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being creative...

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I was curious if some of you would be interested in sharing some of your creative stories. Like if you've ever used food, whips/chains, or themes during sex. Or had sex in a certain place that made it a little creative.

Or if any of you have some ideas that you've never actually acted on but have always wanted to.

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i love to dress up in cute outfits that my boyfriend liked.. also he likes to use honey..

we had sex in the laundry room which was so much fun!

also at his parents house when they were home we went into the coat closet.. ehh it wass scary cuz his mom was around but it was a rush..


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Oh Yesss,


My gf and me eat very spicy. Those small red Chilli peppers which cut through tongues like knives are our favourite.


One night I had the idea to chew those and see how long we last going down.


The first 30 seconds were of increasing pleasures, next 30 were enough, next 30 were too much and about that time we ran to the bathroom to shower half an hour.


Ohh that was hot, and no orgasms for the night.

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Personal favourite is ice. Stick it anywhere, very slowly. Ohhhhh woooowwww.




I love using ice, it's really great when they don't realize you have it and then it's an even bigger shock.

blind fold are also nice...like when you're lifting their shirt you pull it up just far enough to cover their eyes but uncover their mouth.

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Oh man where do I even begin... most of these take place during high school, hence the need to be in awkward places so as to not be walked in on by the parents.


-One night my gf and I snuck out into her backyard (which happens to be on a canal and is very beautiful) and sat in the swing her parents have (one of the large wooden swings). I got on my knees, she took her pants off and I proceeded to swing her back and forth. It's great, the guy doesn't even have to move his hips, just swing the swing back and forth, back and forth...


-One night we were on our way back to my house and we were both pretty horny so I turned the car into a condo parking lot and drove right up to where the parking lot meets the beach. It was really hott (in the sexy way). The stars were shining and the moon was really bright and just starting to come up over the ocean. She climbed on to me in the drivers seat and we proceeded to screw.


-Lol, this one's my all-time favorite. Valentine's Day, two years ago, BROAD DAYLIGHT. My gf decided to wear a skirt with no underwear. We followed my friend and his gf to the movies, but couldn't find a spot to park near them so we circled around the parking lot until we found a spot that was basically on a patch of grass between the parking lot and a road. We didn't see our friends around so we got in the back seat, I took off my pants, she lifted up her skirt and sat on my unit. I think at one point, a mom and her little kid drove past us, lol, but I'm not sure if they saw anything. It got a little messy when we started cuming since we had NOTHING to clean it up with, lol. The best part was halfway through, my friend and his gf (who we had followed) were wandering around the parking lot looking for us... and they eventually found my car, so they came a little closer... I'm sure the car slightly bouncing up and down was a dead give-away, but they came just close enough to wear they could see through my window-tint and saw my gf bouncing up and down. They started laughing and quickly walked up to the front of the theater. All 4 of us got a good laugh when my gf and I got out of the car and met them at the front of the theater.


-To make a next long story short, if you and your bf/gf are ever around friends, but are really horny, just jump in the nearest closet... lol


-One day we skipped school and went to the parking lot of an isolated beach (well, as isolated as you can get in Florida). We decided to attempt it in my car, but do it comfortably... So I put the back-part of the back seat down so we were lying halfway in the trunk (lol). We were kind of paranoid the whole time because there were rather large condos on both sides, from which people could have easily seen us if they had looked down, but it was fun.


-During the last week before I left for college we weren't sure when we'd be able to have goodbye sex so one night when I was saying goodbye for the night, we decided, "what the hell why not?" and jumped into the back seat of my car and screwed...again.


(Every seat in my car has been christened at some point in time, lol... including the trunk if you read that)


-Pertaining to whipped cream. Last summer, my gf made a whipped cream bikini. It was pretty sexy, but here's a tip for anyone who wants to try it. Do NOT get the extra whipped, it was way too thick and actually made me gag while I was going down on her. Get extra light or something.


-Regarding Some_Unkown's statement... Funny story about the "rush" you get while the parents are in the other room... One night I was giving my gf oral and she was supposed to have her head facing the hallway so she could see if anyone was coming (no pun intended). Well, she tends to pass out when I'm really feeling generous and this happened to be one of those times. Her MOM walked in, but as soon as I heard the door move I TRIED to get up really fast and move my gf's shorts back in place... well by the time she was looking down at me I was hovering right above her daughter's crotch. She simply looked at me, then looked at her daughter and said, "I think it's time for Ricky (me) to go home now." I don't think either of us will ever forget that moment, and I doubt her mom will ever forget either, lol. To this day her mom never told her dad about it, because I probably wouldn't have been allowed over for a long while.


-We've done it in a pool, shower, bathtub, couch, computer chair, floor, kitchen counter...


-It's always fun to have a couple close friends and have sex right next to each other and see who can cum first, lol. And I mean, like good friends with the guy and the girl or else it's weird.


-Threeways are fun when you can pull them off and no one's feelings get hurt.


Dangit, I KNOW there's more!... Whenever our friends ask, I can usually spout off 3 or 4 right away and then like ever couple of minutes I'll shoot out another one in the middle of some other conversation, lol.


It's so easy to be creative when you have to be... Like the saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of invention" and when it's necessary to screw when you're parents are within 20 feet of you, your brain tends to come up with some "unique" methods of achieving orgasm.


Ideas that I've wanted to do... hmmmm....


-I really want to have sex on the beach, while the moon is half way out of the water


-When I can afford it, I'm gonna take my gf and one of her gf's in my future boat down to the islands and do the following three things EVERYDAY: get naked, have sex and get drunk, on the boat, in the water, and on the beach. That's more of a fantasy than a creative place to have sex, though...


-I definitely want to do it on a train... preferably one going through the swiss alps, or even the European countryside because both are sooooo beautiful.


I'll probably post more as I remember them... lol

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Toys are good especially a clit stimulator, you can use it on the tip of the man too, drives my man wild lol.


Entertaining each other with a purely hands off rule (on each other that is).


Ice is soooooooooooo good.


Flavoured substances are a good thing too.


Just make it fun, have a laugh and only try what you feel comfortable doing!

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Blindfold her, squeeze an ice cube in your hand and let the drops fall randomly all over her body and when she starts to shake stick it in and go to town (don't let her take off the blind fold).


If you have a removable shower head, take it off and run it over her button while your taking her from behind.


Turn out all of the lights in her apartment and run off. When she comes to find you (in the pitch dark), jump out, surprise her, tackle her, and have your way with her.


She and I will sit naked with a hookah and smoke... er, tobacco ...


Have phone sex while sitting accross from each other pleasuring yourselves.

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Have phone sex while sitting accross from each other pleasuring yourselves.




I like to get a large bottle of baby oil, empty it in a bowl and microwave it.

(plastic will melt) and then just dip your hand in it and give my lover a full body massage.

I've always wanted to try the massage oil candle...

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