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To everyone who has had sex or any type of sexual intimacy, would you say that it is a disgusting experience?


I've heard from one guy that his experience of losing his virginity to a hooker at age 20 was disgusting.


Another guy on this board, claims that his experience of losing his virginity to a stranger he meet online at age 25 was disgusting.


In other words, people having casual sex with random strangers appears to be disgusting based on these two sources (but I've also heard some positives elsewhere - such as breaking the virginity barrier has led to an aura where they were able to more easily get other girls, etc....)


So, let's here it - in your experience, is it disgusting or not?

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I think sex is the most beautiful experience in life, there is nothing more special for me.


Then again, my few experiences have been with long-time boyfriends.


My ex had been with a hooker too and he said it was a terrible experience for him.


I guess it depends on the emotions involved, I think when people say it's disgusting is because they had hoped to have had it with someone they care about, not a random person or paid individual.


Hugs, Rose

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I guess if you really think about it- the bodily fluids like sweat, lubricant, semen, possibly urine and blood....it really IS gross.


But I don't consider any if it gross for some reason.


It sounds like those other people's experiences were disgusting because they were having sex with people who they didn't care about. I mean, I can't see myself enjoying it if I don't know the person or am even possibly paying for it.


I think most would never do it with a prostitute. A lot of people can have sex with strangers and feel fine about it- but I think most would prefer it to be with someone they care about and who care about you in return.

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I would say it depends with who you do it with. If I were to have sex with a random guy I just met, then yes that woudl be freaky, soo disgusting. Howver, if it was sex with a b/f you been for soo long and there's trust, along with bonding, then that must be a good experience.


Yet, still not ready to lost my virginity.

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(but I've also heard some positives elsewhere - such as breaking the virginity barrier has led to an aura where they were able to more easily get other girls, etc....)



They are not mutually exclusive. I totally agree that losing my virginity will help me get more girls. At the same time, psychologically, the thought of having sex with someone I don't love is disgusting. Still, I would do it so that I manage to attract someone in the future who I can love. Sort of like a bitter pill.

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So, what makes something 'disgusting'? What makes it noxious? What makes it pleasurable? I mean, sex technically is just a penis inserted in a vagina and going back and forth isn't it? How can that be disgusting or not?

Do body fluids smell sweet in general with another person? Could the smell be disgusting? What would be disgusting specifically?

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To everyone who has had sex or any type of sexual intimacy, would you say that it is a disgusting experience?


I've heard from one guy that his experience of losing his virginity to a hooker at age 20 was disgusting.


Another guy on this board, claims that his experience of losing his virginity to a stranger he meet online at age 25 was disgusting.


In other words, people having casual sex with random strangers appears to be disgusting based on these two sources (but I've also heard some positives elsewhere - such as breaking the virginity barrier has led to an aura where they were able to more easily get other girls, etc....)


So, let's here it - in your experience, is it disgusting or not?


No, sex isn't disguisting, it is a lil hard to figure out when I first did it, but it soons become easier and more fun.

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sex is one of the most awesome things in the world, under the right circumstances. i don't think that those circumstances include losing your virginity to a hooker, adultery, or sex outside of the law... these are poison to the soul and should be avoided at all times. otherwise, any smells or tastes will likely be associated with a positive experience and the brain will welcome them. mine does, anyway.

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