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im starting to get freaked out a little!

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Well as i told you before im pregnant 4 weeks to be exact. My boyfriend knows but my parents dont. His mom has been hinting around at it so we think she knows. I dont think i can tell my family honestly i dont. Im starting to feel scared about it because i dont know if they will be behind me 100%, they had big plans for me. Going to VT & getting a good job- now plans have changed. Im engaged as of now me and my boyfriend are getting married soon. Idk i just have been so worried about it. I want this baby im so excited that i will be able to bring a gift from god into the world- but i dont think i can handle the disappointment from my family. It will honestly kill me to think that they will fait me for this. Im just so scared im not even 16 yet i wont be until november. im just a child but that is all soon to change. If god didnt want me to have this baby he wouldnt have let it be & they say he never gives you what you cant handle. The reality of it is just now starting to sink in & im so scared. God some help advice, maybe talking to someone else that is in my position would be nice. thank you

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If god didnt want me to have this baby he wouldnt have let it be & they say he never gives you what you cant handle.


Please don't rely on religious mantras as your rationale.


You are 15 years old and 4 weeks pregnant. You still have choices and I think you need to give very careful consideration to what you should be doing.


15 year olds can and do give birth and bring up children. But it is a very hard life for a teenager. I really think you just have to bite the bullet and tell your parents. Sure they will be mad but at the end of the day they love you and will support you.


I think you need to tell them because you need some real guidance here. You neeed to be talking to Family Planning now, whilst you still have options. You need to think practically about this situation...not "if God didn't want me to have this baby he wouldn't have let it be..."

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Please don't rely on religious mantras as your rationale.


You are 15 years old and 4 weeks pregnant. You still have choices and I think you need to give very careful consideration to what you should be doing.


15 year olds can and do give birth and bring up children. But it is a very hard life for a teenager. I really think you just have to bite the bullet and tell your parents. Sure they will be mad but at the end of the day they love you and will support you.


I think you need to tell them because you need some real guidance here. You neeed to be talking to Family Planning now, whilst you still have options. You need to think practically about this situation...not "if God didn't want me to have this baby he wouldn't have let it be..."


Agreed with 100%. This is something very real, and something concrete, not metaphysical as in God. (not meaning to start a religious war here by any means). As Melrich said, you have options and you DO need to start considering them seriously.


Best of luck. =).

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im not trying get off subject, and i know its hardly a difference, but doesnt her age say she is 17? yet she says shes not even 16. i know its not relevant but...??


I believe both Baby_Blue and her b/f are 15 turning 16 in 2-3 months. Obviously at registration the wrong birth date was punched in.

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well, despite however old you are, you are, in my opinion not mature enough to handle a child, seeing as how you are a child yourself. it must be such a difficult predicament you are in, and you are faced with hard choices. i really do agree with the others and think you need to decide whatever you may do rationally. its great that you believe strongly in your religion. but God did not make you pregnant. you and your boyfriend made that decision, with unprotected sex, or with protected sex that seemed to fail. at your age i think abstinence is best anyhow. you cnat change what youve done. however, do you really think that being a mother would be doing the best for the baby? if you cant give your all to the baby, then you are not ready to be a mother. i just think you need to think about things accurately and dont let your judgement clouded. i hope you make a decision you think is best. take care.

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I can imagine you are scared, but I think you are handling the situation in a mature way. Make a plan for the future. By the time your young one will go to school, there is still time for you to study or work. There are schools that combine work and education, so that might be a good option for you. If you are 15, how can you get married? I don't know how the laws are in your state, in Holland you have to be 18. You will need to tell your parents. I think you will need them for support, also when the baby is there.


