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(Women) Receiving oral sex ..?


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All 3 times I got pregnant, they were one shot deals. One time having sex in a 3 or 4 month window and it was just the right time, I guess.


Call me fertile myrtle.


So no piercing. But I was perusing a "toy" site, and saw these clips that you put on your clit. They also had several the size of clip on earrings that are little buttons you push and they vibrate at a low freq. You clip on on the labia on each side of the clit and wear them during intercourse...


Supozzzzzzzzzzzed to be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry sttttttttimulating..... lol

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what a funny and informative thread!! this is where all my people hang out!!


as to the question at hand... i can't read all 26 pages of this thread, but the last bit of advice from amuse seems to be right on. definitley let an enthusiastic, talented guy go down on you, and do what you think might ease your concerns beforehand (shower would be great). if you get assurance from him that he's excited to do it, you should definitely do yourself a favor and let him work out your shyness!!!


man, now i'm really going to have to go back and read all of this thread... some funny, hot stuff!!

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what a funny and informative thread!! this is where all my people hang out!!


as to the question at hand... i can't read all 26 pages of this thread, but the last bit of advice from amuse seems to be right on. definitley let an enthusiastic, talented guy go down on you, and do what you think might ease your concerns beforehand (shower would be great). if you get assurance from him that he's excited to do it, you should definitely do yourself a favor and let him work out your shyness!!!


man, now i'm really going to have to go back and read all of this thread... some funny, hot stuff!!


If you get bored and need a good laugh, go ahead and read this thread. We had a lot of fun going back and forth and I must admit, I was laughing my butt off most of the time we were writing it.

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definitley let an enthusiastic, talented guy go down on you, and do what you think might ease your concerns beforehand (shower would be great)


I think that's the best way to go about it, find someone that's totally down with doing it and has no issues like my damn toilet paper friend.


As it turns out, I may have the opportunity to "practice" getting comfortable with oral pretty soon.......

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I guess as far as landscaping that area, I'd talk to whoever you happen to be sleeping with to see if they have a preference...as far as toilet paper bits....perhaps take a quick shower? Or invest in some moist toilet wipes.


I was always pretty nervous about stuff like that, but I'm with someone now who is so crazy about that part of my body, that I have nothing to be nervous about because I know that I'm being worshipped, not judged.


Maybe if you talked to your special someone, you'd discover that he feels the same way about YOUR body that my special someone feels about mine.

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Shaven or not does not matter to me. Few women on which I have been down have shaven. Also, I've been there when the hair, down there on her, was longer than the hair on my head.


Something that indicated a lack of cleanliness, might, just might, convince me to stop in my tracks and turn around. But I'd just stop heading in like I was going to lick there and head back up and continue as if I had no designs on performing orally on that area of her. I would not say or do anything else.


On the other hand, if I know that it's been cleaned recently, like done up with something to clean and rinsed with water within a very short time, then it is time to chow down. That's about the only concern, beyond an STD.

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I can relate...!!


Once they are down there, i love it and can't get enough. Letting them get down there is the tricky bit.


i think its definitely a taste/smell thing. However, my previous partner loved my taste and looked like the cat who'd got the cream (so to speak!)...which then made me feel a little more confident.


But i know that when the next one comes along...it will be back to the beginning!

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so, when he 'spits' something out of his mouth....does it mean you either had t.p. on it or he just got a hair


What's the last thing heard before a pubic hair hits the floor?



Piitttuu (a spitting noise).



Ladies, it's really all about what he wants, and if he wants to do it. If he does, he won't care about too much. If he doesn't, what good are his half-hearted efforts going to do. Some of us want to get our face, mouth, lips and tongue right in there. Other guys do not. Some women will try to perform on a guy, to make him "feel good", in which case why bother. Other women want a guy to explode in their mouth, they get turned on by his stuff. If someone is turned on by your stuff, they'll get there, and you'll probably enjoy it.

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wow, i'm on another forum where oral sex has been discussed ALOT... and i've never heard of this toilet paper issue!!!???


i'm going to go ask them, hehe...


I've heard of this several times... My guy friend who initially told me about the TP issue said that him and his gf had showered together right before and still, there it was..you have to look for it i guess, like picking a booger.




Guys, do you expect a girl to come from oral?? I'm afraid he'll feel like he's gotta do it til that happens (and it's never happened ever, with oral or in general, so he'd be waiting a long time...)


also ... how can you tell if a guy's doing it just to please you, or if he really wants to?

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Guys, do you expect a girl to come from oral?? I'm afraid he'll feel like he's gotta do it til that happens (and it's never happened ever, with oral or in general, so he'd be waiting a long time...)


also ... how can you tell if a guy's doing it just to please you, or if he really wants to?


Raingate is right on the second question. I've grabbed her legs, pushed hem back and gotten in there. When she resisted, her legs got spread forcibly apart. She was not going to stop me. Is that every time? No, but it hapens.


Do I expect she will come? Yes, but she doesn't always. However, after repeated attempts only one has never. Have you ever by yourself?

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Nope .. nada.

nada cosa.



Yikes, and I assume that's not for lack of trying.


Afraid I cannot give you advice in that regard.


I know of a woman who before I met her only came by herself, using one method. After a while, things started to work, but only after she stopped servicing herself. But that's not an issue for you, I guess.

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Hi Raingate!


Rampant rabbit - it's a vibrator; they were featured in sex and the city, and are the biggest selling item in anne summers (uk sex shop). flying off the shelves apparently; hopefully not literally, that's a scary thought!


Apparently they are the most effective vibrator out there - I'm not sure if links are allowed, so not posted one. But if anyone has problems orgasming, this might be the way to go!


I'd be so gutted if I couldn't orgasm - and I think it's something that many women have to learn to do by themselves first, rather than expecting a bloke to find out. So I reckon N83 should get herself a rabbit, bolt the doors, light the candles, put some music on and get down to finding out what pushes her buttons! Other advice (and there are LOADS of *ahem* self help sites)


Orgasm triggers

There are several ways in which you can help yourself achieve a more fulfilling sexual experience:


Breathe deeply or pant to get oxygen to those tensing muscles.

Arch your back or try a different position to maximise clitoral stimulation.

Rhythmically squeeze your pelvic floor muscles.

Escape into your favourite fantasy to block out any negative thoughts or distractions


Good luck!

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