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exercise; weightloss. help me.

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ive put on a good amount of weight over this past year in college. i need to get rid of it. ive always been a small girl and i guess in my head i still picture myself as being that small girl. but these past few months i can see a drastic change in my phyical apperence. && its quite bothering me.

Im 5'0ft. and weigh 135lbs. before i started school i was between 115-120.

i have a small frame. so i really want to get this extra weight off once and for all and maintain it. i go to the gym regularly and ive been going for about 3months now, and nothing has changed. my eating habits are average, i dont consume junk food and sweets.

i really dont know what im doing wrong!! any advice on food i can try to help me slim down! or any food i should advoid.

i will do anything at this point

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If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more than you take in. Simple enough. So, you may want to try to reduce how much you take in. Or you can try to increase how much you burn, esp. when at the gym. Instead of working longer to burn more, you should work harder. Working harder will tend to raise your resting metabolic rate, nd you may burn long after you have left the gym. Working longer at lower intensity creates a calorie sink while you work, but when you are done, rather than burn more, you burn the same as you did before you began going to the gym.

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Exactly I agree with Beec. I'm on the Body For Life program now and it calls for aerobic exercise 3 days a week and in between those days you do weight exercises to increase muscle which in turn burns more calories. On the aerobic days we only work out for 20 minutes but I guarantee those 20 minutes burn more calories than when I would 60 minutes before - simply because I'm pushing myself harder. I really think adding weight lifting to your routine may help you as well

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Hi Bebecole,


If your are chubby in particular around your upper body and upper arms, you could try some cinnamon to increase your insulin sensitivity: Reducing weight tip, Having blood sugar problems?, Too Fat?


Otherwise be sure that you have excess fat to lose as adding muscles may add weight. You also could seek professional advice and Accept Your Body and Learn to Have a Positive Self Image


Drink enough water

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I have lost 40lbs in the last 6months, here's how I did it and maybe it will work for you.

Food: Multi-grain wheat bread, drink 10 bottle of water/day, egg for breakfast, chicken/salad/muffin for lunch, and a sandwhich for dinner. Something to that extent.


Exercise: Use the treadmill at the gym, put it on a 15% incline, and walk/run at 2.5miles/hr speed for 30min/day, 6 days/wk.

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Good for you Rose2Summer!!

I have lost almost 60 lbs now since Easter, and it pretty much was a combination of all the things above.


I quit counting anything but calories. I tried to stay as close to 1000-1200 as possible. I did aerobics for an hour 3X per week and weights/toning 3X per week. I also cut out all snacks, junk food, processed food, etc and GOT MOVING. I stay on my feet all the time and wear ankle and wrist weights around the house just to add to the burn...


Just deciding to get after it is a good step. Getting moving and getting a healthier self image is the second.

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