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Well ya guys Im stuck in a rut and Im clinging on to hope! Well Im a bisexual male and Im only 15 and Im proud......but now my pride is starting to wane because of one very important quistion, "Will I go to Hell for being the way I am?". Some people say that gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual, etc. people go to Hell, then there are some people who say that it's not true. I think God loves everyone and doesnt care for sexual orientation but then again with all the people and books that say that being homosexual is a sin, it leaves me confused. I read a book about sex and all that teen stuff today, its a Christian book by the way, and in it it said that its a sin and that people CHOOSE to be Gay,Lesbian,Tran,Bi, etc. Now thats were I strongly disagree because I did NOT choose to be Bi! Im not saying that God created me like this but I know "me" better than anyone else! Ever since I could remember I always was attracted to both sexes since I was 4 or 5! I mean what 5 year old boy do you know just wakes up one day and decides to become bisexual? Its appauling that people think that! Then the book said that people can change there ways and that kind of stuff. Im just so confused, what are ya's views on this?

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Naw man the attitude that being gay is sinful is laughable. Laughable I tell you. Don't be drawn into a logical debate about this, you can spend years going back and forth with people who will use all kinds of slippery slope arguments, non sequiturs, etc. to confuse the issue and it will get you nowhere. If you believe in God, then you probably believe that God = Love. Love is good. Who you fall in love with is not an evil or sinful thing. It's natural and ok.


[rant] And why is it that no one can ever explain why it's evil? Like, I can understand why murder is evil, why theft is evil, but why is homosexuality evil? And why is it that when ever you challenge a homo phobe crack-pot to explain why homosexuality is a bad thing, they always fall back on, "God hates that" or "in Levitcus says blah blah blah" but they can never explain to my satisfaction why it's bad.


You are not making a moral choice about what gender you find attractive, it's as natural and benign as preferring cherry coke to diet pepsi or in your case, liking both cherry coke and diet pepsi.

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if you wish to believe that the way you are is a sin and you will go to hell, then maybe you will


personally I dont believe in hell, heaven, god and all that.. I believe that you can be whatever sexual orientation you wish as long as you don't intentionally hurt anyone or do sometime against their will, then you are a good person

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So, sexual orientation affects the chances of getting to heaven?


I basically agree with everyone above, but I need to add something:


If there should be a heaven or hell we should go to after dying, and the "selection" were fair, then it would depend on the things we do while alive and our attitude towards life, not on the genre of the person you love.


Greetings ^_^



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Truth is completely circumstancial. Choose the truth that works for you.


That´s exactly what the guys that wrote the Bible and the guys that preach do, since the beginning of times.


My advice, believe in God if that´s good for you. But stay away from its fans and everything they publish.

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Hi PrettyInBlack.


First of all, if you want to have a positive outlook on being bisexual then, by all means, do not read Christian literature. That will do more damage to your psyche. It isn't worth it. I've been there and done it.


On that note I would like to say that I have felt your pain. All of my life I've been torn between my sexual orientation--something I did not choose--and my religion(something, I feel, was thrust upon me). I grappled with both issues my entire life. I'm in my late 20's now; however, I didn't come out to myself, as a gay man, until one year ago. During the previous years I nearly drove myself insane trying to be straight. Oneday I made the decision that it was no longer worth it, and I owned who I was.

Afterwards I got over my fear of eternal damnation pretty quickly. It was my family, upon my coming out, that made my life a living hell.


My quest to reconcile my faith and my sexuality led me onto another path. I realized that I did not believe in God. At this time in my life I'm an atheist and happily so. Christianity nor any religion holds no bearing on my life. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not castigating anyone for choosing to have religion in their life. However, religion is not for me because I don't believe there is a god. Letting go of my religious beliefs allowed me to flourish and be my best me. I know some gay people who are still into Christianity, and I honestly don't understand how or why they would want to be.

If there is a God then he/she/it would have to be extremely cruel and malevolent to create me as a gay man but condemn for living my life in truth. I don't think that any force in the universe gave me the capacity to love another man to simply be a blight upon my life...It does not compute to me.


My advice to you is this. When you are on your death bed do you want to live with the regret of not being true to yourself? Or do you want to worry about a place of eternal torment that probably doesn't exist? Yes, hell could be real. However, it might not be real either. I think you should live your life, right here, right now, and to the fullest. Don't hate who you are just because Christian literature tells you that you should.

You should read and do things that will encourage you. There is just as much GLBT affirmative literature out there as it is condemnation. Learn to love yourself completely. No one else is going to do it for you.

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