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I've kept some of my ex's texts on my phone as well. Just can't delete them all just yet. They've all been from since we broke up and she's started doing whatever with a guy too, their all reaching out type texts. Have all our old yahoo chat archives still intact too. If you really just want to move on I would say deleting them is the best to do. If you can keep them around and NOT contact him though then I think your alright lol.


Hey. Oh, he doesn't have that same number as he did when he sent those texts. Sorry, should have probably said that, lol. So there's no danger of me texting him, I don't have his new number! The only real way I have of contacting him is by email, or if I see him in person. I haevn't seen him since the split at all, and haven't emailed for 14 days now. Well, will be 14 in an hourish!! If he had the same number it would be a lot harder, so I'm NOW pretty glad that I don't have it.


Good luck to everyone, I'm rooting for you. It DOES get easier, I promise

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I posted in another thread, then remembered seeing this as well, so I am jumping on the challenge.


I will need to break the challenge if he contacts me...we have an outstanding issue of money he owes me, which I've just asked for for the last time in a letter I sent on Friday. But I have no intention of mentioning "us" if he contacts me..money only.


It's not terribly hard right now, he may or may not have received the letter yet. It will be hard in a day or two when I know he's definitely received it and I don't hear back......I feel as if it will kill me.

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Day #12


Back when I made my relationship with my ex exclusive, that involved making the decision never to meet another guy I had been talking to online and had been getting along with really well. The other guy then deleted his profile on the dating site where we met, and unfortunately we'd never made the switch to regular e-mail. I had no way to contact him and thought that ship had sailed a long time ago...This was something I really regretted once I broke up with my ex. I kept wondering if I'd made the right decision all those months ago.


But. Today one of my friends sent me a link to a guy she just met from the same site, and I thought I would look at my matches while I was there. And there he was! He'd set up a new profile! I sent him a tentative message to see if he might want to talk again, and he does. Though I definitely won't rush into anything, I am cautiously optimistic that there may be life after this breakup after all.


So, all in all, a good day...

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not sure if this would be day 6 or back to day 1 for me.


my ex text me yesterday asking how i was n blah blah.wasnt going to reply but then got another text saying i was ignoring him so i text back.then he text back something stupid which didnt even make sense.its like he was just checking i was still there.i didnt reply to that 1.


anyway still continuing with no contact,although dont know if this puts me back to square 1 or could be considered lc day 6.

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Day 10 (or is it 11?) for me. I'm itching to respond to his last email, but figure if he can take a week to reply to me, then I shouldn't really be in any hurry. He's not the only person with other things going on in their life.


Who am I kidding? I miss him.

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Day #13


For some reason I'm really missing him and feeling a strong urge to look at his Facebook or MySpace today...maybe because I've been doing better recently, I'm trying to fool myself into thinking that I can look and not be affected, that it would be just like checking in with any other friend. (Ha!)


I'm trying to remember that no tidbit about his life that I could glean from either of those sources is really going to be significant (I already know he's seeing someone else), and certainly not significant enough to make up for how bad I would feel about letting myself down by "cheating" on my NC.


It's only two more weeks now till we're supposed to resume our "friendship," anyway...I'm not actually planning to initiate contact with him then, since I think I have been MUCH better off without it, but I'm telling myself that that will be when I can look at his Facebook once if I still really want to (which hopefully I won't!).

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Day 18 the ex sent me an email today "Happy Birthday! Hope all is well" Made me feel worse and empty. I was doing soo well. I got this email and I feel horrible. And no I did not respond. One of my good friends said you probably won't hear from her again. Because I am on the receiving end, she really doesn't see what this does to me, or do they. Someone tell me that NC is the way to go, I just need a little support right now. My head says run, my heart wants to break down and call her. Just to hear her voice was so soothing to me. Feels like day 1 again.

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Day 18 the ex sent me an email today "Happy Birthday! Hope all is well" Made me feel worse and empty. I was doing soo well. I got this email and I feel horrible. And no I did not respond. One of my good friends said you probably won't hear from her again. Because I am on the receiving end, she really doesn't see what this does to me, or do they. Someone tell me that NC is the way to go, I just need a little support right now. My head says run, my heart wants to break down and call her. Just to hear her voice was so soothing to me. Feels like day 1 again.


I would tell your heart that you are investing 30 days for a payoff that might be for the rest of your life. If she does come back, you will get to hear her voice many, many times. If your friend is right, and she doesn't want anything to do with you, then do you want to spend your life chasing after her?