Take care,



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I know you must be very scared right now... Here is the thing you are 15 and you need to tell your parents first and foremost. Your parents may be upset at first because they have plans for you, you say. Well i know they will be upset at first but they also are older than you are and believe it or not have advice and guidance to give you. It seems to me that you are very religious and i am as well, i personally do not recomend abortion but that is a decision that is up to you. There are other options like adoption which gives a chance for you to have a life, give your baby a better life. Also in the future you should maybe think about abstinence seeing as you are religious. If not then you should look into birthcontrol.... I do know somewhat the situation you are going through. My best friend is 19 and she has two kids one is three and the other is 1 and 1/2..... she was pregnant at 16 and she is very unhappy.... she is unhappy because she is stuck with a man she doesn't love and she has no life.... i must say she is an excellent mother but she did have trouble telling her mom and they didn't speak for a while but they are perfect now... I know you are scared but you need to tell your parents, and maybe you want the baby but you and your bf are not mature enough to have a baby. Also guys who are fathers this young tend to be rebellious and eventually might need to "have fun" and this is what i see most in teenage fathers which will eventually cause a lot of stress for you. All i can say is to pray to God and to tell your parents and really consider what you want... and what is best for the baby and yourself.


I hope i didn't come off as harsh, i will pray for you and i hope you makethe right decision and God Bless....



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If you are both 15, how are you going to get married? And...just because you are having a baby at this age does not mean you need to get married at this age...


Honestly, if you are pregnant and keeping this baby, I think you must tell your parents NOW. If you think telling your parents is tough, how do you think motherhood is going to be????


Not only that, but if you are not telling your parents, you are also putting yourself and the baby at risk. You need health care NOW...not later, but NOW to make sure the pregnancy is healthy. As a teen you are automatically considered "high risk" as your sexual organs are still not fully mature for example. You need to be monitored and being eating healthy, with prenatal vitamins and everything.


Yes, there are teens whom do it, but it does not mean it is easy.Whether you believe in God or not, YOU are the one that will be there raising the child if you choose to keep it. And yes, it is going to change your life.


You also need to be preparing for this child because babies cost MONEY. Lots of money. That is in addition to supporting yourselves.


I would also not be using the "God's will" reason, because whatever your belief in God, you and your boyfriend chose to have sex (and possibly not protected?) and accept the consequences of that. At 15, I think you two yet have no idea really what parenthood is really going to be like, and I think you are going to HAVE to tell your family because their support is going to be needed.


And there is NO reason to not still get an education. Trust me, it will be much better for you and the baby if you do.


Honestly, I do think you should look into adoption options as well. It is not easy, but given your ages, I think that maybe finding a family that is established and able to give this child all it needs (I know you will love it, but a child also deserves a stable home, financial security, etc). My best friend gave her child up at 16 and it was hard, but she got to choose the parents, meet them and everything. She went on to university, is no longer with the guy whom was the baby's father (he turned into a total jerk) and she gets updates on the child once or twice a year. She has no regrets about giving him the life she was unable too offer.

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I just wanted to post a reply, I too got pregnant young (16) and had my son at 17 I am now 18 and have raised him pretty much on my own since the day he was born and he is just fine. Your age isnt relevant(sp?) to how you can parent a child. You just need to realize once you have this child your life revolves around them not you anymore and do the best to your ability.

Also with the issue or telling your parents, its best to do it earlier then later. My father didn't speak to me for close to three months once I told him but now he loves my son to death and wouldnt trade him for the world. Its a very hurtful thing for parents to find out their baby is having a baby and they may not support you having a child 100% you need to show them you are responsible and mature enough to raise a child and that having a child isn't going to stop you from getting your education if you dont let it i'll admit it's alot harder but it's possible, i've done it and so have a couple of my friends who had children in their teens one actually just graduated from college and is becoming a nurse and she had her son at 15.


and the most important thing as RayKay pointed out you need to tell your parents so you can get to a doctor because you have serious health problems that can put your life and that baby's life at risk.

Its not going to be easy but its the best thing!


if you need to talk to someone who understands, then please pm me because I know how hard it is to go through this and be a young mother.

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