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My beloved Father is gone at the age of 55

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My Beloved father has passed away this weekend from being so sick for years.

He's been sick for 13 years and I was with him every step of the way.

Its so hard losing him so young and me being so young.

I seen him pass away right in front me. I seen him take his last deep breath while I came to visit him in the hospital.

I am so heart broken that I will never see my father again or whenever I have my children they will not meet his grandfather.

His suffering has stopped and now hes in heaven with no more suffering.

I miss him already and dont know how to continue my life without him not being here.

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Hugs to you aquaeyes. My heart goes out to you and your family at this extraordinary difficult time.


Your father will always hold an extremely special place in your heart. You were with him at his time of need.


My father died almost 23 months ago. I was with him when he took his final breath in this world.


Know that you're father is watching down from heaven right now...and that he is extremely proud of you.


Cry, scream and get warm hugs from your loved ones.


I will pray for you and your family.




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Hello aquaeyes and welcome to ENA. I am so sorry to hear about your fathers passing away. You are a very special person to have been there to support him through his illness.


I thankfully have never lost a parent, however, my husband died not quite three years ago. I watched him die right in front of my eyes , so I understand the difficulty of seeing someone breathe their last breaths.


Yes it does seem that your father was much too young to have died. My husband was 48 years old when he died. At that time my kids were 17 and 22 yrs old at their fathers death. It has been extremely difficult for the both of them, so I can imagine what you are feeling from seeing the heartbreak of my own children.


I can still see the pain and heartbreak in my children's eyes. There is so much they wanted their father see them achieve in life .


NO doubt you will always miss your father. Time will help you deal with it better, but we never truly get over it. Allow yourself to grieve his loss and do not try to hold it all inside.


I Know that some how your father is looking down on you , watching over you, just as my husband and father of my children watches over us in some way.


Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your father. Please feel free to come back here and talk to us on ENA at anytime. There are many supportive and wise people here. Many ((( HUGS ))) to you.

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Thank you for all your posts.

It was all touching to me.

I am sorry for the people who also lost a loved one.

Its so hard to see them pass away in front of you and I keep having that image in my head.

Thank you all for your words and prayers.


I agree, that image is something you will never forget. It is truly special that you were there when your dad passed on.


I remember with my dad----my mom, me and my sister spent 3 hours with him, washing him, turning him and fixing his pillows the night he died. Then when we all went to take a break, he started slipping away. Something made me go into his room and give him a kiss on his forehead. At that moment, I felt his last breath on my face. It was seconds later that I realized he was 'crossing over' and beginning a new phase of existence. I look back on that moment and I feel special that he 'chose' me to be with him at that time.

Trust that your father is up above watching out for you and that he will always love you.


I am thinking of you,


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Awww babe im so sorry to hear what you are going through, my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.


I lost my father 11 years ago i was almost 16 and he was only 44, my brother was only 12. Not one day has passed when he is not in my thoughts. I know it doesnt help to hear this but it is sooo true....time IS the greatest healer.

You were there for your dad right until the end, i still feel guilt now, because my dad went so suddenly (he had a stroke,but we didnt think he would die from it) i decided to go into work the morning he died,and planned on going to visit him in hospital that evening. I never got chance to say goodbye, or kiss him one last time and tell him i loved him. I have regretted that desicion every day.


I really feel for you at this time, and it may not feel like it right now, but you WILL get through this, just take one day at a time and eventually one day you will wake up and the tears will be gone and you will think of your father and smile.


Take comfort now that his suffering is over and he is at peace, and i truly believe you will see him again one day, there has to be more than just this lifetime, thats what i tell myself anyway! Im sure my father is looking down on me and we will be re-united again.


I also totally understand how you feel about your children never knowing their grandfather, its a heartwrenching thought. But i was incredibly lucky. My two children look like my dad, they have his features,which i find incredibly comforting,as he lives on in them.


My thoughts are with you at this sad time x x x

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  • 2 weeks later...
Its been a hard two weeks. Missing my Dad, wondering what am I suppose to do for him because im so use to doing things for him but then i realize he aint here no more.

I dont know to to add you guys on this net alone thing. Does anyone have msn messenger?


Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. That is so young to be gone. My heart goes out to you. I don't have MSN messenger or anything like that. Please share as much as you like. I'll be online most of the day.

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