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Penis Size Problem...?

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O.k. first off let me express my initial status as a newcomer to eNotAlone. I stumbled onto this site after surfing the web over a peculiar (if there is anything to call it) predicament i find myself in when it comes to guys and sex.

the fact is that i hate it. i hate that once i'm done saying this i'm going to be criticized for being shallow, or being superficial, or being a but the truth is there's really not much i can do to help it...

is there something wrong with me 'cause i feel that i need a big penis in order to be satisfied by a lover?

i'm not a and have only had sex with close boyfriends and friends, (four guys since i was 15) and stand by my sexual activeness firmly and believe that there is nothing wrong and/or irresponsible about it.

but the thing that i've discovered about myself, to my horror, is that the question "does size matter?" does matter to me... and i hate myself for it! oh man i really do. it makes me feel like such a bad person. 3 of the guys i have been with were 6inches or under... and it was just like... whatever. didn't feel too turned on by the way they looked, and wasn't impressed in the act either. and from what i've heard form their ex's these are guys who can perform very well in bed... just didn't cut it with me and it makes me feel so degenerate. like. ugh. it frusterates the hell outta me. i wish i could just be like, i dunno, how all the other girls seem to be about penis size.

basically is there something wrong with me cuz i prefer atleast a thick 8 inches?

i mean... like i almost feel disgusted with myself but its who i am, and no matter how objective or opened minded i try to be, i can't help it.


please fellow ladies give me your input!

i.e. preferred penis size and such, am i abnormal or what?

and please refrain from any mean comments or anything of the sort. i'm here to look for support/help, not to be harassed, thank you very much i've heard it enough from 'friends'.


sorry for the long post.. i feel so nervous as to what people are going to say.

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Hey, welcome to enotalone first of all.

So right to it...personally I have only had one person that I have been sexually active with. I absoloutly love him. Size does not matter to me at all. He isn't huge, but he gets the job done. To me he is completely perfect. I feel self-conscious about my own body so I don't feel like it would be fair to judge someone else on theirs. I don't judge you either though. I guess different people just have different likes. Maybe I'm different because I've only had sex with one person. And who knows....maybe when you find that special person you will realize that size becomes the least of your worries. If it is indeed something that you need, then I guess you will have to make future decisions based on that...

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reclutan2breath - welcome!


I don't think your shallow at all.


Since we're on the topic of being quite candid, may I ask....do you have a sensitive clirotris? The reason I ask is because often times women that DON'T, really prefer vaginal sex with, umm...bigger men, because they stimulate internally better...where as women who feel a bunch of clitoral stimpulation can make do with a smaller or regular sized guy.


If any of that even makes any sense.


Regardless, some girls prefer a lot of a guy and some don't really care. Don't feel shallow for knowing what you like. As long as you're not insulting the guy for being too small or whatever, I think you're VERY normal.

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well since you asked, personally i love clitoral stimulation. i love being eaten out and the whole fore play deal! i do. its never been a problem for me to come from it or anything like that. the issue comes into play with intercourse. i mean... like. i dunno. then there's the issue with how 2 of these guys had curved penises. prior to that hadn't seen it before. found it interesting i guess. don't think negative or positive about it for that matter, but the whole size thing?

lol i think i'm getting horny

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8 inches should be about right, maybe 10 would be optimal.


Seriously, do you get involved with the guy attached to the other end of the salami? As a guy, I don't really get all that wowed about genitalia as I do other things. If you're fine with the big stuff, don't worry. Just don't get involved with average guys.

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I can honestly say that no girl i have ever been with has complained about me, i have even been praised (you know how girls talk to their friends) and i'm only about 6 inches and something. And i'm not saying that size doesnt matter, but ig you know what you're doing it doesnt matter that much.

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I have a few questions:


3 of the guys i have been with were 6inches or under... and it was just like... whatever. didn't feel too turned on by the way they looked, and wasn't impressed in the act either.


By "they," do you mean the whole physical appearance of the guys, or was just their penises you didn't like the looks of?


What were your emotional feelings about the "smaller" guys you were with?


What were your emotional feelings about the large guy you were with?

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If I came to these forums and claimed I had a 8 inch penis instead of a 4.5 inch one, I would instantly have more respect


It's true that we generally only allow posts by men with 7 inches or more in their pockets. You got that right. However in this instance we will make an exception. But don't push it!!

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Now I feel compelled to throw in some statistics too


According to this site link removed the average penile length is 6.2" with a standard deviation of 0.77". An Eight-Incher is 2.3 standard deviations away. Assuming a normal distribution, this means less than 4% of men are Eight-Inchers. Or one in 25. Like I said to the OP, good luck!

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4 Inch, you are well known for your...lets say sarcasm when it comes to penis size. I think we have seen you post in ALL of them. Flaming a mod isn't tolerated either...uh oh!


OP....I think it's your personal preference to the size you prefer! Thats ok, altho I dont think I could take one 8"....god bless you....

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Now I feel compelled to throw in some statistics too


According to this site link removed the average penile length is 6.2" with a standard deviation of 0.77". An Eight-Incher is 2.3 standard deviations away. Assuming a normal distribution, this means less than 4% of men are Eight-Inchers. Or one in 25. Like I said to the OP, good luck!


The 6.2" is not a good one, since it was a study where the guys measured themselves, and we all know how men like to exagerate.


Here's a better website:

link removed (NSFW!)

