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Hi to all my wonderful friends here.....


Just thought I would let you know what happened Saturday morning that kind of set me back on my healing path....


I received a text message from my ex that was meant for another woman.. It went something like Hi ( her name) first two letters the same as my own name, would love to see you there, will be at ----- with a friend, then at -----. Can't wait to see you gorgeous bla bla blaa..love (his name) with kisses at the end.


When I received this, I felt sick in my stomach!!! Just seeing his number made me freeze. At first I thought he had sent this to me by accident, and I was about to reply you've sent this to the wrong person when I stopped. Firstly, he has never sent an incorrect message like that.. I have been going strong with nc for nearly 6 months and didn't want to blow it..


But the thing is, it really upset me. Why? Because in my healing, I don't want to know anything about him anymore. He played me like a fiddle for so long. It has helped me moved on and lessen the pain. I don't want to know what he's doing or who he's seeing or where's he's going until I am way over him, and then when I am over him, I don't want to know anything anyway... My name should be out of his phone, but then again, when I was with him for nearly 3 years he still had his other ex's in his phone cause he's such a stud (that's what he thinks).


He never text back to say sorry sent it to the wrong number either...


My friends and family seem to think that he sent it to me on purpose, just to let me know how well he's doing, that he's going to the best places and has moved on, but I'm not sure, the name was awfully close to my name.


I know it shouldn't bother me.... but , when we were together, he never took me to these funky cool places and now he's going there, I'd say let's go, he'd be like "No, too far away, not into those places lets just stay home etc!!! Hypocrite...](*,) Just goes to show what type of a creep he truly is amongst so many other things.


I understand that he has moved on, he never loved me and treated me so badly, was controlling etc, it's just that I didn't really want to know what he's doing that's all. I know this shouldn't have bothered me, but it really did. I was up all night, the pain coming back again. I'm not over it yet, I'm trying my best to heal and get on with life, this was a set back that I didn't expect.


What do you think? Accident or planned? Let's not forget he is a meticulous person who rarely makes these slip ups, very thorough person.


I thought about sending a text like "Please take my name and number out of your phone" etc, but then decided not to. Why contact someone who had really hurt and treated me so badly for 3 years...


Would love some advice as how not to let this bother me and how to keep strong.... thankyou so much.



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What a douche.


If he did it on purpose...that's pretty pathetic. Even though he's with another girl he's still trying to mess with you. What a loser.

If it was an accident...well you can take some satisfaction in the fact that she didn't get the message and all kinds of drama ensued later on that night.


I can just see it...

Well if you didn't send the message to me, who did you send it to?


Let me see your phone! *gasp* What's her number doing in there still!?!?!?!

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Planned, he's deliberatly upsetting you in order to have a laugh,great fun and enjoying your emotional breakdown. He's an undecent person, because under circumstances normally people would delete those who'd they broken up with out of their phone.


Listen, you never received a text message, it never happened. Block his number out of your phone and pretend asif nothing happened. This guy is a red flag, and you'd be sure to get emotionally damaged like before if you continue to make contact with him.

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Thanks guys... yeah, I deleted his name and number many, many months ago... why because I didn't want it anymore but I know it so well. I would never want to send a text to him by accident so I made sure it was out of my phone as most decent people would do... If only you know how cruel this guy was!!!!!!!!!!

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That is unreal! a text by mistake?? yeah right! as you say, should be quickly followed with an apology. I would say, soldier on with the NC strategy because if he had the odacity to do this for a reaction then a) he will wonder why you are not reacting i.e if your number has changed b) will keep you with the power as he continues to feel like a complete idiot once the moment has passed c) will wonder if you changed your number and didn't tell him which actully insinuates you are not a priority that needs to be on your contact list......let him sweat! revenge is a desert best eaten cold....what goes around comes around as they say!!

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Hmm...Well if he is messing with you 6 mos. later then I don't think he is 100% over you and wants to get a reaction out of you and cause you to be jealous. Sounds like he wants to prove what a stud he is to you...of course if it was on purpose.


On the other hand if your names are similar than he may of got you both mixed up - it happens.

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Wow, i can't believe the effect this has had on me... I dreamt of him all night last night, I was angry in my dream, I feel angry and hurt that I have allowed myself to start re thinking of him all over again, just when I was really starting to move on. One text and I feel so set back... if it was on purpose or by accident, I'll never know. I want to text him and say "please take my name out of your phone", but why give him the satisfaction of knowing it bothered me.... He sucks!!!

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my ex JUST did the same thing last friday! he texted me saying is son(who I care about deeply) was in the emergency room. when i freaked and asked how he was, my ex said "oh sorry! that was meant for someone else."

talk about transparent!


this guy is totally intentionally trying to get you jealous. sounds like a jerk.

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If it was on purpose you did the right thing by not responding, he would have wanted a reaction from you. And like someone else said above if it was a mistake the new girl wouldnt have got it haha! I presume he could see on his outbox that it went to you though, and if he's not been in touch to apologise makes me think it was just an accident.

Just forget about him, sounds like your best off without him. Why not go to all those places you want to visit, but he wouldnt take you, with your girlfriends instead!

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It's just one of those things I guess I'll never know... all of my friends and family that know him believe he is too thorough a person to make a slip up, but then again, mistakes are mistakes... I guess I have to let it go, but It bothered me so much and really has made me think of him all over again, like it just happened... Maybe he does want me to know that he's moved on.. like I said, nasty, vindictive and glad he's gone.

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Good one MicalelL.... yep, I think he sends messages by scrolling through, so it could have been just an accident... the name was so similar to mine, the first two initials are the same... regardless, he's a creep, seems totally changed... he would know my number by heart as we were together for 3 years... If it was an error, wouldn't he have text back and said, sorry sent that my mistake? I would...


Anyway, I took his number out of my phone, just to ensure no mistaken texts were sent to him... I'm not the type of person that would do that, as for him... well, let's say he wasn't the most thoughtful guy in the world.

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It was no mistake. A mistake would have been a brief text that you may or may not have understood. He wrote you a short synopsis on what he's doing with this other girl so you know what he's up to.


Like another poster said, he's a douche. You know he did it intentionally.

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Thanks Belle, that makes a lot of sense. I really didn't know he did it intentionally, thought so perhaps, but it makes sense about being brief and things. That's why I asked for advice here.


He's a creep. How dare he!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said, I don't want to know what he's up to, it's none of my business, I just want to heal!!!

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