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How do you know when a player really likes you?

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I have a friend, well sort of. He loves to flirt with my friends and i, but I noticed he flirts with me a lot when my friends aren't looking. And I've noticed he never wants my attention on anyone else. He is shy about coming up to us unless I aks him to come over. At the same time, he's * * * *ing new girls every week and he tells me too!

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In answer to your question, you know a player really likes you when he stops being a player.

That's a really good answer. I completely agree with that.


If he did like you and you ended up getting involved with him, how do you know he still won't be ****ing girls every week?

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i used to have a friend just like this. i had no interest in him, even if he was interested in me. he kept saying stuff like "i know u're in love with me". I just kept telling him to **** off. lol Anyways, you don't want to be involved with a player, you never know if they are being faithful or not. That and you could EASILY get an STD, if he is sleeping around with a bunch of different women. U are much better to stay away from this type and find a one-woman man.

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Simply put...You don't. Don't worrie yourself over this guy. Trust me I was in a very simillar situation asking myself the same question for almost a year and a half. That is how I found this fourm, needing advice because of this guy. Feelings were hurt and it was a lot more trouble and heartache than it was ever worth. So I suggest either A. Forget him or B.Just ask him (which if he is a true "playa" he will try to act like he has not a clue as to what your are talking about...hence option A comes into effect) Good Luck and keep me updated!

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Why would you want to be with a player? Most of the time you just end up getting played.


Yeah, my feeling too. There are better guys with stronger character than him who will treat you better.


Are you a woman who likes the "bad guy"? Think you're going to change him? Enjoys the challenge and the chase of it all?

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Yeah, my feeling too. There are better guys with stronger character than him who will treat you better.


Are you a woman who likes the "bad guy"? Think you're going to change him? Enjoys the challenge and the chase of it all?


No, I don't like the chase. I guess I am just too forgiving. Well, at first my guy was not a bad guy. It was just the game he was playing on me (nice guy game). He pretended to be an upright guy, then he just changed. I should have left when I saw the red flags but then his behavior would get back on track for a while, then he would slide back into his old nature. I really never thought that people like that exsist but now I know that men like that are out there. Men who pretend to be whatever you want just to get into bed with you. The final straw with my guy was the fact that I found someother girls underwear in his laundry. I have not spoken to him since. But since he is a player I am sure he does not care or even miss me.

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I got involved with a player: a duration of about 8 months, wherein I was left with a broken heart, plenty of tears, low self-esteem and confusion. Do I regret it? Now that I think about it; no I don't - I learnt A LOT!!!


You can't tell with players, that's where they get their title from. However I do think that this player I was with did eventually find a girl he truly liked, I could tell from the way he behaved after he had this girlfriend. She dumped him though, it just shows even when a player really likes a girl he could treat her badly. Also, a healthy relationship needs trust to be one of its foundations.

It doesn't work really. Although this won't make you change your mind about persuing this guy, because everyone told me the same thing over and over again: 'don't waste your time over him'. It didn't stop me though I kept trying and trying until...(well its a long story really).


Just warning you, these guys are hard work. Play hard to get, if you are overly sweet to him you won't really know how far he would go to go out with you.

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