Scroll down to "comparitive study"


Most accurate is probably somewhere between the 5.1" one and the 5.7" one, so I'd say the REAL average is around 5.4". Meaning around 50% of men have one smaller than 5.4".


Scrolling down futher, you can see the percentages for each size. 8 inches is around 1% of men, and everything bigger than 8 inches is a total of around 2.2%.



So to the OP, yes, your chances of finding a guy with 8" or bigger is extremely small (pun not intended). The math says that out of every 100 guys you have sex with, 2 of them will have one 8 inches or bigger.


However, if you lower your standards a bit and decide 6 inches is enough, then out of every 100 guys you have sex with, around 40 of them will have one 6 inches or bigger. Which is still not the majority!!



My best advice to the OP (Original Poster/Thread Starter) is to just love guys for who they are and not the size of their penises, and you will have a much easier time and will be more satisfied with life in general and not stressed out about trying to find a guy with a huge schlong.


I am not a woman, but I think this is how the majority of women feel:

Size does matter, bigger feels better, but many men get confused when women say that and think size matters a lot. Yes it matters, but it only matters a little bit, most women care much more about other traits of the man instead of just his penis.

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4InchFury- your post was deleted for good reason. To discuss the reasons on here would make the deletion pointless. I don't have the time or the inclination to edit disrespectful posts no matter what the penis size of the person posting.


Flaming moderators is usually not a good idea on here.

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Melrich deserves mod of the month status for that one!


I honestly lost interest in whether my tool is metric, SAE or jumbo sized. Nature gives you something and with luck you get a chance to use it to make someone smile. I never studied the stats on these doodads.

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statistics aren't always going to be accurate... its always a portion of the actual population. there's never a 100 percent sure way to know the absolute truth.

and all i know is that i was with a guy that was 8 inches... how else would i know that i preferred it guys come on? and it was good. really good. thats all i'm saying. oh and as for measuring penises without a "measuring tape in my bra" its quite simple really. my hand is 6 inches from middle finger to the beginning fo my wrist. so when i go down on a guy, i touch and observe, and compare there member to the size of my hand basically.. its pretty easy to tell when a guy is two inches larger than my hand!

its funny how you guys indirectly or sarcastically mock me... swear that i'm stupid or something... thats why i was iffy about posting in the beginning.

i do however, appreciate the supportive comments btw!

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You can never measure the whole population's penis size, or any other criteria. It always has to be a representative portion and even if you go with the positively skewed 6.2" figure, finding an Eight Incher is statistically difficult. Whether you already had one or not is not relevant. It's like having a royal flush in poker. I've had it but it's no more probable the next time around.

Hey, no-one was calling you stupid..I just think you should know it's not an easy task. Like me looking for a virgin. Ha ha that's like 1 in a million for me. Wish me luck please.

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oh and as for measuring penises without a "measuring tape in my bra" its quite simple really. my hand is 6 inches from middle finger to the beginning fo my wrist. so when i go down on a guy, i touch and observe, and compare there member to the size of my hand basically


But I thought you were enjoying this 8 inch guy. IMHO, if you were enjoying it, you wouldn't have been bored enough to sit there with your hand perfectly flat and with it on the side of his penis to compare size.


If you were enjoying it, wouldn't you have been too caught up in the lovemaking to know what size it was? Cause I don't know one sex act that can be performed on a guy that involves having the hand completely flat without the fingers bent...



not saying you're a liar, it's just I cannot believe the amount of women that think they can tell exactly the size of a guy's penis without measuring it with a tape measure or a ruler.


Even if you are comparing it to the size of your 6" hand, it's still only an estimate!

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Please refrain from posting about penises in the future until you have the courtesy to have sex with an accurate vernier caliper and digital camera at hand. Some of us smaller fellows are increasingly annoyed by these spurious claims.

Thank you.

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there is one thing - the day you fall for someone and really like him for the way he is, these all things that you feel bothers you will fade away hopefully.


but when you find that one hold on to him with all that you got.


never make all the guys aware of wot you feel, the problem is you can't date people on the basis of penis sizes, you will lose out on good guys or probably end up settlin for some one you might not like otherwise.


There are guys too who look for girls with big boobs, backs n stuff....its a fact but then its their life.


anyways people change, 5 years down the line you might not even think like this lol.....


Good luck...have fun be nice.

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Please refrain from posting about penises in the future until you have the courtesy to have sex with an accurate vernier caliper and digital camera at hand. Some of us smaller fellows are increasingly annoyed by these spurious claims.

Thank you.


As a sharp milled piece of stainless steel, I ask that you refrain from suggesting women bring such things into the bedroom. I'm sure men of all size can agree due to the deflation risk.


To the original poster

but the truth is there's really not much i can do to help it...

is there something wrong with me 'cause i feel that i need a big penis in order to be satisfied by a lover?

Are we talking about "lovers" as in people having sex, or "lovers" as in people in love?



I don't particularly want to say it, and I don't want to sound judgemental

but i think you might have some unresolved issues. Mainly because penis appears to be at the top of your priority pyramid, secondly because your expectations and standards are so far above average, and finally because it seems like you're a little detatched from the man behind the "wingdiggler".


Does a man with a large penis make you feel more validated as a woman?

Do your girl friends all hold penis size in high regard?

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It's a personal preference. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If only guys with hairy chests turned you on no one here would be giving you grief. If a smaller or average size penis doesn't turn you on, then it doesn't turn you on. As far as finding a thick 8 inch guy... I've got a few numbers for you (Just kidding, I'm saving those for me!) And no... they're not all porn stars.

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