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So How are you? Lonely bored and sexually frustrated

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So How are you? Lonely, bored, and sexually frustrated.


How would you react if I answered this question with the truth instead of fine?



As for myself, I'm a little lonesome, not really bored, but sadly a little sexually frustrated. 1 out of 3 ain't bad!

And I'm a total n00b!

Howdy from Ruh_Roh!

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There have been times when I've been in a lousy mood and people ask me how I am and I reply "bad" and they always went "that's good!" People rarely listen to your answer to that question, some don't even hang round to let you answer. They're like "Hey! How's it going" and before you get the chance to reply they've walked off. Makes you wonder why they bother asking.


Anyhow when people give me responses like that I'd ask them what was bothering them and try get them to tell me more about what's getting them down. When I ask people how they are it's usually meant as a conversation starter, so if they just give the standard reply of "good" I'll try have a follow up question. If I'm just passing someone on the street then I'd just say hello or something, asking them how they are is just silly if you don't want to know the answer.

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How would you react if I answered this question with the truth instead of fine?


Depends on the context.


If I know you and consider you a friend, I'd prefer hearing the truth.


If you, in relation to me, are a co-worker, store clerk, someone waiting for the same bus, the person answering the phone at tech support or some other random person I have no emotional/personal connection with, then I'd see it as "too much information."


Then again, I've learned to be very picky about who I share my troubles with.....


That's probably why I really don't tend to use that question as a sort of all-purpose greeting for everyone. I only ask if I'm prepared for a long-form answer.

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I usually go just "fine" cause it's just a formality and do people ever really want to hear the truth like MrMister says..


But there were times when people ask me I wanted to lay the entire sobstory on them.. they will never ask again, unless they really want to know


2 out of three aint bad either..

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So How are you? Lonely, bored, and sexually frustrated.


How would you react if I answered this question with the truth instead of fine?




Well, I'd probably think you were honest, laugh once, and try to talk to you and get you to figure out how to change that situation.

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They're like "Hey! How's it going" and before you get the chance to reply they've walked off. Makes you wonder why they bother asking.

well, yeah, mostly people ask just to be polite or to start a conversation. It's really not a question you answer with any truth, mostly.


But anyway, if you replied like that I'd probably laugh. Because I'm just that sort of peroson that doesn't really listen to your answer. I'm sorry

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When people ask me the question I usually come up with some quick and cordial honest response like, " oh you know just slightly miserable and overly exhausted from the relentless repetition of Mondays that seem to dictate and define the mundane habit that's become my borderline pathetic/mediocre life, but other than that life's grand, party on Wayne!!"

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The receptionist at my health club, stephanie I think her name is asked me the question this morning and of course I gave some sort of answer like "I have had better days"


Of course I see her most mornings for about ten seconds and at least I asked her name the other day.


p.s. why do I feel this way I have a few self defeating tendacies that have become apparant. Never had a girl friend, do not have any friends despite the fact that I learn dancing and of course dont get out much so I cant even have a one night stand. Know you know why lonely, bored and sexually frustrated.



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It is difficult when one does not have any confidence. If I cant make any friends why on earth would any woman have sex with me. At the moment life really sucks. And I dont know where any of the women go.


I am living with the parents out in the sticks so forget about a social life, It is a catch 22. How can I make any friends when I am feeling like this but with out friends I can not get out of this situation I would not like to be around me at present.


Man life sucks and I cant see a away out no matter how hard I try. I also Have an assignment to finish and I feeling so bad I really wonder what the point is.



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