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Quit smoking: is pot in the category of smoking?

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I don't know if I post in the right section.

Anyways, this is my story..


I have a bf of almost 2.5 years now. He is a smoker...cigarette and pot (I included his smoking pot habit since he becomes addictive now). So I asked him to quit smoking if we want to have a future relationship, meaning marriage (since I have a 3 year old kid, i think smoking environment is just bad). And he agreed to try quitting.

But for him, smoking meaning only related with nicotine. So in other word, he is willing to quit cigarette smoking but not the pot.


My questions are:

1) Can smoke pot tempt him to smoke cigarette again?

2) How bad is the pot compared the cigarette?

(I know they both are addictive stuff)


My bf's excuse for not willing to quit smoking pot is that stuff better than consuming alcohol and give a better relaxing feeling.

In my opinion, it's okay to smoke pot for social thing once in awhile but not as a habit, and what he does is a habit already.

So what should i do now? I know I can't change him if he doesn't want to.


Please any suggestions will be very appreciated.




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I think that any kind of substance abuse, whether it's alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana, sets a bad example for a child. Whether pot is OK, hopefully not around your child, really depends on how *you* feel about it. Are you comfortable with him smoking pot? Why is it important to you that he quit smoking, and do you feel that his smoking pot is related to those reasons?


It sounds like he feels that he needs to do *something*, put some kind of substance into himself, and that pot is the least of the evils to him. How do you feel about that?


I have heard that several states are looking at legalizing marijuana, which if it happens in the state that you live in, means that whether or not his smoking pot is OK would be entirely up to the two of you, not a court of law...

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If he quits cigs and keep toking, he'll be tempted to have one last cig, then another...


I smoked both and quit both.

To me, quitting pot was effortless compared to cigarettes.

Of all the nasty habits I was dumb enough to adopt, cigarettes were the most addictive. Some folks can quit booze, meth or heroin, yet still smoke like chimneys.


Your boyfriend really should quit both, but if he can kick cigarettes, he can quit almost anything.


I hope he can quit both, if only for the cost savings and reduced lung damage. Putting smoke in your lungs is risky. Your child doesn't need this influence.


TV is bad enough.

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"Smoking pure cannabis is more harmful to lungs than tobacco, a health charity is warning. A study by the British Lung Foundation found that just three cannabis joints a day cause the same damage as 20 cigarettes."


The above was taken from a 2002 BBC article online. I don't know what the latest information is but the bottom line: bringing smoke into your lungs is not a good thing. He should quit both.

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Well I never smoked pot but I know how hard it is to quit smoking...I quit it about 3 times already and I'm still doing it so my take is if he quits smoking he'll compensate by smoking alot more marijuana....which probably is mor dangerous than cigs in large quantities.


So in conclusion...if he can't quit both he should quit the joints and stick with the regular smoking - just make sure he doesn't smoke in the house so your kid won't be passively smoking.

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I agree with the other posters.... I think our lungs were meant to inhale clean air. So inhaling anything is bad for him.


What is second hand smoke like for pot? I honestly don't know (look at me, little miss sheltered life We are all aware of the dangers of second hand nicotine smoke, what is second hand cannabis smoke like?


It is your child, you have a duty to create a suitable environment for him/her. So in that way, you get to set the ground rules for the environment he/she will live in. Now, that creates another whole set of problems...

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Smoking pot is not as bad as smoking cigarettes as far as your health is concerned.


When I was trying to quit cigarettes, I would be ok until I would smoke a joint. Then, immediately after, I NEEDed a cig.


I don't think it's okay to ask someone to change for you. But it's only the two of you who can decide, together, what is best for your relationship. Maybe you could ask him not to smoke or be high around you? I think it's wrong to try and control what he does when you are not around.

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I agree with the other posters.... I think our lungs were meant to inhale clean air. So inhaling anything is bad for him.


What is second hand smoke like for pot? I honestly don't know (look at me, little miss sheltered life We are all aware of the dangers of second hand nicotine smoke, what is second hand cannabis smoke like?


It is your child, you have a duty to create a suitable environment for him/her. So in that way, you get to set the ground rules for the environment he/she will live in. Now, that creates another whole set of problems...


It's the same as second hand cigarette smoke, just diluted smoke from the same source (with the same effects). If you're around second hand pot smoke enough you'll end up getting contact high (high from secondhand smoke)


It reeks too, but not as bad as regular cigarette smoke <_>

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My ciggie habit began when I started smoking pot. To get that extra buzz, and 'cause it felt relaxing to me to go through those motions. Breathing the stuff in and out.


Can't speak for your bf, but I think it's better to quit both. Pot was a breeze to stop, but ciggies were tough.


Health-wise a regular pot smoking habit is just as hard on your lungs as a moderate ciggie habit.

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Thank you for all the posts.


So i guess from what I understand, the MJ (short for marijuana ) can really make the crave for the cigarette. If he tries to quit ciggies but keep the pot, you think he will eventually smoke pot even more?


He's going to vacation with me for 2 weeks. And within that 2 weeks he can't smoke at all, but he's just going to have the patch.


Is it true that within a week or more without smoking, a smoker will lose his craving? But if he's going to use the patch, what is the chance?

Will it actually better without having any patches at all or having with?


Thanks in advance.



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I quit cold turkey and was reaching for my cigs 6 months later. My hands craved the routine motions of lighting up. From what I've seen in my sister and others, the patch or nicotine gum really cuts the craving, since they keep the nicotine coming. Beats lining his black little lungs.

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