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Ok, I was a little bit embarrassed to ask my friends about this, so I was hoping to get some feedback on this forum instead


I feel really self-conscious when my bf and I have sex with me being on top. We do it quite often but sometimes I feel like I'm just not that great at it He has never said anything about it or anything, it's mostly just me feeling self-conscious about it. See the thing is, I like it fast but I think he likes to take things slow, but I always feel like if I'm going too slow that he would not feel a thing, I don't know. But when I go fast my legs tend to get tired faster so I can't last as long. What is the general preference for men? fast? slow? up and down or back and forth? Sorry for being too details!! Just very curious to hear other people's experiences!

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What is the general preference for men? fast? slow? up and down or back and forth? Sorry for being too details!! Just very curious to hear other people's experiences!


I don't think there's a real general preference for all "men". It's best to ask your boyfriend what he likes (and his preferences may vary from day to day too.)


fast? slow? up and down or back and forth?


A mixture keeps it interesting.


Try not to worry so much. Relax and enjoy the moment with him. If the position becomes uncomfortable for you, switch to something else. Being on top definitely is tough on the legs after a while. I noticed that some of the added benefits of exercise is that it improves stamina in situations like that-



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I feel really self-conscious when my bf and I have sex with me being on top. We do it quite often but sometimes I feel like I'm just not that great at it He has never said anything about it or anything, it's mostly just me feeling self-conscious about it. See the thing is, I like it fast but I think he likes to take things slow, but I always feel like if I'm going too slow that he would not feel a thing, I don't know. But when I go fast my legs tend to get tired faster so I can't last as long. What is the general preference for men? fast? slow? up and down or back and forth? Sorry for being too details!! Just very curious to hear other people's experiences!



Who knows?




Up and down may be more pleasurable for him, back and forth, specially if you lean a little bit to the front, may be better for you (your clitoris rubbing against his pubic bone).


As for the speed, ask him to place his hands on your hips and guide you, that way he will be able to set the speed to how he likes it and help you keep the rythm.


By the way, it is not just about getting off faster.

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