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What do you find to be NOT attractive?

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Well since only us guys are gonna touch this one....



-Acting Distant (I know it's an act, but just lay off and be yourself, quit trying to act like you're too good to act interested in a friendly conversation)

-Bad breath, sloppy dressing, etc. (basically just trying to show how little you care)

-the whole "I'm not pretty" bull... If I wasn't attracted, I wouldn't be here. If you really think you're ugly, just shut up about it and quit looking for self affirmation from me.

-If we both leave a bar, and you say you'll call so I won't wonder if you made it home... call and say "I'm okay, have a good night". Don't agree to something like that if you're going to play games.

-Playing games... just be real, and be yourself. Don't wonder that if you actually seem interested, I won't want you as much. If you date a guy like that, you're an idiot anyway.

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Okay. This one is funner (is that even a word?)


*Acting like a different man around different women.

*Trying to show off with money, cars, accomplishments or the opposite: trying to show off by being so 'non-conformist' so you don't work, are vulgar, dirty, or bash other lifestyles

*Drinking a lot or owning any beer shirts, posters, etc.

*Extreme political stance, religious or anti-religious 'principles' that are not open to rethinking

*Chivalry, sexism, and blatant stupidity (all non-related and can exist separately)

*Not being able to tell the difference when a woman is fully made-up like a doll, and when a woman is normal

*preferring women who look like dolls


Giggling! Being sickly sentimental or manipulative with emotions


Thinking it is 'cute' when a woman is needy/vulnerable/giggling at jokes he made which were not funny/witty/nothing!


I'll take smelly, hairy, distant, the whole deal over this lot

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Okay. This one is funner (is that even a word?)


*Acting like a different man around different women.

*Trying to show off with money, cars, accomplishments or the opposite: trying to show off by being so 'non-conformist' so you don't work, are vulgar, dirty, or bash other lifestyles

*Drinking a lot or owning any beer shirts, posters, etc.

*Extreme political stance, religious or anti-religious 'principles' that are not open to rethinking

*Chivalry, sexism, and blatant stupidity (all non-related and can exist separately)

*Not being able to tell the difference when a woman is fully made-up like a doll, and when a woman is normal

*preferring women who look like dolls


Giggling! Being sickly sentimental or manipulative with emotions


Thinking it is 'cute' when a woman is needy/vulnerable/giggling at jokes he made which were not funny/witty/nothing!


are you sure you didn't just eliminate everybody there?
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ok, so whats the problem with Chivalry? I mean showing some decent manners and being a decent person? I see point of it was to the sexism extent, but in all fairness its just being a good person.


- Self centred

- Talking behind others backs

- Low self care(i.e. personal Hygiene, and often fitness)

- Teeth

- Hairy

- Over the top makeup

- Claiming to be unattractive/fat (I don’t just say things for fun)

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Yikes. Is my post that harsh?


Chivalry. I personally dislike it. I find it outdated, and a reflection of values which I do not hold.

Lots of women who enjoy it, though.

It's not wrong in itself.


Seriously though: why the focus on outward bodily stuff? Bad teeth can be fixed with a dentist. Or not: who cares? Bad odour: a shower. Makes me sad. It is so minor.


All the other stuff I get.

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Lets see:


- Self Centered

- Wants attention

- Wants everything given to her

- Looks like a doll than a human

- Has fake body parts (The only exception is for medical reasons)

- Has attidute

- Is into money and is materialistic

- Uses people (I am more referring this on a constant bases)

- Low intellegence

- Her favorite hobby is shopping

- Is a party girl

- Dependant

- Conforms to society standards

- Thinks she is all that

- Plays way to many games (A few is fine becuase you have to see if there is interest and at least some connection)


I think thats is. I know I may seem picky, but I am really not. Its just that where I live there are a lot of girls that fit into what I listed that is a turn off to me, and it is mostly the girls that come from rich families where daddy gives them anything they ask for and they expect guys they meet to do the same. I know not every girl is like that, but a lot of them are unfortantly.

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Yikes. Is my post that harsh?


Chivalry. I personally dislike it. I find it outdated, and a reflection of values which I do not hold.

Lots of women who enjoy it, though.

It's not wrong in itself.


Seriously though: why the focus on outward bodily stuff? Bad teeth can be fixed with a dentist. Or not: who cares? Bad odour: a shower. Makes me sad. It is so minor.


All the other stuff I get.


No, it's not harsh. You're attracted to what you're attracted to. No real right or wrong answer.


