doubt.

I always recommend blocking and deleting your ex from MSN... no need to "bump into each other" electronically... NC is strict. The shadow of self-doubt will follow you through NC, but it will be easier if you completely ban all info from your ex coming at you or from you to him. Hang in there! you are doing great and you will only come out stronger after all this.

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Ooh, I'm excited to get in on the challenge!!


My boyfriend broke up with me at the beginning of December, I was devestated but had finals to get through...so didn't really deal with my emotions. The first week I saw him everyday (had been living together and I still had sooo much at the apartment), but then that stopped because he was a * * * * * to me (and I stupidly slept with him again).


I had planned to keep on being friends with him (it's so tough to lose a close friend!!) but then I realized that was not going to work for me so I sent him a (nice) email on xmas and said that I couldn't be friends with him now and that I needed time to get over him. Haven't spoken to him since.


I really really was thinking about contacting him yesterday and today, but I've realized that would be stupid! Yay!!


So this is officially my day #1 because I've been looking at his myspace page (painful to do that). What's the policy about talking to his relatives? Last night when I wanted to call my ex, I ended up calling his brother (we are still friends). I was upset after that so I realize that it's probably stupid, but I'm not sure what to do if his bro calls back...do I answer? I don't want to be rude to a friend of mine!


I think this challenge is going to be good to keep me from contacting him!!

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rsxguy, i kno wut u mean man, same thing happened to me yesterday, i felt like crap after... saw a certain pic and it made me feel like NC hadn't even started like it just opened up the wound again.... im really trying to avoid some of her friends... hearing that stuff makes me feel ...... u kno.


im sorry you saw the pic..for me im glad i didn't see anything, nor do i want to see anything. i guess the best thing to do is just avoid as much as possible. i pretty much alright now i guess.


You could tell your friends the subject is off-limits, and you dont need to know details of your ex.

My friends were more supportive. They told me: "We'll give you a month to recover, but after that if you mention her again, we'll kick your behind"


hehehe TJ


"F*** you, I have enough friends"


thanks for the reply, i will certainly use that approach on people next time.

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What's the policy about talking to his relatives? Last night when I wanted to call my ex, I ended up calling his brother (we are still friends). I was upset after that so I realize that it's probably stupid, but I'm not sure what to do if his bro calls back...do I answer? I don't want to be rude to a friend of mine!


I think its better not to call him anymore... After I broke up with my ex, I talked to her mom for a couple of times, but then realized my ex had lost her cell and was using her mom's sometimes. So I decided I dont need to talk to her mom either. The rule of thumb is (in my opinion) No contact of any kind... act as if you never met him/her no MSN, no phone, no myspace, nothing, nada... hope it helps...

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I think its better not to call him anymore... After I broke up with my ex, I talked to her mom for a couple of times, but then realized my ex had lost her cell and was using her mom's sometimes. So I decided I dont need to talk to her mom either. The rule of thumb is (in my opinion) No contact of any kind... act as if you never met him/her no MSN, no phone, no myspace, nothing, nada... hope it helps...


Ok...sounds good. Thanks for the advice.


Although, at some point I have to contact his sister to let her know I don't want to be a bridesmaid in her wedding anymore (it's in September). My ex had kind of flipped out when he thought that I would pull out of it (at the time I hadn't even considered the wedding).


But I'm going to wait on that until my emotions are less wacky. Don't really want to call her and burst into tears.

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