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My GF kills the mood..

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Ok, this just drives me absolutly crazy. I am making love to my g/f and shes to worried about being neat. I am just like * * *, we are having sex and shes worried about being neat. Half the time we are making love shes stressing or worried about school, family. I can see why she has troubles having a orgasm. how do i get her to clear her mind? Obviously i cant make her.

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Maybe you two need to talk more, kind of get in the habit of being each other's "oasis of peace" from the pressures and stress of the outside world. You know, where she has a chance to talk about her anxieties and get a sympathetic ear from you. Then, having gotten all of that out, she won't pick sex as the time to get stressed!


By the way...in those talks, it works both ways. You should of course get a chance to talk, too.

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haha i guess there is more to my thread.. My girl can squirt woo hoo and i love that But, she holds back from doing it because shes to worried about making a mess or being clean/ neat and doesnt want to touch it nor lay in it when i have towels set up. It is my room, thats the part that bugs. Its like dont worry its my bed i am the one that sleeps in it, not you.

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Do yall have massage oil? Id try that

Also, lubricant can inhance the pleasure...

let her know that the mess don't bother

you, it actually turns you on more...

if it still bugs her, take that girl to the shower

its a clean place that messes can easily be

washed away.


Get to the root of the problem and be a boy friend...

If she oviously needs someone to lean on and share

her feelings to, you should be her friend and listen,

let her know that you understand...let her know

you care about her and what she thinks and maybe

give her a few suggestions to ease her feelings....


When its time to have sex, tell her what she wants to hear.

maybe even try different possitions...

Have you gone down on her before? This will ease her mind..

if you know what I mean...let her know that she taste good..


Goodluck dude

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Isn't sex supposed to be messy? I thought that was part of the fun of it all.



amen to that... we have been in hotels, access to showers and she still wont let loose, she knows i love it when she does. It is really hard for me to get her to orgasm as it is. Vaginally she will not have an orgasm so my arm feels as if it is goign to fall off

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Did she go talk to a professional about this? maybe they could help.


sorry dude.


Sometimes I do that to myself too. I hate it worse than my husband does tho.


"beige...we should paint the ceiling beige.."

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Is she like that outside of sex too? Like, a perfectionist or neat freak or sumthin'?


The only suggestion I have is to get her very dirty. Go play outside, roll around in the mud, do something messy. Then have sex!

If everything is already dirty anyways.....



YEs!! she is a big time perfectionish/ ovre achiever.. Shes a human brains, shes really smart, its sexy

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Does she ever let you know what feels good and have you found

her spot?? if not, ask her to guide you next time...


not having an oragasm is real common for a lot of woman...


Some woman can have an oragasm with you not even knowing it.


I wouldn't give up...I think what the problem is, is that yall need to communicate more

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Yeah, smart girls are sexy.


Perfectionism/overachieving is a whole other deal. Someone can be smart and not be a perfectionist. Akhh, I know what it's like to have those 'tendencies'.


Like the other guys/girls suggested earlier, the best bet is setting aside some time to chill before anything sexual is even started. Something Fun!! Have you seen her let her hair down? What makes her giggle, be silly, be relaxed? Try stuff like that beforehand and it might help her associate sex w/ fun and relaxation.

Right now she's bring her workload into the bedroom. Poor chile.


Now go get dirty. good luck. this can turn around.

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That's funny dude ..lol. Not for you though, that must suck a lot.


I would maybe suggest trying to make her really want to have sex with you. Tease her, and get her to really want it, so she is turned on.


So all she wants is to have sex, then she will be really into it.


That might be a bad idea if she isn't the type that gets turned on by you doing certain things. It's just a thought.

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well, how about....NO worries past that bedroom door? tell her she can let all her worries, clean-freakness, and other things, outside in all the other places. but as for the places you two get intimate, NO thinking of ANY problems. if she's smart, this will work. kinda the same reason they tell couples not to let a TV in the bedroom??

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