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I am an alcoholic and I don't want to Die. Please help me.

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I am only 22 years old and know that I am going to die soon. I can feel it. I have been drinking for years (since 15) and I can't stop. I have tried. I have hospitalized myself several times with no positive outcome. I recently got fired from my job so now I am drinking more than ever. Too much time on my hands. I never feel good. After I drink, I suffer with extremely bad panic/anxiety. It is more like Depersonalization. It's horrible. I recently started taking Lexapro and ever since I started taking it, I get cravings for alcohol more than ever!!! Lexapro makes me want to drink daily. I know that I am going to need LONG TERM inpatient treatment. I have too or else I am going to die. I self medicate myself daily.... like right now I am going to take a tiny piece of Remeron so I can fall asleep. I feel horrible. I got drunk last night and now im having these weird like depersonalazation feelings. Has anybody ever overcome heavy drinking? especially while on medication? Am I always going to be a drunk Anybody know any good alcohol rehabs? What should I do...

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It sounds like a hard situation you should just start rehab i think go to the doctors and tell them you want to start a program im sure they can direct you to a good rehab center notice that you are loosing all you have because of a drink that is stronger then you or atleast thats what u think cause i know you are stonger then the drink you just need a little bit of help so take it easy and about so much time in ur hands you can do outside activities and stuff like exsercise of play sports something that would keep you busy and healthy Good luck



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I was on a drug similar to this one for a short while and it made my anxiety much worse, instead of better.


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Alcoholism is a compulsive behavior and if this drug is still allowing you to drink, then you need to return to the dr and tell him that the drug isn't working.


Try Xanax maybe.

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I can relate to the drinking heavily and loosing everything you have due to it. I lost my house, 2 new vehicles and my fiance at the time. Not to mention a hefty load of bad debt now.


Things got much much worse long before they got better. I never went to AA meetings or the such. In my drunken haze of a youth I found a young lady who was interested in me and saw my potential. She did not like my drinking and knew my past with it. She stuck it through and we worked on my drinking. after being with her for a matter of 3 months she came to me and told me she was pregnant. Then and there on that Thursday morning at 3:23 was the last time I thought about drinking alcohol again. You may say that I wasn't an alcoholic then, but I assure you that a quart a day is by no stretch a social drinker. I had a problem and I knew it. I guess it comes down to where you want to draw your line at. I had made a decision long ago that if I ever had kids then I would not drink a drop. So when my new girlfriend told me the news that morning I simply quit. It boils down to your will power and willingness to stop.


I know my situation cant compare to yours and I am not you should just quit if you want to. I understand the urge and cravings all too well. I still crave a drink so often.


Just find a good support system and hang in there. You know ou have a problem and that is the first step. You are on the right track. Good luck.

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  • 3 months later...

I really feel for you. I am also an alcoholic. I was diagnosed with cirrhosis about 3 years ago, and still continue to drink. Now, isn't that stupid? I have been to several rehabs, and never quit. It is not because they don't work. It's because I didn't work at them. Everyone knows when they are ready to quit. I wasn't, and still am not. It sounds like you are ready. I went to AA for a while and that did work until I stopped working the program. I am not one to give advice. But, I will say, DO NOT wait to hit rock bottom. Because....for every bottom you hit, there is another bottom underneath that one. I am 33 yrs old and have been through a lot. Several rehabs, psychiatric centers, OD'ed on alcohol to the point of being comatose, 3 DUI's, 2 wrecks health problems, failed marriages, no self worth and a partridge in a pear tree.


Anyways, good luck to you.

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  • 1 year later...

I know what ur talkin about. I am 26 yrs old. I have been drinking since I was 14. It never effected my jobs, in fact no1 knows I drink. I keep it a secret. I know I have a problem, b/c there isn't a day passes by with out me drinking or else I can't sleep. I don't want to seek any medical assistance b/c it may lead to losing my job and limit my options in life. Our system is not fair and if my drinkin habit was ever in the open it will make my life worse and I may even drink more...In your case, it has already effected you the worse way, since you already lost your job, you may as well do something about it. Best luck dude...

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its great that you recognize you have a problem and you actually want help. that proves that you can still be helped! i suggest you visit this site


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i think it can help you. i agree with the others too. make sure you try to occup your time with other things. talk to other people about this, let them help you too. do whatever you think you can to keep you away from booze! and if you do drink, be careul! you to not drive or anything like that. hang in there, you can get through this. again, check out that link, i think it can help you. take care

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you still on here? i just realized that you posted this in 2003, phewww two years ago but here goes,


pardner, i lost my mother in 1997 and began drinking like a fish, I also drank since I was 15 or 16 , I got hooked up with a few good girls after that and I quit, later on got married had a few here and there etc. but I got hooked up with a really good girl and I quit totally, this is a story that there is a fish in the sea for everyone inlcuding you dont give up. Also try some sort of yeast pro biotic and get off that dang Lexapro it is poison.

alcohol has yeast in it, you probably have a yeast overgrowth in your body and dont even know it. after a few days you will stat to feel better and can get on with it. take care hope this helps and since it has been two years since you posted i hope you are doing better.

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I am also 22 years old and i drink every day I havent done it that long but it might be going on 3 years, to me thats not impoprtant, b4 that it was weed, and i dont care what you think its better than alcohol, problem is who can afford at, and yes im sure its better just to be sobor, anyway i havnt worked in a while because of it, im not even sure what started it because i feel like my brain is "wet" i cant think anymore i havent worked in a year i have become affraid of life, alcohol is the devil you dont even notice things it creeps up on in your life sometimes other times its damn ovious, yeah i cant spell, anyway i think it comes down to FEAR i think i started drinking when i became affraid of the situation the "TRuth" i was in, i didnt like it at all and trust me it was bad, anyway so you i think i started to drink reality away, problem is now i realiz it and i cant get reality back cant stop, and it sucks. help me you cant only i have the key just like only u have to key you have to choose likfe or death period.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You should go to rehab. And in the day and night when you get bored and you want to drink, don't. Occupy yourself with something else, go to a movie, go bowling or something. You're only 22, you have a long life ahead of you. Don't waste it. If you ever feel like drinking, just say to yourself, "Am I going to waste my life on drinking alcohol?" Wear a rubber band on your hand and when you think of drinking snap it really really hard on your wrist and say, "Ouch, drinking hurts more than this" so don't do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, sometimes people drink because there is something wrong in their life. Something empity or longing or... something they want to forget.


But if you only started drinking and you just adicted to it, you can always do a hobbie or a sporty event or join a club, you know, something that will make you forget everything.


It is ok to a little drink SOMETIMES, just... don't over do it.


PLZ take care of yourself



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