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Things CAN get worse...

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Wow finally caught up!


Sorry I haven't been around BTR! My kitty knocked water on my computer and its busted, so I have to wait until I'm at school to post!


Well you might be getting induced today or tomorrow! Not sure if you will even read this until after you have your little angel! SO EXCITING!


On the note of all of your fears, concerns, dilemas, and ppl giving you flack, I would take hope's advice. For custody and visitation and all that, tell a lawyer EVERYTHING, including what you said about him doing drugs in the bathroom when he had his daughter. Let the lawyer advise you (provided that you trust him/her) and just tell everyone else that you are talking to a lawyer about what your options are. End of story. Don't give them ANY MORE than that. If they try to pry, just say you're talking to a lawyer about it, period. Don't listen to what ANYONE says about your decisions. This baby DESERVES his mothers last name, and YOU want it that way, and for pete's sake, its only a name and its not permanant!


Good luck with everything! We all love you tonz!


Stay strong

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Thanks guys!!!!!!


I called the doctor today and they told me to take a benadryl. I'm hesitant about doing that because after I took it before, all my problems started (high blood pressure, etc.). I've tried so many different creams, and they work for about 10 minutes and then just itch more until I wash them off. The only thing that works is ice cold showers. *sigh* Oh well. My appointment is tomorrow, I'll see what they say then. I'm ready to be induced at this point, if need be of course. It would be awesome if I went into labor tonight, but I don't really see that happening.


Thanks again to everyone for the support. I feel strong again and ready to handle everything.


I just have to remember that I do NOT owe him anything. He has done absolutely nothing for this kid, I've spent so much on doctor's appointments and everything I could possibly need. He's staying at his ex's house...he doesn't even come out and visit us.


Secondly, he has a tiny two seater truck and if he came out here, chances are he would just ask me to drive anyways. My car seat is pretty chunky and I doubt it would even fit properly.


But I still gotta go talk to a lawyer. I plan on calling my old landlord and telling her what's up and asking her to write me a letter for my records saying just why we got kicked out, even though she said she'd give ME a good reference, I'm sure she'd have no problem writing down just what she thinks of him. They thought he beat me and he was constantly screaming at me...so I have that in my bag and it makes me feel better. I know when it comes down to it, I really don't have anything to worry about.


Thanks again guys, I feel super sensitive and I'm sure it's all these raging hormones. I really, really can't wait to see this little guy!!

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But I still gotta go talk to a lawyer. I plan on calling my old landlord and telling her what's up and asking her to write me a letter for my records saying just why we got kicked out, even though she said she'd give ME a good reference, I'm sure she'd have no problem writing down just what she thinks of him. They thought he beat me and he was constantly screaming at me...so I have that in my bag and it makes me feel better. I know when it comes down to it, I really don't have anything to worry about.


BTR that is excellent news, yes indeed keep that in your pocket for after.


But you are strong, you are ready, and let's see this darn kid already!!


Can't wait until you tell us that you are going to have the baby!


(one past belly pic?

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I'm planning on taking pictures today. I'll try and post them.


Anyways, I made a new post about my last day being pregnant, but I always come back to this thread to post the details.


My doctor's appointment was today and they're inducing me tomorrow. They told me I have PUPPS, which is why I'm so itchy and nothing helps. Supposedly it goes away shortly after delivery, but it can still take some time. When she checked my cervix, I started bleeding. She said it was normal and my sister in law told me the try to strip the cervix to try to get things moving. Whatever...it kinda hurt but it's alright. The doctor told me she has a ton of inducions tomorrow but I really need to get delivered because of my high blood pressure and all that.


I am sooooo nervous...but excited at the same time. Like right before you go down that huge drop on a roller coaster. I'm not going to be able to sleep a wink.


I'm not going to call R until tomorrow sometime. He has his huge final interview tomorrow, so I kinda knew I'd have the baby then...but I don't want him there anyways. I'll deal with him when that time comes. Until then, I'm going to concentrate on mentally preparing myself for this monumental task.



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Hey Girl,


Sorry to hear about the PUPPS! That can be a miserable experience, but it usually goes away pretty quickly after delivery (usually days, but sometimes weeks.)


You are going to do great tomorrow- you'll be a star.


