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Last week, the doctor started me on Celexa (the first 4 days a quarter of a pill, then the next 4 days, a half a pill, and then a whole pill). The first four days were ok, but yesterday and today after taking a half a pill, I am feeling really bad, like a bit disjointed and I am feeling really jittery and uncomfortable. It is an uncomfortable feeling that I want to get rid of. The doctor did tell me that I would get jittery at first but it would get better. I wonder if the jittery feelings are being excerbated by the fact that I drink coffee right before I take the medication.


How long do these feelings last and should I stick it out? Do all anti-anxiety meds cause small side effects like this? I have never taken anti-anixety meds before. My asthma meds never caused me problems.

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Ren, don't drink coffee if you are having chronic problems with anxiety. That is a big no-no. Caffeine and anxiety don't mix.


The doctor told you that you may feel jittery. You just upped your medication. Give it a few days. Start first though by not having anything at all with caffeine in it. I also responded to your other note about this.

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I recomend sticking it out (or talking to your doctor). It has been awhile since I was on Celexa, but I don't remember any major issues (at least in the long term). I know when I changed my Paxil dosage i had severe insomnia and agitation for a few days and then it calmed down to normal again.


The coffee thing could be part of it. Try spacing out the medication and the caffeine a bit more and see if it helps. What time of day do you take your pill at? Perhaps you might change that and see if it becomes a bit more tolerable.

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I take all my meds (asthma and now the Celexa) in the morning with coffee. Since I never had problems with taking my asthma meds with coffee, I assumed that I wouldnt with the Celexa.


I may try to take the Celexa at night and see what happens. The doc told me that I could take it at night if I wanted to.


I just feel real jittery and anxious right now. I dont like these feelings. I also dont want to feel this way because I want to go out and enjoy the day. The sun's finally out (after the morning gloom).

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Hi RW,

I wouldn't take caffeine (coffee) along with anti-anxiety medications for this reason:

"Tell your prescriber or health care professional about all other medicines you are taking, including non-prescription medicines. Also tell your prescriber or health care professional if you are a frequent user of grapefruit juice, drinks with caffeine or alcohol, if you smoke, or if you use illegal drugs. These may affect the way your medicine works. Check with your health care professional before stopping or starting any of your medicines."


Celexa increases the amount of neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain by blocking the resorption of serotonin from the synapse, having little effect of other receptors, which is why it is called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).


You may start to feel relief of symptoms within 4-8 weeks.

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Taking Celex in the morning or in the evening depends on how it affects you personally. Insomnia and jitters, as well as drowsiness or weakness, are all potential side effects. If you are having jitters, it's possible it could affect the way you sleep, so taking it at night may not be a good idea.


I would not be taking it with coffee or other caffeinated beverages, since as R2S has said, they can affect the way your medication works. Take it with a glass of water instead, and try to steer off the coffee for awhile until the jitters disappear. It can take up 6-8 weeks.


Your doctor warned you that this would be a temporary side effect, and if you can stick it through, you will likely see some real benefits.


Hang in there.

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hi , i`ve been taking anti-depressants for over four years now. i`m currently on effexor. several months ago i began having SEVERE headaches. i told my doctor and he asked me how much coffee and soda i drink. turns out i was drinking way too much coffee. i cut out the caffiene and within a few days the headaches were gone.

you can ask your doctor or switch to decaf and see what happens.

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ask your doctor about it, give them a call. but dont stop taking it.

your on it for anxeity?? i have the same thing (GAD)

You also shouldnt be drinking coffee, caffee is bad for anxiety, well unless its decaf.

a few days ago i started taking lexapro for my anxiety and i had the worst reaction the first nite. i ended up passing out in my bathroom and throwing up from it the whole nite.. ehh.. i think it just takes a while to find the right meds..

are the symptoms worse then your were feeling before you started taking the medication.. i think it takes time for you to adjust but just for safty talk to your doc.

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This morning I skipped my cup of coffee and took my meds (including the Celexa). I still feel a bit jittery but it's not as bad as yesterday after the coffee. I guess the coffee really does affect how Celexa works on you.


But now I have a headache from lack of caffeine. I am going to have to take some aspirin for it.


Will I have to avoid coffee for a long while, while taking the Celexa, or can I drink coffee after I get used to the med? I like my cup of coffee in the morning.

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RW, it would be a good idea to keep a journal/log of your symptoms. And make more than one entry a day as your mood changes throughout the day. Note how you feel when you increase the dosage. Note how you feel in the morning, mid-day, evening, etc. The journal will help you notice patterns that might give important clues about how the medication is affecting you. And take that journal with you to your next appointment. The doctor will tell you how you should regard and respond to those side effects.


Also, if the jitteriness gets too ovewhelming, consider cutting the dosage back a little, or increase it more slowly than what was recommended. For example, if it's intolerable, ask your doctor if it would be a good idea to stay on half a pill for 6 days instead of 4. Remember that the doctor gives you general guidelines, but everybody is different. Some people need lower dosage, and/or slower increases than what is the standard. Only you know how you feel, so pay attention and trust yourself. Remember that you and your doctor are working as a team to find the right solution for you, so your own input is also very important.


And also, besides considering how the caffeine interacts, alcohol is also totally off-limits when you're taking anti-anxiety meds. And do make sure your doctor knows about your other prescription or over-the-counter meds.

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