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Hotest girl in the world?


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Then again, we've got to give this guy some credit. He was honest in his assessment, brutally honest. I wonder how many people in relationships think what he thinks yet never say anything about it thus keeping the real truth to themselves? But regardless of who keeps the truth, the truth is still there... Curious...


But yeah, around here garbage day is Monday morning...and if you hurry...you might be able to make it...

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Then again, we've got to give this guy some credit. He was honest in his assessment, brutally honest. I wonder how many people in relationships think what he thinks yet never say anything about it thus keeping the real truth to themselves? But regardless of who keeps the truth, the truth is still there... Curious...


But yeah, around here garbage day is Monday morning...and if you hurry...you might be able to make it...

I'm so down today, but you managed it again: I'm laughing!

You can't imagine how grateful for that I am now!



But really:

If he didn't say that, he would be still thinking that.

I wouldn't know and we would be happy ever after.

Doesn't every man think that some other girl has something better?


(Am I defending him again?)

I'm so ready to dump him.


It is still going to be a very painful experience

I'm so scared…

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And it is said that honesty is the best policy ????


I guess it is true...be careful of what you ask for...

Well, I think it still is.

I wanted the truth, I got th

e truth.

Now, I just have to deal with it


Seriously, I prefer it this way.

We are obviously not compatible enough, it would be even worse if we found that in a few years time, after a few kids and a few affairs.


I know it's going to hurt, but I still believe it is better this way.

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well you said you are told you are Hot. So it doesnt seem an attraction problem is in your stars.


I think you need to ask yourself first..why did you ask that question...were you feeling threatend by a memory of his? Did you want to be the one to replace that other woman?? Something other than you just said it sparked you to ask it.


ANd now that he answered and you know...Is it really that bad now that you know?????????????

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well you said you are told you are Hot. So it doesnt seem an attraction problem is in your stars.


I think you need to ask yourself first..why did you ask that question...were you feeling threatend by a memory of his? Did you want to be the one to replace that other woman?? Something other than you just said it sparked you to ask it.


ANd now that he answered and you know...Is it really that bad now that you know?????????????

I knew he found her extremely attractive.

So, I suppose, I felt some vague jealousy and was hoping I'm more attractive to him.

And I can't stress this enough: TO HIM. Not to anyone else. The fact that other men do find me attractive (or possibly more attractive than his ex) doesn't help to ease the pain. What counts is what HE thinks.


I guess, I'll have to change this way of thinking …


And now that he answered and I know… It is really that bad… ](*,)

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Basnik..this guy is living in the past. For him to even JOKINGLY say those things to you..was truly classless. While I do NOT blame you at all for feeling hurt..you DID ask. I have heard the truth is often spoken in jest....and in this case I think it is true.


I am not sure if you're really competeing with the "memory" of his ex ...or just HIS memory of his ex...but either way it's obviously causing you a LOT of discomfort.


How do you plan on breaking up with him ..if you do?? Are you going to say it was because of his remark??

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Basnik..this guy is living in the past. For him to even JOKINGLY say those things to you..was truly classless. While I do NOT blame you at all for feeling hurt..you DID ask. I have heard the truth is often spoken in jest....and in this case I think it is true.


I am not sure if you're really competeing with the "memory" of his ex ...or just HIS memory of his ex...but either way it's obviously causing you a LOT of discomfort.


How do you plan on breaking up with him ..if you do?? Are you going to say it was because of his remark??

That's a good question.


Maybe I just play cool and say it's because his d*** is not as big and hard as my ex's


Seriously, I have no idea.

When I pick up the courage, I will tell him the real reason, I suppose.


Now, I'm trying to prepare myself for what comes after.

I will be devastated and there will be no one there to hug me and make me feel better…

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I have never met you and I bet your're MUCH hotter than his skanky ex

Maybe that's 'cause you've never met me

Just kidding…

I saw a photo of her just now and you'd be surprised… She's not really hot!

But who am I to decide? For him she's a goddess. Plus, I'm just a jealous gf – so my opinion doesn't count.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?

But it still makes me fill a bit better


Any ideas how to tell him and (more important) how to survive all this?


P.S. He just call me to tell me that he always thought that I was much hotter, it's just that she has those 'parts' that are better.

Again: WHAT???

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If you didn't want the truth you should not have asked.


If you wanted him to lie - how could you trust anything else he said?


You put him in an impossible situation by asking a question like that - if he tells the truth he's classed as an insensitive and shallow clod. Exactly what has happened by the reaction of yourself and most people who have replied.


But if he does not tell the truth he has that uneasy feeling that he lied, that you know he lied and that you thereforeeee won't ever believe him again. So when you ask him if he has feelings for someone else and he says no - you won't believe him, because you will know he's a liar. If he says he loves you - he won't be believed because you will know he's a liar.


He could have been more tactful for sure - but he told the truth. And most people on here say they want the truth, don't they? Don't you?


Most women on here say they want their boyfriends to be with them for who they are inside - not because they are hot or for sex or for their physical attributes, don't they. Don't you?


Now he has demonstrated he is with you for who you are and not merely for your physical attributes he is wrong about that. Is he supposed to lie about that as well?


