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How to treat a lady?

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With respect.


Be the perfect gentleman by holding doors open for her. Stand back and let her pass through first. Pull the chair out for her and then push it in when she sits down. Open the car door for her, etc.


All of these make a woman feel special.

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I agree women should be treated with respect, but do u believe women should be treated equal to a man or as a princess?


what is your goal?


if there is a girl you like, you shouldn't treat her like "one of the boys." ie, don't burp around her, don't talk about other girls' breasts. however, don't put her up on a pedestal either. like easy guy said, somewhere in between.


be nice and kind to her. follow your word. if you say you'll call her on monday night, then call her on monday night. don't give her some lame excuse thursday afternoon about how you lost your phone, and then found it, but then it fell, and all the numbers got deleted and that's why you didn't call. (yes, a guy actually said this to me! )

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This is a really hard question to answer, because different women want to be treated in different ways.


One thing that is common is that women want to feel that you are ginuwine in caring about them and not putting up a front and being someone you think they'll like. This means when you say or do something that is caring, it should seem real, but also when you're upset or jealous she should know about it and it should be real as well. There's a whole lot to being ginuwine and i'm still trying to sort it all out myself. I'll get back to you on it sometime in the future


As far as women wanting to be treated with respect, that's idealistic and untrue for lots. Some women are only drawn to verbally, physically, and emotionally abusive relationships. Hardly respectful. I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with the girl's perception that the guy must "care" enough about them to treat them this way, so he must really care about them in general.

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I think what you are referring to is what a woman is accustomed to in relationships. Perhaps on a sub conscious level they feel they are not worth being respected, and that is why they fall into these toxic relationships. I do not think they consciously seek out a man who will disrespect them.


I don't feel anyone deserves respect, it is an earned privilege. If you are not respected then you have an option to continue to respect, or not associate with that person, male or female. But never disrespect anyone, regardless of how you are treated by them.

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With respect.


Be the perfect gentleman by holding doors open for her. Stand back and let her pass through first. Pull the chair out for her and then push it in when she sits down. Open the car door for her, etc.


All of these make a woman feel special.


Listen to Tigris - she is so on point !


aside with being respectful, be chivalrous, thoughtful and HONEST!!!


remember when ordering at a restaurant to let her order first

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Yes, listen to Tigris and mba1 and the others if you want to know how to treat

'a lady'. cough cough cough


For those who do not want to be 'a lady' or treated as such (and we do exist!):

Go with the simple: Respect and equal treatment rule.


Personally, I dislike the showiness of opening doors and pulling out seats and special treatment.

If you wouldn't do it for the man or woman behind you, how tasteless is it to do it for the one you want to lay. (sorry for the vulgarity, but it is true)


Anyways; consider the person you are interested in.

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hey it'sallgrand !!!


i luved the excerpt you posted on age - gap relationships... especially you're qoute about sexuality vs. power and 18 yr olds being synomous to girls or (babies) ! soooooo true !!!


i am so glad that there are intelligent women out there who know what the h$$$ is up and not afraid to speak their mind !


you rock !!!

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Yeah respect, and care.


PersonallY, I don't like when guys open the door for me, and pay me dinner, pay my train ticket, etc. I like to be treated the same way they treat their friends. In other words, not treat women differently just because they have no balls.

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Ok, I read some of the posts saying that you don't like it when guys open doors, pay for dinner, etc, etc.


How is a guy supposed to know that? Don't get me wrong. I believe in communication and sorting things out regarding how things should be done, but what we're talking here are fine details.


Even if I went on a first date I'd do that, because that's what guys are supposed to do, and generally it is expected by the girl. I mean if I don't open the door I'd feel guilty and make myself seem selfish, right?

But on the other hand doing these things might make a guy seem fake in a way?

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Yes, listen to Tigris and mba1 and the others if you want to know how to treat

'a lady'. cough cough cough


For those who do not want to be 'a lady' or treated as such (and we do exist!):

Go with the simple: Respect and equal treatment rule.


Personally, I dislike the showiness of opening doors and pulling out seats and special treatment.

If you wouldn't do it for the man or woman behind you, how tasteless is it to do it for the one you want to lay. (sorry for the vulgarity, but it is true)


Anyways; consider the person you are interested in.


I like the way you think about these things.

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