I can understand chivalry being sexist, but personally, I like holding doors open for women, and whats even better, if the women runs ahead and opens the next set of doors for me...


As for why I focus on outward stuff...it's the easiest thing to spot, sure they can be fixed, but it's not *MY* job to tell a woman "Hey if you fixed your grill, I'd like you more."


I know it sounds silly, but I spend some time taking care of my appearance: shave, shower, brush my teeth, etc, so I should expect that of other people.

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I have my fair share of things I don't like in a girl:


-Doesn't shower or groom regularly

-Alcoholics or hard-drug addicts


-Takes life too seriously

-No sense of humor

-Cares too much about their image

-More depressed than I am

-Lack of communication/cant understand what they're saying


-Feminists (my mom's a feminist, I get enough stuff like that thank you very much)

-Reminds me too much of my mother


-Doesn't like to be touched/unaffectionate

-Any girl that calls me "shallow" just cause I don't want to go out with them


and that's most of 'em.

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Okay. This one is funner (is that even a word?)


*Acting like a different man around different women.


*Drinking a lot or owning any beer shirts, posters, etc.


*Not being able to tell the difference when a woman is fully made-up like a doll, and when a woman is normal


*preferring women who look like dolls


Thinking it is 'cute' when a woman is needy/vulnerable/giggling at jokes he made which were not funny/witty/nothing!



Hee hee - i luv it itsallgrand ! you are right so right on =D> !!!


lol - beer shirts and the more than half-naked fantasy women imprinted on them ! LMAO

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-people that see nothing but themself

-people that never shut up and talk about crap

-pleople that think they are better than everyone esle

-people that drink alot

-people that do drugs to be cool

-peple that dont wanna do anything

- gold diggers

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-Unattractive, sorry but true

-Judgmental of people's wealth


-Poor decision maker, even if it's what to do tonight... has to be 50/50 at least.

-Only sexual in bed





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I like to be chivalrous so when I try to open a door, hold an umbrella over them if its raining and they bark at me for it


-Smoking/Heavy Drinking

-Doing things to be cool or accepted

-Slutiness/sleeping around


-Gold Digger

-Loud and Obnoxious

-Poor Intelligence

-Poor Attitude

-Poor Dresser

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Chicks without a pulse is an instant dealbreaker for me.


then the other variables..

Armpit hair

gossipy and bad mouthy of any chick with sizable hooters

remote hogs

not appreciating the value of a good ball scratch in the morning

the list goes on..but I have to scatch my * * * * * right now

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The things that are UNATTRACTIVE in a guy for me are:


1. being a "thinks he knows it all - and done all" better than anyone else has.


2. If a guy is flirty and "oogling" other women, when out with his own woman.


3. Guys that drink too much and are so messed up , they can't even remember the next day what happened.


4. When guys try to put the sexual moves on , on the very first night of meeting.


5. Underarm hair is fine, since I have no problem with hairy guys,, but there is a BUT to the hair thing...... when a wears tank tops/ muscle shirts and they have so much underarm hair that it looks like they have a cat living under their arms,,,, it is just kind of weird to me.


6. Guys that are loud,crude and goofy 99 % of the time ,are a big turn off. There is room for fun, joking and being silly and goofy, but not ALL of the time.


7. When guys do " comb overs " to cover up a bald spot. I rather see the bald spot on top than to see the hair on the side grown long enough to make the comb over and then the comb over hair doesn't really stay in place anyway.

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In a guy?


Arrogance, especially when he can't back it up;

Guys who brag about their expensive cars, especially when they don't have the means to afford it;

Guys who think it is their right to touch you as they walk by;

Smoking (cigarettes or otherwise);

Lack of ambition;

A weak handshake;


Guys who try to put the moves on every pretty girl they see.

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#1 ALL TIME turnoff- a guy who's easily peer pressured and manipulated.


In general, someone who:

1. Doesn't think for himself.

3. Acts like a "jerk" to conform or fit in, crowd pleaser, attentionhore.

4. Someone with poor values.

5. Unpolite..ESPECIALLY when it comes to elders.

6. Condescending

7. Overly sarcastic (dry humor can get really played out really fast, if it's the same joke said over and over..)

8. Childish, always wants to one-up people in EVERY discussion.

9. Prentiousness

10. All talk. No action.

11. Tries to be a player, or thinks that being a player is actually funny or cool..

12. What Riley said, "Guys who try to put the moves on every pretty girl they see."

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