If you can try to get a good night's sleep tonight, even if you need a little Benedryl to help you- you are going to need to be rested up for the delivery!


Can't wait to hear the good news!


Good luck!

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I just talked to R. *sigh* I don't know why I even do that. He said he'd better get a call, and not after the fact...I asked him why is he acting like he's excited when this is supposedly "ruining his life?" He began asking WHY would I say that, is it just to get him riled up, or make him upset? Then he told me it's only ruining his life if I decide I don't want to be in a relationship with him...he said if I don't, then we'd fight tooth and nail, day and night because I don't compromise and he won't either. He told me things he'd bring up in court (living with my mom, the fact that there's dogs here, one's a pit bull, etc) and I asked if living in a motorhome was better when it came to the courts...? He said no but he's changing it. Then he said how he's been through this over and over and obviously I'm forgetting that...then went on to say how much he loves me and just wants to be with me and wants to marry me, etc. That's why he says the things he does, and he doesn't want a kid with someone he's not with.


That's all I said, but I was pretty torn up. I don't know why I let him get to me still. I do though.


Then I talked to my oldest brother's fiancee who has two kids and has been through a really messy divorce and told me I have little to worry about and eased my mind quite a bit. She said I could go stay with them whenever I want, even use their address as mine if it makes me feel better when it comes to going to court, and they would even help with any legal fees if I need it.


I feel stronger and I got to see some of the ammo R is relying on. It's sad that this is how this little boy's parents are being to each other the night before he's born, but...I don't know. It's a little too late to change that, isn't it?


I'm done ranting. I feel better overall, I got to speak my mind a little bit and also hear from someone who has been there and done that.


It's still going to be hell when I name the kid what I want though. But I'm not stressing about it. Much.

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God, I hate him. Don't worry about him. Let it slide. You are obviously dealing with a pitbull, and I'm not talking about the one in your house. Screw him. Fine, name the kid WHATEVER you want - he was a total jerk tonight. He can't change the name. In NC, the baby AUTOMATICALLY gets the mom's last name until the birth certificate is signed weeks to months later - just learned this. So hopefully it's like that there too. Give the child the name you want him to be proud of. I'm so proud of you! Get some rest, sweetie pie. We love you. Now, I gotta git off here - I'm home and

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R is a jerk- a selfish creep who only cares about himself.


BTR, do your best to let that go today and focus on the birth (another reason he shouldn't be there, ammo he'll use in court!) You are going to do GREAT!


Living where you are is the safest and best place for that baby, there is nothing wrong with living with your mom (multigenerational influence is good for the baby and more caregivers to meet his needs is a GOOD thing!) and having dogs is not against the law- even PitBulls, so R can bite himself.


He's just grasping at straws because he knows that he has nothing to hold onto and he's out of tricks.


Hang in there, girlfriend.

You are going to be a mom today!!!

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I have been thinking about you all freakin' night. SPeaking of not sleeping winks, I could sleep. I kept looking at the clock and thinking, OMG, BTR is going to be induced soon! WOW!!! I have other things going on too that are keeping my mind awake, but ... just wanted you to know how happy I am for you!!!

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I wish u could talk too.


Just wanted to say that R's ammo is RIDICULOUS. Living with your parents is NOT a bad thing viewed by the courts. Where does it say that a child is messed up if they see they're grandparents more often???? Or if they have a dog in the house???? Excuse me? Alot of ppl have dogs!


He has nothing. The judge will laugh at him. If you let the dog drool all over the baby and your parents are abusive, maybe he would have something. What a dillusional dude. No rational left whatsoever. I think its from the meth.

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The hit on being with a grandmother is like trying to claim feeding your child is a bad thing. OK, some grandmothers can be abd, but so can some food. Dogs, some dogs can be awesome around infants. I know a family who has a daughter about ten and three older children. When the youngest was an infant, the dog would stand over the baby when the other kids were rambunctious, acting as a shield for the baby and also tolerating the other kids rough play. While not all dogs will do this, some will. In this case, the dog was a mutt with a lot of Lab, and most Labs and big retrievers are simply awesome with kids. But lots of dogs can be protective of children.


Hope everything is going well today. Sure it is.

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