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Yeah, as you can judge by my more-than-blatant title, I hate my oily, impure skin. I have having acne. Not only does it look and feel ugly, but it physically hurts! I have some of the worst acne compared to everyone in my neighborhood. This totally sucks. It makes me even less confident about myself, and makes it even easier for girls to reject me. This problem has been tormenting me ever since I was 11, and it's only getting worse. It makes me want to leave this useless bag-of-bones used to be God's scapegoat when he's mad at Satan for making porno movies.


As usual, I would try the medications and face-washes my mom would buy, but they, infact, make the problem much worse! Sure, it would work for a few minutes and I would see my skin clear up slightly, but a few hours later I have all these new developed spots of acne all over the place. This bites. I see all my friends who don't take care of themselves, sweat all day exercising, eat more junk food than I can imagine, and even go for a day without showering, yet they are completely zit-free! I hate how ugly my pizza-face looks and makes me physically repulsive.


I've visited a few dermatologists throughout my life (who apparently did absolutely nothing... not even a perscription), tried all sorts of different combinations of treatments, wash my face several times a day, shower regularly (sometimes thrice a day, with really warm water to try and open my pores), yet I still just look terrible. This isn't fair... why did both of my parents have to have such oily skin? Because I have terrible acne on my back too, I won't take off my shirt when I go swimming. I won't take my shirt off (no matter how hot it is) in front of anyone (especially girls) because it's too embarrassing. It hurts me when I'm trying to sleep (obviously contributing to my already-unbearable sleeping problems) and every morning I wake up, I find a brand new zit laughing at me. This is getting too embarrassing to live with. Anyone else here able to relate?

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keep trying new dermatologists until you find someone and something that works for you. I know there has to be a solution out there.


Yea, I agree on that one. It's ok, don't feel bad about it, I'm sure there is more to that than just the way you look that attracts people. You might want to try Proactive, I do see that on commercials many times and it's very helpful for break-ups.

I do also get a zit sometimes three in one side of my face once in a while, it's normal reaction. And unfortunately do pop most of them, I know it's not good esp. when I don't even do it the right way or with my hands still dirty, but yea it does happens.

You can also try talking to a dermatologists about popping techniques, they do that at times.

Don't give up!!!!!!


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I don't have acne, but I had some troubles with my skin in the past. Usually, soaps and other detergents only irritate your skin more. My doctor recommended me to wash my face with a soft cloth and cold water. Just water. It helped to get rid of some rashes and pimples, and my skin is smooth now. Keep in mind, your skin has a normal pH which is lower than soap. Creams and soap can bring the pH out of balance and cause irritation.


In time, acne will pass. Please don't pop the zits! They will leave scars. If the problem consists to bother you, maybe a dermatologist can be of help. My friend went on the pill to control acne, I am not sure what they'd prescribe for a male though



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They have a wide range of drugs to treat acne these days. You should go to a derm. and tell them you'd like to try something prescription to help manage it.


This could very well clear up when you get a bit older, since hormones sometimes make things worse.


As far as those medications and stuff, make sure you're using a sensitive skin formula otherwise you're irritating the skin more which is a bad thing.


Oh, of all the odd things, you know what tends to make my skin look pretty good? Aloe vera gel, the plain clear kind. Maybe you should try it.

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I remember my ex having a similar issue. He used to use different facial washes until i told him they were too strong. They increase the likelyhood of getting spots (not all products) .. but i think he was using clearacel (spelling mistake) or something like that. After i told him not to use it his complexion dramatically altered. He has amazing skin now, clearer than mine.. infact pure.


Sometimes you just need to ease away from the adverts advising you this that and the other, buy a cheap.. or dove (mmmm) soap and see how it goes..


its going to be a slow process but youll be alright..


by the way, it just shows how shallow can be if they reject you for that.. im not saying i dont notice.. but i dont let it push me a way.

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If the acne is severe enough a doctor should be able to prescribe accutane or an antibiotic, depending on the cause. I would go back to a dermatologist and ask them to give you something. They deal with this sort of thing all the time.


I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. There's no doubt that bad skin can lead to depression.

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Find a good dermatologist, i had tried proactiv, clearasil pads creams and washes, soaps, tea tree oil soaps, erythromicin, benzoyl peroxide by RX, and Accutane, and internal antibiotics- nothing seemed to work.


i was ready to rip my face off


I found a dermatologist in my area who tried a few different things and after a month or so, found the perfect combo for my skin and my facial acne was history. Don't give up, you'll feel SO much better when your face does get cleared.

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I am treating acne right know and I am improving. The key word is finding a good dermatologist.

I am on medications right now (very sirious medications that require some serious blood test) + special cream for acne that was prescribed

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I'd love to go see a dermatologist again, but Kaiser Permanente are a bunch of care-lessers who only give a crap depending on how much money you give them. If you schedule an appointment, you'll have to wait almost a month to even be able to have someone come see you... unless your last name is Rockafeller or have tons of money to give them. The dermatologists I've seen in the past literally did NOTHING for me. It's like, what did they go to medical school for anyways?


