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A "Date" and I have a cold :(


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Ok.... What would you do if you had a cold and had a date planned??? I don't think I will get better before the date. It isn't horribly bad, but, I don't feel all that great! I am really excited to see her since it has been a little while since we last got together.......



I am thinking of cancelling, but, I REALLY want to see her! Arg...


We have only been out a few times and even though nothing physical happened there was plenty of flirting. I was thinking on this date, if the moment arose, I would sort of stet things up a bit (i.e. a kiss)... but... now that I am feeling sick.. well, doesn't seem like such a great idea! And then she might just think I am not interested in more than friends..... crappy... why did this have to happen now!

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I would offer her the chance to reschedule. Call, tell her you have a slight cold, and ask her if it would be better to put it off, which it would, so then, when you do see her, you have a chance to grab her and lay one on her lips.

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Maybe I should clarify... I am not coughing, sneezing nor do I have a running noise. It feels like I am coming down with a cold though (headache, a bit sore muscles)... ....


Arg, it is just frustrating because we have tried to schedule meeting up a few times already and something comes up!!!!!! I just want to see her!! haha

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You could be coming down with some sort of viral thing (your body makes interferon when you're coming down with a virus/flu; interferon is a natural anti-viral that your cells spew off when you're sick, it also makes you feel like crap---hence the body aches and headache).


If you don't feel like your 'best' tonight, I would reschedule the date to a day/night that you feel better (especially since this is early on in the dating process). You always want to put your best foot forward (especially early on) and that's kind of hard when you don't feel 100%.


Get well soon,


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If I was your date, I'd rather you reschedule than take the risk of sharing your illness with me.


A reschedule would be disappointing, but not as disappointing as getting sick, y'know?


My sentiments exactly. Perhaps you can try telling her that you're down with a bad cold, and that you don't want to risk passing it on to her, so you'll have to reschedule the date.

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Ah! I've had this happen too! It sucks!


I really am susceptible to colds and for me things always last longer so I would honestly rather not go out with a guy if he was going to get me sick.


Just tell her you're really disappointed and would like to reschedule if the cold gets any worse.

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ok.... well, I was feeling better after I got home and took a short nap (I had a really rough weekend with little sleep, so, I think that was part of it...).... I still had a headache so I took a few advil and I went anyway.....



Well, I had a lot of fun, but, now I am confused by other things on whether or not this is going to move beyond "friendly'''........ arg..... I just need to sit on it for a while but I might post a new thread about it eventually....



Oh, and, I think she was a bit "sick" too ..haha... I didn't say anything to her about being sick, and she didn't say anything to me....

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Well, I had a lot of fun, but, now I am confused by other things on whether or not this is going to move beyond "friendly'''........ arg..... I just need to sit on it for a while but I might post a new thread about it eventually....


Well, it's only been one date. Of course it's just 'friendly'.


It's a good thing you went!

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