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If a guy really likes you will he...

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Ok, so i've had a lot of male adults in my life (teachers, mentors, family friends) comment that if a guy reallly likes a girl he'll make a move.

That girls shouldn't be throwing themselves at guys (like in all honestly most teenage girls do) because guys then don't have to do any of the work. I know this is true to some extent. I see many girls at my school throwing themselves at guys, meeting guys in certain places. They there by make the girls that don't blatantly try and grab a guys attention with the use of skimpy clothes or acting dumb look prudish or self rightious.


My question is, if you are a girl that doesn't throw themselves at guys (such as myself) doesn't that make it harder for you to get the guy when there are so many girls out there that are willing to do all the work for guys. I'm not talking about flirting with guys or asking him out if you like him, i'm talking about girls congragating around a guys dormitry or just being easy (lol, i know you know what i mean).


If guys see there are girls that they don't have to work hard to be with doesn't that mean that they won't work to get the girls that aren't throwing themselves at them. It's the old, "if you can get it for free why work for it"


This troubles me, i know that the guys that i truly want are the ones that honestly like me for who i am and so will try and get to know me. But are the girls that aren't throwing themselves out there missing out on a lot of good catches because the seemingly more desperate or slu**ish girls are catering to the physical and egotistical desires of these guys.

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Some guys aren't attracted to the girls who throw themselves at guys. And think about it. What kind of guys are girls getting when they throw themselves at guys? I would say the kind who aren't looking for anything long term.


I don't think girls are missing out on good catches. I don't think that guys who are just looking to get their physical needs from girls are good catches. To me, those guys are just using those girls. But I guess that is just my opinion.


I would say to just stick to the guys that you know like you for you.

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well, they may have their attention short term, but rarely does it last. if you are looking to date a guy for a month or so, by all means, throw yourself at him.


but if you are looking for something more real, then definitely, just stick to flirting and don't make it so easy!

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From my perspective I dont think that the majority of girls throw themselves at guys, it would seem to me that generally speaking girls want the guy to come to them. I dont know if I would go as far as to say if a guy likes you he will . . . ., from a guys standpoint guys are motivated by a few things and it all depends on his motivation.

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"if you can get it for free why work for it" would apply if girls where all the same. But they're not. To me, it's more a question of "If McDonalds is so cheap and convenient, why ever waste time and money on a nice restauraunt?". And you, like a nice restauraunt, will probably never have as many customers as McDonalds... but is that the point?


This is how it is: when a guy walks in to a room, he'll obviously notice the 36D peroxide haired girl in the tank top and mini skirt first. But often (not for all guys), about 3 seconds later he'll realize that those girls are a dime a dozen at any club and spot her friend in the sweater and loose jeans. Why? Because she looks like someone I can actually TALK to. Sure, I'll spend alot more time at a party with a girl who just sits on my lap and brings me a beer, but I'll REMEMBER the one who made me laugh when I overheard her telling a joke to her friends, and she's the one I'll talk to if I see her in class or anywhere else.


To not seem cold or prude, just don't make a few easy mistakes: don't overtly bash the skimpily dressed girls. Be approachable, don't try to prove you're better than them by acting cold to guys and acting like you don't want any attention (not that YOU seem the one to do that kind of thing, but it happens alot). But don't go overboard and try to drown guys in your personnality either, whether by being overly sarcastic, intellectual, trying to crack jokes every 2 seconds, whatever. As long as you seem like a genuinely interesting person, my being able to see little paw print tattoos on your cleavage or not is a non-issue.

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