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Three Reasons Your Relationship Ended...

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1) I was too much to handle in bed

2) It was difficult for her to be with someone so attractive

3) My sense of humour often gave her stomach cramps


Kidding aside.....


1) Lack of communication

2) Little effort in keeping the relationship interesting towards the end

3) Differences in perceptions in terms of career goals

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Reason 1: He cheated

Reason 2: He picked up chicks in FRONT OF ME

Reason 3: He lied all the time

Reason 4: Alcohol problem

Reason 5: Drug problem

Reason 6: He let his ex con friend insult me ( I am his wife)



Yup, he sure was a scrumbag and good to hear you didn't put up with that type of behavior.

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Priorites: My priorities were my son, her, our financial situation, and life goals. Her priorities basically summed up with "let's have as much fun as possible, no matter what!"


Attention: She has an unhealthy need for attention. No one person can possibly satisfy it. I closed up to her somewhat because I always felt hounded. She never gave me any time to collect my thoughts and I ended up pushing her away because of it.


Challenges: Any challenges, failures, or difficulties are not considered fun or easy. Since her life goal is having as much fun as possible, why bother with challenges or difficulties? When the going gets tough, she gets going! I am challenge-oriented and she avoids challenges at all costs.



She is a liar

She has no honor

She is selfish



I never gave her enough attention

I never succeeded enough for her

I was judgemental

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Reasons on my side:


- I cheated

- How stupid can one person be? I CHEATED

- I Cheated and expected him to forgive me


His side


- He couldn't forgive me

- He was in a dificult life situation

- He was lost and crushed

- He was scared to put himself up for another fall

- He was not ready to give up anything for me anymore


...wow, he really does have his reasons....

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- She was too scared of being hurt again, she had many problems from the past that were still with her.


- I lied to her for a year about where I lived because I was trying to impress her, wasn't really anything compared to what she put me through, but I know I shouldn't have done it and I will never do it again.


- Even though we txt and called each other every day and night, I still felt there was something missing between us.


I still love you to this day...



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My reasons:


- She emotionally cheated on me almost daily (who knows if it was more then emotional)

- She constantly lied and wouldn't tell the truth until I had hard evidence to prove she was lying and it was always the same excuse "i knew how you would react". I always felt like I was on a witch hunt to find the next lie.

- I just plain didn't trust the woman any further then I could throw her



Her reasons:


- I was a controlling and emotionaly abusive.

- I was constantly making her feel belittled.

- She wasn't happy with her life, job, or fiance so it was time to start over with someone new.

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well i was in a 3 years long distance relationship..he was my life and everything..blah blah blah. we were going to be married but we broke up 2 weeks ago


reason 1 : me and my gut feelings...i question and he laughed at me. true enough i found out that he was seeing and cheating on me with his ex girlfriend and told me he wants to be with her because "she's nice". well that's one affair i found out, i knew about all those other stuff that was going on..personal ads, date/chat line, on the internet. stupidly i wanted to believe nothing was going on that it was all my negativity and that he loved me so that'll change everything


reason 2 : he doesnt respect me enough to make an effort to be a better man even after i talked to him about the stuff he does and how it upsets me. nor does his try to break his habits


reason 3 : he doesnt care for this relationship or even me for that matter. i dunno why i held on


of course through out the whole conversation this man convinced me that this is the best for me because i needed someone to be by my side all the time and being in a long distance relationship was not working for me. bull * * * *! i thought it was my insecurities that drove him away but the fact of the matter was that he didnt give me enough reasons to trust him and he never convinced me enough that was why i reacted.


his friends think i should hold on cuz they understand why he did what he did..i love them to death but hey he's far away from me and i get lonely too but i dun cheat. plus if he did it just once and feel sorry and dont plan on cheating on me ever..i MAY forgive him but it was an affair not a one night stand and he now wants to be with her...so he's right...he doesnt deserve me! if that's his way of dealing with his own securities i feel so sorry for him.


that part about sacrificing so much for someone....it's true. there's got to be someone out there for me that's worth all that sacrifice right?




im moving on with my life!

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My reasons:


- She emotionally cheated on me almost daily (who knows if it was more then emotional)

- She constantly lied and wouldn't tell the truth until I had hard evidence to prove she was lying and it was always the same excuse "i knew how you would react". I always felt like I was on a witch hunt to find the next lie.

- I just plain didn't trust the woman any further then I could throw her.

I haven't left yet but I can give you 20 + reasons as to way I am if things don't drasticly change very, very soon. The reasons above are some of the same only change 'she' to 'he'!

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yeh me

convinced my self thats shes the one

i didnt know her and i fell for her

the allure of being with her



she thought i was a funny guy and told me she wants to go out with me

she didnt really like me that much but chose to try it

she wasnt really mature which i realised later on we're on different bandwidths most of the time.

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yeh me

convinced my self thats shes the one

i didnt know her and i fell for her

the allure of being with her



she thought i was a funny guy and told me she wants to go out with me

she didnt really like me that much but chose to try it

she wasnt really mature which i realised later on we're on different bandwidths most of the time.



Sounds vaguely familiar to me.

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1. Was pressured into an exclusive relationship with her

2. I took her love and her for granted (thinking it could be easy to find someone better with much more to offer)

3. I had personal issues I needed to sort out before really commiting to anyone and that couldnt be done while dating anyone.

4. When things started to sour I handled events with fear and anger instead of acceptance and understanding.

5. Lost considerable interest after over 2 years in a semi-long distance relationship with her.



1. She said something was missing from our relationship (no doubt because I didnt feel very romantic towards her anymore)

2. She lied to me (and to herself) when she swore she was fine with my religious views differing from hers

3. She didnt want to work at the relationship. She didnt know what she wanted.

4. She let fear cloud her judgement and was intolerant of other people's beliefs.


Now, I am left with doubt that I will ever be able to love again.



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3 reasons it ended for the best or what I've read that to mean is that it ending was for the best:


1. He didn't really care about me - I was a convenient person to have whilst he was here on his own. When he went back to his homeland and family he dumped me.


2. I would have had to move away from everyone and everything I've ever known and go with him where HIS work took him. I'm not so sure now I could have followed through on that.


3. If we hadn't have broken up I'd have continued on the downward spiral I was on - giving up more and more of myself to try and please him and losing who I was in the process.


Here I am now, 15 months on and I've just returned from an AWESOME 2 week vacation in the States - went on my own and went to NYC (stayed in a first class hotel but have friends in town), Vegas (stayed in a top hotel) and LA (stayed with a friend in her apartment in Santa Monica). The trip was JUST what I needed to give me back my perspective and the greatest thing of all - whilst I was away we thrashed my ex's team in the World Cup (not that I'm bitter or anything )

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My reasons

- She was kinda nuts

- She was way to emotionally needy

- She was fat


Her reasons

- As near as I can tell, I wanted things to slow down

- Due to circumstances out of my control I was sparingly there for her

- I was too good for her. She had to let the best thing in her life go.

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1. He wasn't happy with me.

2. BECAUSE he wasn't happy, he wasn't very considerate towards the very end and the confusion made me unhappy/uneasy/fearful.

3. I guess we really just weren't meant to be.


This is all fresh in my mind and heart seeing as my 2.5-year relationship just ended yesterday.

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