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hack his e-mail

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anyone who would hack into my email would have to sort through 2000 messages. literally, I'm not exaggerating. And I'm constantly deleting messages also!!!


anyways, you can always try guessing his password, and unless you have some computer program that generates all sorts of random passwords to try, no, hacking isn't the easiest thing at all.


anyways, yeah, if he is your ex, forget about him. if he is your bf, either trust him or leave.

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Well, I know my gf's e-mail account password. I was with her and she was going to check it, and typed the password where the username should have been.


I have never went in there, nor I plan to. As much as I would have liked to sometimes, it is just not right, its her privacy, and she deserves me to respect it. If I don't have enough respect for her, as not to check her e-mail and trust her, then we are not worth anything as a couple.

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If you have to hack into your b/f password account without his permission, not only it means there are trust issues, but you can get in trouble for trespassing if he were to decide to take legal actions for it. I know I woudl get very mad if someone had my account without my permission, esp. if they found nothing.

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If you confront someone with a suspicion about something, they'll lie if they've got something to hide. Although hacking isn't nice, I would consider it if it helped me get the truth about something important. I agree, though, that it's not something to be undertaken lightly.

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NO NO NO NO NO..... Dont do it!! You already know in your heart's heart that what you have isn't what you want or need.


Cut it off, break it off, walk away.


Giving in to an obsessive behavior ( the need to know EVERYTHING) can only be to your detriment, and evidently he already is not changing where you want him to; that means only one of the two of you will be hurt by what you find, and he isn't one of them...


Trust your womans intuition, thats what it is there for. Be strong and move on.....

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To answer your original question, websites such as hotmail and yahoo have very high level security to protect themselves from hackers and the like. Unless you get their password off of them you will have very little luck, so don't bother trying. If you're having trust issues with someone, confront them about it, trying to find evidence of them betraying you or anything of the like will only lead both of you to misery.

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Let's see the other side of it. You don't trust someone, so you dump them without trying to gain evidence. You later discover that everything had been OK and they hadn't done anything wrong. That person has moved on to another relationship.


How would you feel?


Most of us would say "lousy". We would wish we'd snoopped.


This goes to show that the answer is not so cut and dried as it seems. Life is sometimes a tough judgement call.

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Most of us would say "lousy". We would wish we'd snoopped.


The point is though, if your partner is giving you signs that he/she is cheating, or you have that gut feeling they are, they probably aren't trustworthy and worth having a relationship with in the first place.


Read this:




Some people just can't get to trust, and need every bit of reassurance they can get. So don't be to fast to judge someone as "not relationship worthy". If the other person can't get to give them that reassurance, maybe it would be fair for that person to look for that reassurance somewhere else.

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Most of us would say "lousy". We would wish we'd snoopped.


The point is though, if your partner is giving you signs that he/she is cheating, or you have that gut feeling they are, they probably aren't trustworthy and worth having a relationship with in the first place.


But sometimes gut feelings are wrong. I remember when I was concerned about my ex wife when we were married. I was fighting a battle with myself to decide whether I was worrying about nothing and should just trust her (after all she did marry me) or whether there was something going on.


In the end, my gut feelings were right but I've been wrong on other occasions.

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Most of us would say "lousy". We would wish we'd snoopped.


The point is though, if your partner is giving you signs that he/she is cheating, or you have that gut feeling they are, they probably aren't trustworthy and worth having a relationship with in the first place.


I was going to disagree with this too but noticed Susser and Momene already had said everything I planned to. A lot of people get paranoid that they arent good enough, or that their partner has feelings that aren't there at all - It's not something you should even consider breaking a relationship apart over.

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Some people are very insecure and believe someone is cheating on them when they aren't. But then, of course that fault lies within the person, not with the partner. That should be addressed with counseling, etc.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you are in a normal relationship and suddenly get the 'something's wrong' feeling and you're getting the signs that they are cheating, believe it instead of justifying it.


Everybody knows what jives and what doesn't in their relationships, and we should all know enough about ourselves to see if we are insecure or if there's valid reason to be concerned.

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Some people are very insecure and believe someone is cheating on them when they aren't. But then, of course that fault lies within the person, not with the partner. That should be addressed with counseling, etc.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you are in a normal relationship and suddenly get the 'something's wrong' feeling and you're getting the signs that they are cheating, believe it instead of justifying it.


Everybody knows what jives and what doesn't in their relationships, and we should all know enough about ourselves to see if we are insecure or if there's valid reason to be concerned.


Sorry but I think this is a simplistic view. Sometimes it is a mood or change in behaviour pattern (especially towards us) that makes us feel concerned for the future of a relationship. It doesn't necessarily mean that someone is having an affair but it does mean that boundaries are being redrawn. It's common to feel insecure if we think our partner isn't as into us as we thought they were.


Besides, what is a "normal" relationship? Having been in 4 significant relationship, all girls were/are different and so the nature of the relationships were very different. You can't even say that I was the common denominator, except for 2 girls I dated when between marriages, as I was at very different stages in my life. Even my current marriage has spanned 17 years and my wife and I are very different from the people who married each other.


My parents have been married nearly 53 years but there's still a lot of issues between them. In my view this is "normal". I don't think the idyllic fairy tale marriage exists at all. There will always be conflicts, disappointment, difficulties in life to be faced and communication isn't always good.


So if anyone gets the feeling that "something's not quite right", what really should we do? Splitting with someone who may be innocent is one extreme, whilst unconditionally trusting someone is the opposite. Surely, the answer is to watch the situation then find evidence to determine whether you're right or wrong. I don't think anyone really knows themselves or their partners well enough to get it right every time.


What I do agree with is that there are people that are obsessively suspicious and it ruins they're whole life but I think if you asked 100 married people if they ever had times when things just didn't seem quite right and that they're partner could be goibg off them, you'd get at least 80 yeses.

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Simply, here is what I'm saying. I have very strong ideas about what is a go or not in any relationship, and also very strong ideas/beliefs about what is normal in my current relationship.


When you say "what is normal?" I mean, "what is normal in this particular relationship at this particular time." If you're fighting all the time, obviously you'll feel less secure about the relationship unless you normally fight all the time and are used to it.


If you're always all lovey dovey together, and for three months your husband/wife 'works late' and no longer wants to spend time with you or have sex with you, that's abnormal in that relationship. That's all I'm saying. Nothing more or less.


I'm not talking about how people change over time or how boundaries become redrawn. That is a normal part of a relationship anyhow in my mind.


Point blank: we all have insecurities in our relationships, in ourselves, in our lives. It's up to us to judge whether or not they are serious, or all in our minds.

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