Bottom line - you were testing him but the person who really failed the test was you. Because you asked a question without being prepared for the truth.

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If you didn't want the truth you should not have asked.

If you wanted him to lie - how could you trust anything else he said?


Bottom line - you were testing him but the person who really failed the test was you. Because you asked a question without being prepared for the truth.

Fist of all, I was not testing him, that was never an intention.

Second, I wanted the truth.

As I said, I got the truth now and I will have to handle it

As I also said, it won't be easy, but I will do it.


What is so wrong about wanting your bf to think that you are the hottest thing out there?

Why should I accept the fact that he is able to dissect woman's body and compare it part by part?


It may be acceptable for some people, but not for me.

This is why I have decided to leave, and if you read all my posts, you will see that one of my main points is that I would feel the same even if he didn't say anything but I knew how he feels.


I never wanted him to lie to me. Never.

If I don't like what he has to offer, I can leave. As simple as that.


What I don't like is how he feels and what he thinks, not the fact that he is unable to lie.

I don't know how you got the impression that I would prefer him to lie, but to clarify that: I would never want him to lie. If I can accept the truth, fine, if not, it means that we are not good enough for each other. It does not mean that he should start to lie, just because I don't like the truth.

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My bf and I are in a serous relationship for almost 2 years. He is everything I always wanted in a man and he makes me happy. The only thing that bugs me (and is probably relevant to my question) is that he’s always looking at other girls wherever we go.

He is everything you always wanted and makes you very happy. And you are considering dumping him because he doesn't tell you what you want to hear about your body?


Are you sure that is wise?

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OK, um, was this boy born yesterday? Everyone should know that when a female asks that, they want to hear that they are the most beautiful person in the world to them. I don't care what anyone says. We don't ask to hear the truth- we ask to hear what we want to hear, LOL.


Seriously though, if I had a boyfriend that could say something like, "her boobs are BETTER" I don't know how I could stay in that relationship. What a jerk. Try telling him yeah, I understand how you must feel because my ex-boyfriend was much more endowed. See how he likes it.

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So he says "yeah, your boobs are better" and you know that he is lying. But you want to hear that and so that is what he tells you.


And if he says "I love you" are you going to believe him or think he may be saying that because he knows you want to hear it?


If someone can tell the truth when he knows his girlfriend will not like the answer there is a good chance he will be telling the truth when he knows she will like the answer.


'The truth will set you free.' It is a mistake IMO to want to hear lies - for that won't serve you in the long run.

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It's just been my experience that when a guy is truly in love with you, they tend to think you are the most beautiful girl TO THEM... doesn't mean the most beautiful person in the world by any means, but when you love someone, somehow everything about them becomes beautiful.


Also, you can be honest without being insulting and in my opinion, saying, "my exes boobs were better" is just unecessary.

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He is everything you always wanted and makes you very happy. And you are considering dumping him because he doesn't tell you what you want to hear about your body?


Are you sure that is wise?

It seems he doesn't make me very happy anymore.

I'm not sure it is wise, that is the reason I am here.


I am considering dumping him because he doesn't feel how I think he should be feeling about me, not because "he doesn't tell me what I want to hear".


I always wanted him to tell the truth and that doesn't change.

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If you didn't want the truth you should not have asked.

... Bottom line - you were testing him but the person who really failed the test was you. Because you asked a question without being prepared for the truth.

Second that.


Besides, looking at his actions of everyday counts more than all his talk.


If he is a positive guy, who loves and respects and cares you, you'll be fine.


You feel hurt also because of lack of confidence in yourself. Work on yourself looking at the whole of yourself.


Please also bear in mind that in the long run emotional aspects are far more significant than physical. Or what will he do at age 45, after a couple kids?

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It's just been my experience that when a guy is truly in love with you, they tend to think you are the most beautiful girl TO THEM... doesn't mean the most beautiful person in the world by any means, but when you love someone, somehow everything about them becomes beautiful.


Also, you can be honest without being insulting and in my opinion, saying, "my exes boobs were better" is just unecessary.

As a person in range, yes, but face it that there is someone prettier than you and someone more handsome than him (and with bigger bank ac and a smaller mobile phone....).


Truthful conversations must be taken with a grain of salt. You need confidence in your relationship and yourself. Again, there is much more to you than your young body.


I can talk with my gf (36) about things, we even sit down and look at and talk about girls together.


She knows her breasts after having kids are better than many women, and that her belly is worse.


It takes time to understand each other.


Think positive, it often counts more than love!

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You are all very right...but I still stick by my opinion that the boy should not have told the girl his exes boobs were "better." He could have pointed out the differences without giving higher rank to his ex in that way. Who would like hearing that? It's not about lying... but of being truthful in a positive manner. haha.




Female says to boyfriend, do I look fat in this?


Should the boyfriend respond with a) Hell yes- you better skip lunch! or b) Actually, I think you'd look better in "___", i.e. point out something that you've noticed accentuates her positives rather than enhances the negatives.


Personally, I would never ask my boyfriend that anyways, lol, but if I did, I'd much rather get a gently honest and helpful "b" rather than a painfully honest and insulting "a" response.

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