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Sad news about Leah (celticghirl)

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Hi...Indi talked to her sister and here it is :


The accident


Her chest bumped into the steering wheel which is what killed her later at the hospital...She was brought in conscious and rushed to the operating theatre but passed away due to breathing problems...

About the fault, witnesses said the other driver was running red lights and is now in a coma..I hope he never wakes up!


The family


They are coping very bad...her mom is in shock, her dad is watching videos with her as a child non stop and her brother just locks himself in the room...her sister is the only one holding it together.


Her sister said she will not come to the forums but left Indi a message for us which Indi or I will post later on...

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First I have to say I posted this under Kramper but now I have my username back and they are merged...now here it goes



Leah's sister message to ENA :


" To everyone on enotalone.com, words cannot express how grateful i am that you helped ellie in her time of need,


She was a loving person who always put others before herself,


I am glad she found a place she could bare her soul on,


I thank every person who helped her in any way,


And made a positive impact in her short life,


She spoke highly of this site and of the friendliness that the people showed her,


Thank you for supporting her during her darkest moments


On behalf of myself and my family


God Bless "



On a side note, Indi asked me to tell you guys to pm her anytime, she feels too sad to post on this thread herself but will gladly discuss things in pms.

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She was..as her sister said she always put others before herself...


Anyway...got more info : the funeral is going to take place in Dublin on tuesday ( she was half-irish ) I'll try to find out the time and place so RC and others that might want to send flowers can arrange that...

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What's really bugging me is the guy who abused her so much in every way imaginable - Jason - is walking around free and happy, and is a policeman on top of that...and she might not have moved cities if it wasn't for him and she would still be alive today...


Wow... I'm speechless now. I feel even more upset. Whoever it is that writes the laws of nature/fate, should most definitively go back to the drawing board.

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I know how you feel fallout, I was one of the people that was helping her with jason. It is sad that he is going to win this way. Just tell us where we can send things. About the guy that is in a coma I do not wish for him to die too. He has taken are friend from us and it is hard to cope, but we are the ones that must be strong. If not for us then for Leah and her famly.

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It is sad news, and I know this is such a horrible time for her family and friends. It is heartbreaking, but I am of the belief that while it may be a hard thing to hear. Good people die young. That's looking at it in a brighter side I guess, and Im sorry if that offends someone. Im not really sure what to say about someone else that I dont knows death.


Tupac said it best, at worst she is just no where, theres just nothing, it's quiet. At best, she is an spirit or angel somewhere. She is away from all this bad stuff here on earth.


Life is hard. I dont see the earth is a great place, but similtaneously its so sad that she is gone from view of all of the people who loved her. It is a paradox I guess. Since she is gone, Im just choosing to look at the possitive. She is away from all this, and either way you look at it, she is probably better off.


Hopefully, past the gates of heaven if there is such a place. RIP..Such sad news.


Also, Im sorry if anyone reads my post and I seem unsensitive, that wasnt what I was trying to do.

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Yeah well gotta...I'm not for blindly believing something noone can know about...I know when someone dies it's not *their* loss primarily since they can't feel anymore but the loss of their family/friends.


Anyway about the flowers and such, it all depends if her sister calls Indi today or not...if not there's not much we can do to find out where it will take place, tho you guys could try calling Dublin cemeteries to find out which one will hold the funeral and at what time...it would be a nice surprise if they saw a flower circle thing from ena I'm sure.

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Ok best I could get is a list of some cemeteries in Dublin, with local contact number so you'd need to add +3531, + being 011 if calling from the us and 00 from most other places...I think it's correct dunno you can check further if you'd like...so here's the link to the cemeteries contact #, the funeral is scheduled for tuesday...anyway here's the link :


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