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Poll: How much time do you spend with your partner?

How much time do you spend with your partner?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. How much time do you spend with your partner?

    • Rarely: One day/ night per week.
    • Sometimes: Two days/ nights per week.
    • Often: Three days/ nights per week.
    • Frequently: 4-5 days/ nights per week.
    • Constantly: Every day and night.

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Hey all,


I went out with some girlfriends last night, and we were having a discussion about how much time is a "good amount" to spend with your boyfriend/ girlfriend. Each had different opinions.


I'm curious to know how much time other couples spend together. Please feel free to submit your answer, then post here about whether or not you're comfortable with that.


Thanks, hope everyone is having a great day so far.

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I just started going out with my boyfriend for a week and already I've spent 5 of those days with him! He calls really often and wants to meet up. If I didn't want to I'd just make an excuse but most of the time I just think well why not. I've just finished my exams and he's still doing his but we're both on study leave. Its an interesting thread because I was thinking to myself this morning if it's normal to spend this much time together (and so soon). I don't know - I was just thinking to tone it down just incase its too much, or else he'll expect things to move too fast too soon right. Anyway, i'd like to see what others say.

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I'm married, so we're pretty much together all the time.


However, our work schedules are very different, so we each get a good amount of "alone" time because of that. We have one day a week where we both have days off. The rest of the time one or the other or both of us is working.


If we didn't, we'd have to find a way to structure our time so we did. Personally, I need a good amount of "alone" time in order to be socially functional when I'm not alone.

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It's going to be drastically different for different situations. My boyfriend lives an hour from me and we work different shifts and have different days off so we are limited to only seeing eachother 1-3 times per week. If we could we'd probably see eachother more. We used to live together and saw eachother everyday, but with him going back to school and gas prices so high, we just can't afford it.

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too much time.




At first we spent WAY TOO much time together and went thru burn out. Now he works A L L the time, every waking second of every day of the week. So now, NEVER, ok super rarely.


Guess he's an extremist...I'm just apathetic, emphasis on the PATHETIC. I go along with whatever...

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I'm married and my wife helps me run my company which we operate from home, so without saying we are together 80% of the time. We workout together at our health club and spend a great deal of time at the malls shopping as we both love to shop and people watch. Antiquing is another thing which we love to do together once a month.

We both will go out with our own friends separately and it's good to have that break from each other as well. We both have our own hobbies as well which we pursue on our own. Our relationship is very healthy and there is enough of a balance that we don't get sick of being on top of each other the majority of the time.



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me and my boyfriend live about 25 min apart, are both in school and he works 30-40 hour weeks and i work 15-25 hour weeks so we dont get very much time together. roughly two times a week. its usually on wendsays after school (he never works then, and i rarely do) and we usualy hang out all saturday.

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My boyfriend and I see eachother Friday night, Saturday, and usually Sundays.


We do this because of our schedules. It took a LOT of getting used to, but I appreciate it so much nowadays.


We have been together since freshman year of high school, and so throughout high school we saw eachother basically every day. We didn't get on eachother's nerves or anything and I feel that THAT time in our life was the best time to be around eachother all the time. Now that we're older and we're working in careers and I'm in college, we have more of a need for time apart so we can collect ourselves and have time off as we need it more from the hard work. Our schedules kind of force us to do this anyway, but I appreciate it now... I love getting all my things done during the week, seeing friends and things like that during my own spare time, and he can relax after a long day of work (which unfortunately for him, is all he really has time for most of the time) and we come together for the weekend and have a wonderful time.


My only problem is because we only get to see eachother on weekends, if one thing goes wrong like he has something he NEEDS to do and it gets in the way of our "only time together," I get really down and upset. I'm getting over that more though and realizing "there's always next weekend!"

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Good thread,


Right now I am in a LDR so I see my guy for about a week every other month or so. I plan to move out there in the summer and agreed on how much time we will spend together once I do get out there. BUT we do talk on the phone EVERY night, IM each other, use webcams, send cards and gifts and run our own website, so we definitely put in the effort of keeping our relationship strong.

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Once or twice a week we are involved in our own activities and that's about it. We go on vacation for about 1-2 weeks every other month and alternate who gets to pick the destination. So guess what? Next week we head to San Diego for a week so she can attend a scrap booking convention! Notice I said "she", that's right I'll be at the beach or in the pool teaching my soon to be 9 month old son how to swim. I also plan on meeting up with a few ENA members while enjoying the cooler temps! It's 106 F here in Vegas today!



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We go on vacation for about 1-2 weeks every other month and alternate who gets to pick the destination.


Sounds like a lot of fun ... and like you always have something to look forward to.


I don't think there's a right and wrong amount, it depends on the individuals and work patterns. You do need sometime alone with friends and/or family.


Oh I agree completely. Each couple/ individual will have different needs and expectations.

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Well, we are pretty much together all the time seeing as we live together. The only time we're apart is when he goes to work because I cannot work here in Canada, yet and I haven't been here long enough to really make any new friends.


I know how you feel, as that's affected my wife. Can you do vouluntary work or study?

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Well, we live together, so I would have to say "Frequently", however did not pick "Constantly" as we definitely have our own time apart, even aside from work.


While we do some training together (ie go to gym, go cycling together) a good portion of it is done separately, and we also go out separately every now and then with friends, or just do our own thing. Throw some business trips in there, and 5 days/nights a week is about right.


We also make sure to plan quality time together, like camping trips away, or just even day trips, and dates. When you live together it can be very easy to just get into a routine and forget that while you are spending lots of time together, you really need that quality time together away from errands and household chores to really nourish the relationship.


Anyway, we prefer our time together to not being together, but we also respect that we need space now and then to be individuals too and to do our own thing, and that works out really well for both ourselves, and our relationship.

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