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I have been in a LDR for 3 months with a woman who lives 500 kms away. We have visited each other twice and get along great together. Lately the contact has gone from every two or three days to once every week. it seemed like she was becoming distant ,but she still says things like ;I miss you.


I emailed her a few days ago and left a message on her phone a couple of days ago, and I still haven't heard from her. I have not heard from her in a week.I am not sure what to do now. I am concerned that something has happened to her, but I think it is more probable that she has decided to end the relationship this way.


I don't know how to contact any of her friends, so I am just waiting to see if I will ever hear from her again.What would you do?Thanks.

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Thanks, I know she is ending it. Its just that i am disappointed in the way she is doing it. I am sure she is OK , but I have no way of knowing short of driving 5 hours to her place, so it would be nice if she could of let me in on this.

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yeah, "disappearing" on someone is not cool. it looks like if you want closure, you'll have to get it yourself.


you know, if I were in your shoes, I would write one final e-mail. Like, "I'm sorry that things didn't work out between us, but the least you could have done is just tell me that, instead of disappearing. Well, I am moving on now, so have a good life."


yeah.... I think that's what i would do.... (and have done in the past...)

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Ya sounds like its done, id be a little miffed by her choice of ending it the way she did.


I would definitely call or email her just for the sake of confrontation, and say hey * * *, the least you could do it have the guts, and common courtesy to tell a guy its over... is that so hard? If its over its over, you will live, but to just leave you hanging is lame.

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