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Tell me the most ridiculous, illogical, thing that your Ex has ever said to you!

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i think for me it was just a simple..."things will never work out" even though she never mentioned anything that wasnt "working out" oh and what makes it even more illogical is the following "i love you" to make you "feel better." Its funny because if she loved me, she would not be ending it with no warning or signs or anything.

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i think for me it was just a simple..."things will never work out" even though she never mentioned anything that wasnt "working out" oh and what makes it even more illogical is the following "i love you" to make you "feel better." Its funny because if she loved me, she would not be ending it with no warning or signs or anything.


I hear ya man... I hear ya.

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1. After the first breakup, which came as a shock given the fact she sat there at lunch five days earlier telling me how much she hates going to work because she misses me. I did the usual couple of phone calls and couple of emails. None of them nasty, just brutally honest. She emaild me back and it started with, "this is bordering on harrasment", which was total BS. So I let her go, made no contact at all with her, just cut her out of my life. Well she wound up coming back for a second time. One of the first things she said to me when we got back together was, "how come you never answered my last email"? What???!!! How could I compete with this type of logic?



2. Okay, same girl as before, I could write a book about this crazy B! After breaking up with me the second time, just after Christams. After making the obligatory one to two phone calls to try and save the relationship, I let her be. Three weeks later I'm checking my answering machine and she leaves me a message on there that said, "hey, it's me, just checking in". What???!!! Checking in?! Hmmm, thought you broke up with me?!


3. My absolute favorite: "You treated me better than anyone ever has and I know most girls would love that, but I didn't know how to deal with it. He keeps me in line". She was referring to the guy that she dated for 6 years, who pysically and mentally abused her, who her brothers beat up because they learned of the abuse and then the dirt ball boyfriend sued them and won $8,000. Totally ruined her relationship with her 2 brothers and strained her family. He was equally responsible for the 2 abortions she had while she was with him. And he used to stalk her and once broke in her Parent's house where she was staying and trashed the place. I guess I was just too much of a nice guy for her becuase I was unable to keep her in line and show my love for her using these disgusting tactics that filled her relationship with him.

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I guy I dated while I was like 17 and who's married today (to the same girl this story is about ) said the most stupid thing I ever heard.


They were in LDR and he cheated on her (I can't remember if it included sex or not, it was like 3 years ago).

He called her and said to her that he cheated on her.

I asked him Why?! YOU WERE STUPID ENOUGH to cheat and you were stupid enough to tell her that? (no way that she would ever find that out if he hasn't said that to her.)

And his answer to me was: Well I cheated on her and I was honest about it because if it is ment to be for us it will be no matter this.



And they are married today?! Wow, looks like they were really ment to be (as they are equal in their stupidity)



One of the most offensive things was when I guy I used to date asked me after some time on my oppinion about this situation with a girl he started dating (after we broke up, of course). I gave my oppinion (which was asked by him) and he said to me:

You can't base your advice on the way I was toward you, because I treat her differently. (in other words better, because he was treating me awfully)


Or my ex friend: When he hasn't returned my call that I made at exact time when we arranged we will have a chat: I know you called but I didn't want to answer because I didn't want my future wife to find out we're firends.

Great, it was our last conversation - and he kept wondering why?

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"You care about school so much because you want to avoid living life."


no you bonehead, i just want to finish my degree because I'm a conscientous student and love what I do. Unlike him who dropped out of his 3rd semester of college to join a rock band. I certainly haven't seen them on MTV. or anywhere


also from him:


"your cooking is too ethnic."


sorry for feeding my boyfriend!

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OK, from my ex 6 months after leaving me and going out with a loser...


I did NC for 3 1/2 months and then we started LC again, why I wish I knew..


Anyway, I get this text message one day "I'm Sorry" I have no clue and respond with " ? " she responds with " For everything I ever did to hurt you "

She walks out on me, tells everybody the break was mutual and sends me a sorry text message 6 months later...Talk about someone who does not get it...


More recent we have kept in touch with email and talking a little on the phone

So I say to her on the phone one day want to get a cup of coffee or lunch and catch up Friday? I say good I will come by about noon, i'll call you..

SHe says that would be nice, see you Friday...


Friday comes, I call and she does not answer and does not call me back.. So I went to lunch with a friend. Come Saturday night at 11PM and I was out and did not see it until I left the club. She sent me a text at 11PM telling me she was " Sorry, I was so out of it Friday, I slept all day "

Are you fu#$##ng kidding me!!! That was the thought that went through my head...


After seeing that I promptly deleted any contact info for her and have not had anything to do with her...



Oh , and she dumped the junkie abuser she was with and is with another going nowhere loser now... It is sad really....Oh well...

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"I can see us being together NOW, and in the FUTURE, it's like I can see a path of us being together, but there is a bridge in the middle of now and the future that is all fuzzy and washed out...so I think that means we have to break up"


I got a good laugh outta that one, it's gold!

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"You're the perfect guy for me. If this doesn't work out I'm just going to be by myself. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect man to be with."


A year and a half later her sister sees me at a concert and comes up to say hello. Her sister and her husband were always great to me. I sarcastically ask, "is (Ex's name) still with that loser biker that abuses her"? She says, "that guy caused my family so much pain; no she's on about the 6th boyfriend after that".


Then the sister said something to me that warmed my heart. I don't know if she realized what she did, but it was like a final release for me. It stopped me from asking myself the what ifs that had always haunted me since the breakup. The sister told me she had seen her the previous weekend at a birthday dinner that her Parent's had for my Ex. My Ex brought her latest victim, her current boyfriend. As her boyfriend was saying goodbye to the sister he said, "bye (sister's name), this may be the last time I see you". Then the sister says, "I don't think (my Ex's name) is ever going to be settled". YES!!!!!! As soon as I heard that I knew that this poor guy was on that same seesaw that I used to ride, that constant, "I need you so much, I want to be alone", cycle, that she is famous for. She would push me away, I'd stop bothering with her, and she'd come running back in a couple of weeks when she realized I wasn't about to chase after her. Evidently, "Miss I don't need anyone", can't be alone, in fact she's been spreading her legs for 7 different guys in a year and a half. What a skank!

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This is a bit x-rated but after having sex for the first time, my then boyfriend and now an ex told me that my * * * * * was gold. Seriously. I kid you not.


But he of course dumped me four months later probably because he found another * * * * * lined with gold.

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The lies he told were indigestible. One time he went MIA on me for three weeks - I asked him if he was seeing other women and he said no. I then asked how he was able to keep himself satisfied being that he told me months prior he can't go a few days without sex. His reply along with visual demonstration, "I jacked off to your pictures." LOL

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