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Wow. Just wow.


I'm amazed at how many people have either been cheated on, or have cheated personally. Now its been brought to my attention that some people actually view an affair as healthy and/or acceptable. DOUBLE YOO TEE EFF.


Okay, so not only am I bitter about the general nature of people, but I'm slowly losing ALL faith I had in ever finding someone who is right for me. That person would NEVER cheat, and I think thats a fair expectation considering I would rather die than cheat on someone else. Is true commitment something only found in fairy tales? If so, then I shouldn't exist.


Either way, I don't know how I can ever trust anyone ever again, especially considering what the MAJORITY has become. Perhaps I would be better off if I give up on love altogether, never have sex again, and die alone with no one to care? Even if I found someone, chances are they still wouldn't care; my death would simply mean they get the chance to date around again.

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WOW Major....I read your post and thought "what a poor miserable OLD man..then I saw your age...and you're ONLY 18!!!! Oh my god. You are talking as if your life is OVER!! Right now is the time to be out playing he field and enjoying life!! Please don;t develop this ngative outlook ....NOT everyone cheats!! I think if you simply learned to just enjoy dating..and see it for what it is..you might change your perspective.

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Major I have felt the same way you do, more so then others at times, but think of it this way, you are 18 and have about 60 years to find a woman, do't think about whats going on now, think of how much TIME you have, and be happy that you have your youth and health, I wish I could say the same for myself as I have mental issues as well as an incureable disease that will make it very difficult for me to ever find a partner

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Dude, I have felt exactly like that off and on for the past year. I know exactly what you are feeling. It totally sucks. So, trust men, you are not alone (maybe even... Enotalone?!? )


Over the past couple of weeks, I have started to come around to the proposition that there are women out there that are trustworthy and worth my love. There are billions and billions of women out there, and the odds are in your favor that some of them are trustworthy. You just have to keep looking. If you come accross some of the more... uh... "untrustworthy" ones... then, you just say NEXT and go after the ones you deem worthy of your time and attention.


So, this hopeless feeling will go away as time goes on. I still go through it sometimes, but the bad feelings don't last.


Be well, man.

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Yep, give up. Devote your life to collecting Star Trek figures and grow up to be a bitter old man who never gave love a chance. Dude, you're 18 - I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but you haven't even started your life yet.


Haven't you ever heard the expression "it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?" It's so true - don't be scared of all relationships because some people might be bad at them. Go out there, get yourself a girlfriend, if she cheats on you, she obviously wasn't good enough for you and doesn't deserve you anyway. That's the way life works. Gotta try things, even if it means you might get hurt.


Get out of this slump... quit concentrating on things that might happen, and go out there and make things happen!

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Yep, give up. Devote your life to collecting Star Trek figures and grow up to be a bitter old man who never gave love a chance. Dude, you're 18 - I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but you haven't even started your life yet.


Haven't you ever heard the expression "it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?" It's so true - don't be scared of all relationships because some people might be bad at them. Go out there, get yourself a girlfriend, if she cheats on you, she obviously wasn't good enough for you and doesn't deserve you anyway. That's the way life works. Gotta try things, even if it means you might get hurt.


Get out of this slump... quit concentrating on things that might happen, and go out there and make things happen!

I dont't believe it anymore, I think it would have been better to hve never loved at all, I envy the people I know who don't understand what heartbreak and pain of love is, I would kill to have stayed pure and innocent

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I'm glad to see someone has been able to deal with these issues. My biggest problem is that I don't want to feel this bitter while still so young, so I appreciate your support.


To everyone else, I am Locutus of Borg. All non-Trek fans will be assimilated


You'll be fine, man. No doubt.


I was just noticing how much that smilie looked like a Borg today. Weird.


Resistance is futile. You will all be assimilated.

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Major I will also add that just by reading your posts you feel the same hell I do everyday as my situation was damn near the same as yours


Yours may have been slightly worse. Perhaps on the level of emotions our situations are nearly equal, but physically you REALLY got screwed over. Your ex did something so terrible to you that it actually makes me thankful that mine didn't get the chance. I am, however, convinced that she is the type to have done exactly the same thing had she been in the position to do so.

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Yours may have been slightly worse. Perhaps on the level of emotions our situations are nearly equal, but physically you REALLY got screwed over. Your ex did something so terrible to you that it actually makes me thankful that mine didn't get the chance. I am, however, convinced that she is the type to have done exactly the same thing had she been in the position to do so.


Yeah it's hard for me to give advice on the situation when I am going through the same stuff lol, I mean hell, if you look down a few days ago I had a post regarding lighting my ex's car on fire and feeding her new bf his heart, I have been workong on pressing those thoughts down though

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Well, there are ladies here that are also disgusted by cheating too. If the relationship isn't working out, fine. But at least have the decency to end things instead of lying, sneaking and abusing the trust of your mate. I don't think cheating ever improves a relationship, and I don't think it is EVER okay.

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Somebody on here has a pretty cool sig that's stuck with me... So I'll steal it! (kinda)


There are 6.5 Billion people in the world, so if you're one in a million, then there are 6,500 people exactly like you out there.


Don't lose hope man, my world looked pretty dark at 18 too, then I met a girl who changed my whole world. We're not together anymore, but she didn't cheat on me, and neither of us ever would have. There aren't going to be very many people out there who could be right for you, but you'll get better at looking for them, and more importantly, being worthy of them


Take care,






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That's a pretty negative outlook. My only advice is, for now, to stop focusing on finding that someone and looking for love. My two cents: love isn't something you find my friend, it finds you ... and usually when you aren't looking. You need to regroup and find some joy in your life outside of the proverbial 'soulmate'.


When you are happy with yourself first love can find you much more easily ... and hey if it doesn't, then what does it matter? You are already happy, remember?

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