I've tried all sorts of ointments and treatments. None of them work. I've tried clearisil, neutrogina, clean and clear, etc. I even use dove soap. No matter, I'm still one zitty, oily, useless loser. My mom says she isn't buying any commercial-strength stuff because it won't work, but I know that she's cheap-skating me. Oh well, I guess somebody has to be acne-riddled... otherwise all the people with perfect skin won't no who to compare that perfection to. Sucks that it has to be me though

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I had mild acne, about 4-5 pimples on my chin, 1-2 on my cheeks, and 3-4 on my forehead. I tried Oxy pads, and they worked for me. At first they made my skin really dry, but after a week or two, my skin got used to them. Now I am completely pimple free on my face.


Unfortunately, I get lots of acne on my butt and thighs, and the number of pads that I would need to treat the area is huge, so I don't bother, but for my face, I am now pimple free thanks to Oxy pads. If you can't find them, just use Benzoyl Peroxide, which is their active ingredient. Get anything that has is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide at least, since that is where it becomes effective.

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Get anything that has is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide at least, since that is where it becomes effective.


That stuff did wonders for me. Mine was getting to a point where it looked like I had a rash on my face. Horrible.


Bought 5% benzoyl peroxide, and within a week the "rash" look was gone and I couldn't believe the results. Now aside from a couple spots a month, I'm clear.


I pay 6 bucks CDN per tube, which lasts me almost 2 weeks. I use that stuff religiously. Plus a skin cleanser which lasts me at least a month. I use it 3 times a day, sometimes 4. 2.5% or 5% is ideal, just because you can use more and not have the dry-out that 10% gives you, and get equal or better results than the stronger stuff.


If you haven't tried it, please do.


Since we're on the topic, anyone know any non-surgical treatments for minor acne scarring?

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Dear CynicalGuitarist,


You're so right! Acne can cause such turmoil and bad feelings about yourself. I never leave the house without makeup. And I really have low self-confidence because of it. I can't talk to people because I constantly think to myself, "What are they thinking about my skin?" It's embarrassing. My problem was when I started getting acne, I didn't know how to properly take care of my skin. All I saw was some spots I needed to cover up. That's when I started to wear make-up which led to more acne. People around me say I shouldn't worry about it so much and they make it seem stupid that I make such a big deal out of it. Well, that's when I want to say, "I don't think you realize how much stress and sad feelings this is causing me. You're not even going through it." People do judge you on your appearance. It's natural to do so. Well, now that I've finally accumulated the knowledge to properly care for my skin, I think I can finally get over it. Although, I know it's going to be embarrassing to not wear make-up for a few months, I know it will be worth it and people will finally get to see not only a clearer face, but a happier one, too! =) I'm taking roaccutane or pills stocked with Vit A 2 times/day after meals. And I'm also using a cream called Brevoxyl which has 4% benzoyl peroxide of which I apply a thin layer each night. I ate a lot of junk food because I was depressed, but now I'm eating healthier and exercising even more. Smile a lot for extra endorphins. Focus more on hobbies and interests. Forget about other people's thoughts for a while. And learn to love yourself first so that you can live a happier life.

Before, I used to scrub my skin after wearing makeup, but I found out that just caused more acne. And I washed my face a lot throughout the day with harsh soaps and cleansers. Don't do that, lol. Just wash gently with your hands(wash cloth can irritate skin) using warm water only 2-3 times a day and after exercising. Use a gentle cleanser. Also, use a moisturizer no matter what type of skin you have. Oily skin types will just create more oil if the skin is dry. Oh, and have you ever tried using mud masks? Sometimes, I even just cut up some cucumber and wear them for about 15 mins. You can also try meditation. All this seems like a lot. You don't have to do everything at once. Baby-steps, slowly you can conquer.

Your friends might seem like they don't take care of their skin, but they might have something in washing less. Balance is key. Allow yourself to be happy. Acknowledge that you are worthy and that you're just as cool as everybody else even if others have clearer skin. Everyone has flaws, some just aren't as visible.

It'll take time. Keep striving even when you feel like it's going no where, then when you least expect it.. You'll start to see changes for the good! That's why you can't give up! You can do it guy!! 8) Don't let yourself take the easy way out. And make sure you visualize it. Visualize you'll have the clearest skin of them all!! Then people won't be able to handle how sexy and fine you are!!! =P


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i had bad acne when i was in college, i finally got tired of it and went to see a doctor in my senior yr. he prescribed Accutane and it worked miracles. removed almost all of my acne. i still have occasional breakouts (lack of sleep), but it's nothing like between when i was 18-21.

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My dermatologist is very expensive, I must say really rude expencive for the circumstances in my country. But he's the only one who was able to deal with my skin problems - I tried to go to a different one, little bit cheaper but they have no idea about their job.


So if you can pay for it - find a good one.

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