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littlej, I'm sorry your ex's message upset you! *hugs* Birthdays are tricky--my ex *didn't* contact me on my birthday and it was upsetting to me. I think you should feel good that she remembered you, but yes, keep up the NC...It's hard but it's also the best birthday gift you can give yourself.

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Day 2 is almost over for me. No urge to contact, but Mondays seem to be hard days. I cried today for the first time since Tuesday, just a little. I know he has received my letter by today at the latest, and I want so badly for him to contact me like I asked regarding the outstanding issue. Even though I have no intention of bringing us up in the conversation, I guess I just want to know that he has a heart....


what I find is that my days seem so long, even though I have finally begun to get out and keep a little busy, evenings are the saddest times for me.

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Day 11..or it would have been..but we work together and she dropped by my office today to have a friendly chat. I wasn't rude, but I wasn't friendly, I was brief and ambivalent. But I also did not want to say, again, we can't be friends, let's both just move on. I've already said it and don't need to say it each time she comes for a visit.


Frankly, I don't need her to know that her visits affect me, because they don't as much anymore. And it's not worth letting her know I still hurt..because that is what saying I don't want to be your friend means.


I will not seek her out, if she wants to come to me and try to be friends, let her try..but it won't happen.

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I would tell your heart that you are investing 30 days for a payoff that might be for the rest of your life. If she does come back, you will get to hear her voice many, many times. If your friend is right, and she doesn't want anything to do with you, then do you want to spend your life chasing after her?


Thank you so much for these encouraging words. Believe it or not t helps out a lot.

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littlej, I'm sorry your ex's message upset you! *hugs* Birthdays are tricky--my ex *didn't* contact me on my birthday and it was upsetting to me. I think you should feel good that she remembered you, but yes, keep up the NC...It's hard but it's also the best birthday gift you can give yourself.


Again, thank you. You could never know how much this site helps me!

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Day 15


This is friggin horrible! I cannot get her out of my mind. The urge to check her myspace, email, or text her is very strong but I am going to stay true to NC. I just got finished watching "The Big Bang Theory" which is a show that me and her used to watch together. I so wanted to send her a quick text mentioning something about the show but...I knew that would be disasterous. She was probably with her new guy anyhow and I am not trying to cause problems.


Tomorrow has to be better.

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It's 3am here and I can't sleep. It's now day 11 (I had to count). I've written him 5 emails, and all are saved in my draft folder. I have really good positive things to tell him, but I'm now reaching the stage of "Why should he know what's going on with me? Why should I volunteer information?".


I wonder when one of us is going to broach the subject of returning 'stuff' and giving back the keys to each other's houses. I'm putting off that little subject as it just makes it all so final. I have all his stuff packed up in a box in the spare room so I don't have to look at it. I haven't even been into the spare room since I put it there. The majority of 'our' emails (approximately 10,000 of them) are on my desktop pc which has died a horrible grinding death, so that's one less thing to worry about.


Now, if only I could bring myself to delete the pictures of us.

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ok for those that have been following my situation for the last 3+months.


last week i finally received my stuff from my ex. It was a long day of moving boxes/furniture into my new place all alone.


anyways after opening each box with anxiety about what i will find in each, i've lacked the motivation to put everything away.


I've made a small box of things that were hers that were mixed in.


she has called me ~4 times leaving 3VMs and a few txt msgs asking if I've received my stuff yet. I have not called/txt'd her back yet. I really dont feel like talking to her.

tonight she called didnt leave a VM and seconds later my roomies phone rang.

(she was friends with him before she met me, thats how I met her through him)

she did not leave him a VM either.


so after going through all my stuff I've made a short email about damaged or missing things.





I've gone through most of my stuff and i'm pretty pissed with the lack of care taken for my stuff. I put so much care into your/our stuff when we left Boston to make sure it would arrive safely in Portland and this is how you pack my stuff?????



BBQ Grill all the wheels are broken.

white tv stand f*cking scratched and chipped.

back of the tv scratched to sh*t.

a f*cking can of trader joes chili on top of my glass framed Japaneses pictures, thanks for the box of broken glass!

the small bedroom stereo, the speaker fabric ripped.



metal framed picture of you picking your nose i had on my side of the bed! (1 of the pictures of you i really want)

wireless router. (you can keep it)

white dog piggy bank.

harmony universal tv remote. (was on the mantel)

i feel like i'm missing a lot dvds.





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