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Sad news about Leah (celticghirl)

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May God bless our Leah's soul and comfort her parents and give them strength.


Your life was cut so short dear Leah, but all the friends you made here, everyone that already posted and those that will are a testament how good of a person you were.


We will miss you a lot, always, rest in peace.

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I did not think that her death would take me by storm like this, I have lost 5 friends now and I am taking hers the hardest, and I have only known her for the shortest of them all. Well I need to go to work. I wish her famly luck and my best wishes......

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I refuse to accept she left on bad terms.


I'll talk to you soon.


Hey, forgive yourself okay?! I lost a friend years ago and the last time i spoke to him we had had a fight, but it was because i was worried about him. Now, i know he is there for me (in spirit or something) and that that conversation means nothing now... so don't beat yourself up. These sorts of things get lost in the ocean of all that we do for a person that is good. Believe me. But it does go to show that we never know when somebody is going to die and that we should try to resolve problems with people so they don't have to turn into harsh words.

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I refuse to accept she left on bad terms.


I'll talk to you soon.



I would like to say this to all of us still in the light,


One of us has fallen into shadows and the pain is grate but the rest of us must take up that stand once more. We who are left do so becuse in doing so we pay honnor to thows that have gone befor us.


Each deed, each act we do that remembers there names in goodness pays tripute the who they where and the time they where with us.


Now is not the time to fall down, no, now is the time to stand once more and in doing so say we miss and love you.



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I am so sorry to hear of her loss.

Having lost my husband suddenly, I understand what a terrible shock and how utterly devastating it is to lose someone you love in such a way. I cannot imagine what it must be like to lose a child. My heart goes out to her family.

My sincere condolences to her family and everyone who knew her.


I read one of her posts 'songs for your soul', and it does seem fitting that her song was 'Why does it alway rain on me' by Travis. Even though I did not know her, when I hear that song I shall think of her. May the sun shine on her for eternity. Rest In peace, Wee one, Rest in Peace.

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